Bedoukian   RussellIPM   Pherobank   Piezo-Electric-Micro-Sprayer


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English Common Names Index - A

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Select a name from the list below to view its details:

Common Name - - Family : Order
Aardwolf - - Hyaenidae : Carnivora
Abdim's stork - - Ciconiidae : Ciconiiformes
Acacia ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Acacia flat-headed jewel beetle - - Buprestidae : Coleoptera
Acadian swordgrass moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Acorn dogwhelk - - Nassariidae : Neogastropoda
Acquisitive sponge - - Dysideidae : Dictyoceratida
Acrobat ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Adana pine tip moth - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Adonis ladybird - - Coccinellidae : Coleoptera
Adusta murex - - Muricidae : Neogastropoda
Adzuki bean borer - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
African ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
African armyworm - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
African arowana - - Arapaimidae : Osteoglossiformes
African blue tiger - - Danaidae : Lepidoptera
African bombardier beetle - - Carabidae : Coleoptera
African buffalo - - Bovidae : Artiodactyla
African bullfrog - - Pyxicephalidae : Anura
African butterflyfish - - Pantodontidae : Osteoglossiformes
African citrus psyllid - - Triozidae : Homoptera
African civet cat - - Viverridae : Carnivora
African clawed frog - - Pipidae : Anura
African coffee white stem borer - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
African cotton stainer - - Pyrrhocoridae : Heteroptera
African dwarf crocodile - - Crocodylidae : Crocodilia
African elephant - - Elephantidae : Proboscidea
African fattail scorpion - - Buthidae : Scorpiones
African fig fly - - Drosophilidae : Diptera
African giant water bug - - Belostomatidae : Heteroptera
African hut tampan - - Argasidae : Ixodida
African jewelfish - - Cichlidae : Cichliformes
African larder beetle - - Dermestidae : Coleoptera
African malaria mosquito - - Culicidae : Diptera
African migratory locust - - Acrididae : Orthoptera
African monarch - - Danaidae : Lepidoptera
African oil palm weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
African palm weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
African pink stemborer - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
African pompano - - Carangidae : Carangiformes
African praying mantis - - Mantidae : Mantodea
African rhinoceros beetle - - Scarabaeidae : Coleoptera
African rice borer - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
African rice gall midge - - Cecidomyiidae : Diptera
African rose chafer - - Cetoniidae : Coleoptera
African stink ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
African sugar-cane borer moth - - Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
African sweet potato weevil - - Brentidae : Coleoptera
African threadfish - - Carangidae : Carangiformes
African trap-jaw ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
African urticating ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
African weaver ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
African white stemborer - - Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
African wild dog - - Canidae : Carnivora
Agassiz's dwarf cichlid - - Cichlidae : Cichliformes
Agassiz's sea slug - - Chromodorididae : Nudibranchia
Agave weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Agavus cattleheart - - Papilionidae : Lepidoptera
Agile wallaby - - Macropodidae : Diprotodontia
Agnosia glasswing - - Ithomiidae : Lepidoptera
Airy apamea - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Alaskan fire ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Alaskan moose - - Cervidae : Artiodactyla
Albacore tuna - - Scombridae : Scombriformes
Albopicta scale - - Diaspididae : Homoptera
Alder casebearer moth - - Coleophoridae : Lepidoptera
Alder leafbeetle - - Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera
Alder leafbeetle - - Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera
Alder smoke - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Aleppo pine bark beetle - - Scolytidae : Coleoptera
Aleutian star - - Asteriidae : Forcipulatida
Alexander's sea urchin - - Temnopleuridae : Camarodonta
Alfalfa blotch leafminer - - Agromyzidae : Diptera
Alfalfa looper - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Alfalfa plant bug - - Miridae : Heteroptera
Alfalfa root weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Alfalfa weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Algerian sand racer - - Lacertidae : Squamata
Algerian seven-spotted ladybird - - Coccinellidae : Coleoptera
Alien probole - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
Alien thrips - - Phlaeothripidae : Thysanoptera
Allegheny mound ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Allegheny pearl dace - - Cyprinidae : Cypriniformes
Alligator gar - - Lepisosteidae : Lepisosteiformes
Alluaud's haplo - - Cichlidae : Cichliformes
Almond moth - - Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
Almond seed wasp - - Eurytomidae : Hymenoptera
Almond stink bug - - Pentatomidae : Heteroptera
Alpine asteracean leafbeetle - - Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera
Alpine black swallowtail - - Papilionidae : Lepidoptera
Alpine brown soldier bug - - Pentatomidae : Heteroptera
Alpine bumblebee - - Apidae : Hymenoptera
Alpine haircap - - Polytrichaceae : Polytrichales
Alpine longhorn beetle - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Alpine metallic cockroach - - Blattidae : Dictyoptera
Alpine newt - - Salamandridae : Urodela
Alpine salamander - - Salamandridae : Urodela
Alpinia stemborer - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
Altay longhorn beetle - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Alto del buey poison frog - - Dendrobatidae : Anura
Amazon coral snake - - Elapidae : Squamata
Amazon dwarf cichlid - - Cichlidae : Cichliformes
Amazon puffer - - Tetraodontidae : Tetraodontiformes
Amazon river dolphin - - Iniidae : Cetartiodactyla
Amazon river frog - - Ranidae : Anura
Amazonian poison frog - - Dendrobatidae : Anura
Amazonian toad-headed pitviper - - Viperidae : Squamata
Amazonian tricolor centipede - - Scolopendridae : Scolopendromorpha
Amberfish sea cucumber - - Stichopodidae : Aspidochirotida
American alligator - - Alligatoridae : Crocodilia
American bark beetle destroyer - - Cleridae : Coleoptera
American barred umber - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
American billbug weevil - - Dryophthoridae : Coleoptera
American black flour beetle - - Tenebrionidae : Coleoptera
American bloodworm - - Glyceridae : Phyllodocida
American bolas spider - - Araneidae : Araneae
American brindle - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
American brook lamprey - - Petromyzontidae : Petromyzontiformes
American bullfrog - - Ranidae : Anura
American carpenter ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
American carrion beetle - - Silphidae : Coleoptera
American celery webworm - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
American cherry fruit fly - - Tephritidae : Diptera
American cochineal bug - - Dactylopiidae : Homoptera
American cockroach - - Blattidae : Dictyoptera
American crocodile - - Crocodylidae : Crocodilia
American deer fly - - Tabanidae : Diptera
American dog tick - - Amblyommidae : Ixodida
American ear moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
American grape leaf miner - - Gracillariidae : Lepidoptera
American grasshopper - - Acrididae : Orthoptera
American ground frog - - Cycloramphidae : Anura
American harvestfish - - Stromateidae : Scombriformes
American hornet moth - - Sesiidae : Lepidoptera
American horse fly - - Tabanidae : Diptera
American horse-leech - - Haemopidae : Arhynchobdellida
American house dust mite - - Pyroglyphidae : Astigmata
American hoverfly - - Syrphidae : Diptera
American lobster - - Nephropidae : Decapoda
American mink - - Mustelidae : Carnivora
American plum borer - - Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
American scallop - - Veneridae : Venerida
American silver perch - - Sciaenidae : Acanthuriformes
American snout - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
American sunflower moth - - Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
American swordgrass moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
American thief ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
American toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
American utilizable wood bark beetle - - Scolytidae : Coleoptera
American wax moth - - Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
American Yellowjacket - - Vespidae : Hymenoptera
Amethyst cedar borer - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Amethyst olive - - Olividae : Neogastropoda
Amur catfish - - Siluridae : Siluriformes
Amur goby - - Gobiidae : Gobiiformes
Amur grizzled hawkmoth - - Sphingidae : Lepidoptera
Amur silvergrass stem borer - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
Amur whitefish - - Salmonidae : Salmoniformes
Anamalozoatra Madagascar frog - - Mantellidae : Anura
Anchieta's cobra - - Elapidae : Squamata
Anchises cattleheart - - Papilionidae : Lepidoptera
Anchor stink bug - - Pentatomidae : Heteroptera
Andean toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Anderson's frog - - Ranidae : Anura
Andre�s clawed frog - - Pipidae : Anura
Andremona moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Andrew's toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Androgea armyworm - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Andromica clearwing - - Ithomiidae : Lepidoptera
Anemone sea spider - - Pycnogonidae : Pantopoda
Angiana tree frog - - Hylidae : Anura
Angled-shoulder longicorn - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Angleshade moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Angola river frog - - Ranidae : Anura
Angola toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Angoumois grain moth - - Gelechiidae : Lepidoptera
Angulated cutworm - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Anicia checkerspot - - Nymphalidae : Lepidoptera
Annam tree frog - - Hylidae : Anura
Annona fruit borer - - Oecophoridae : Lepidoptera
Annona seed borer - - Eurytomidae : Hymenoptera
Annual bluegrass weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Annular seabream - - Sparidae : Perciformes
Antarctic asteroid - - Stichasteridae : Forcipulatida
Antarctic brittle star - - Ophiuridae : Ophiurida
Antarctic butterfish - - Centrolophidae : Scombriformes
Antarctic krill - - Euphausiidae : Euphausiacea
Antarctic salp - - Sparidae : Perciformes
Antarctic sea cucumber - - Cucumariidae : Dendrochirotida
Antarctic sponge - - Hymedesmiidae : Poecilosclerida
Antarctic sun starfish - - Heliasteridae : Forcipulatida
Anthony's poison arrow frog - - Dendrobatidae : Anura
Antirrhinum brocade - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Antler moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Antlike flower beetle - - Anthicidae : Coleoptera
Antlion - - Myrmeleontidae : Neuroptera
Ant-mimic longhorn beetle - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Apennine yellow-bellied toad - - Bombinatoridae : Anura
Aphidophagous gall midge - - Cecidomyiidae : Diptera
Apollo - - Papilionidae : Lepidoptera
Apple bark borer - - Sesiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple blossom tineid - - Argyresthiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple blossom weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Apple blotch leafminer - - Gracillariidae : Lepidoptera
Apple clearwing - - Sesiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple ermine moth - - Yponomeutidae : Lepidoptera
Apple fall cankerworm - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
Apple fruit moth - - Argyresthiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple grass aphid - - Aphididae : Homoptera
Apple groundling - - Gelechiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple humblebee - - Apidae : Hymenoptera
Apple leaf midge - - Cecidomyiidae : Diptera
Apple leaf miner - - Lyonetiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple leafminer - - Gracillariidae : Lepidoptera
Apple leafminer - - Lyonetiidae : Lepidoptera
Apple leafroller - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Apple maggot fly - - Tephritidae : Diptera
Apple pandemis - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Apple peel tortricid - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Apple wood stainer - - Scolytidae : Coleoptera
Appleleaf-curling moth - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Aproned cenopis moth - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Aquatic coral snake - - Elapidae : Squamata
Arabian burnet moth - - Zygaenidae : Lepidoptera
Arabian crust sponge - - Hymedesmiidae : Poecilosclerida
Arabian saw-scaled viper - - Viperidae : Squamata
Arabian smooth-hound - - Triakidae : Carcharhiniformes
Arade chub - - Cyprinidae : Cypriniformes
Arame - - Lessoniaceae : Laminariales
Aran Island bumblebee - - Apidae : Hymenoptera
Arctic bumblebee - - Apidae : Hymenoptera
Arctic butterfingers lichen - - Parmeliaceae : Lecanorales
Arctic charr - - Salmonidae : Salmoniformes
Arctic charr - - Salmonidae : Salmoniformes
Arctic grayling - - Salmonidae : Salmoniformes
Arctic kidney lichen - - Nephromataceae : Peltigerales
Arctic lamprey - - Petromyzontidae : Petromyzontiformes
Arctic rock tripe lichen - - Umbilicariaceae : Umbilicariales
Arctic saucer lichen - - Ochrolechiaceae : Pertusariales
Arctic wrack - - Fucaceae : Fucales
Areolate grouper - - Serranidae : Perciformes
Areolated xanthid crab - - Xanthidae : Decapoda
Arfak mountains frog - - Ranidae : Anura
Argentina giant black rump - - Theraphosidae : Araneae
Argentine ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Argentine bagworm - - Psychidae : Lepidoptera
Argentine toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Argentinean rattlesnake - - Viperidae : Squamata
Argentinian coral snake - - Elapidae : Squamata
Argentinian silverside - - Atherinopsidae : Atheriniformes
Argentinische kr�te - - Bufonidae : Anura
Argus frog - - Leptodactylidae : Anura
Arid-land subterranean termite - - Heterotermitidae : Isoptera
Aridland tiger beetle - - Cicindelidae : Coleoptera
Aristotle's catfish - - Siluridae : Siluriformes
Arizona bark scorpion - - Buthidae : Scorpiones
Arizona black rattlesnake - - Viperidae : Squamata
Arizona toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Arkansas clearwing - - Sesiidae : Lepidoptera
Arkansas tarantula - - Theraphosidae : Araneae
Armored stink beetle - - Tenebrionidae : Coleoptera
Armoured darkling beetle - - Tenebrionidae : Coleoptera
Army ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Army cutworm - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Arrowbreasted scorpion - - Buthidae : Scorpiones
Arrowhead borer - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Arrowhead puffer - - Tetraodontidae : Tetraodontiformes
Arroyo chub - - Cyprinidae : Cypriniformes
Arthur�s sunflower moth - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Artichoke aphid - - Aphididae : Homoptera
Artichoke moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Artichoke plume moth - - Pterophoridae : Lepidoptera
Ash and privet borer - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Ash bark beetle - - Scolytidae : Coleoptera
Ash blister beetle - - Meloidae : Coleoptera
Ash leaf cone roller moth - - Gracillariidae : Lepidoptera
Ash-bark piercer - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Ash-coloured sober - - Gelechiidae : Lepidoptera
Ashen wave moth - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
Ashy button moth - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Ashy grey lady beetle - - Coccinellidae : Coleoptera
Ashy pink sea cucumber - - Holothuriidae : Holothuriida
Asian ambrosia beetle - - Scolytidae : Coleoptera
Asian backwater clam - - Veneridae : Venerida
Asian blue tick - - Amblyommidae : Ixodida
Asian bush mosquito - - Culicidae : Diptera
Asian chestnut gall wasp - - Cynipidae : Hymenoptera
Asian citrus psyllid - - Psyllidae : Homoptera
Asian comma - - Nymphalidae : Lepidoptera
Asian corn borer - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
Asian elephant - - Elephantidae : Proboscidea
Asian fruit fly - - Tephritidae : Diptera
Asian giant hornet - - Vespidae : Hymenoptera
Asian giant toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Asian green mussel - - Mytilidae : Mytilida
Asian green mussel - - Mytilidae : Mytilida
Asian green-veined white - - Pieridae : Lepidoptera
Asian gypsy moth - - Lymantriidae : Lepidoptera
Asian hornet - - Vespidae : Hymenoptera
Asian ladybird beetle - - Coccinellidae : Coleoptera
Asian larch bark beetle - - Scolytidae : Coleoptera
Asian leopard cat - - Felidae : Carnivora
Asian long-horned beetle - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Asian longhorned tick - - Amblyommidae : Ixodida
Asian needle ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Asian paddle crab - - Portunidae : Decapoda
Asian papaya fruit fly - - Tephritidae : Diptera
Asian redtail catfish - - Bagridae : Siluriformes
Asian rice gall midge - - Cecidomyiidae : Diptera
Asian sea squirt - - Styelidae : Stolidobranchia
Asian shore crab - - Varunidae : Decapoda
Asian short-clawed otter - - Mustelidae : Carnivora
Asian spotted bollworm - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Asian subterranean termite - - Heterotermitidae : Isoptera
Asian surfgrass - - Zosteraceae : Alismatales
Asian swallowtail - - Papilionidae : Lepidoptera
Asian swamp eel - - Synbranchidae : Synbranchiformes
Asian tiger mosquito - - Culicidae : Diptera
Asian water buffalo - - Bovidae : Artiodactyla
Asian weaver ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Asian woolly-necked stork - - Ciconiidae : Ciconiiformes
Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine - - Hystricidae : Rodentia
Asiatic common looper moth - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Asiatic honeybee - - Apidae : Hymenoptera
Asiatic leafroller - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Asiatic lion - - Felidae : Carnivora
Asiatic onion leafminer - - Acrolepiidae : Lepidoptera
Asiatic palm weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Asiatic pink stemborer - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Asiatic rice borer - - Crambidae : Lepidoptera
Asiatic toad - - Bufonidae : Anura
Asp - - Cyprinidae : Cypriniformes
Asp viper - - Viperidae : Squamata
Asparagus fly - - Tephritidae : Diptera
Asparagus moth - - Cossidae : Lepidoptera
Aspen leafroller - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Aspen leafroller moth - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Aspen leafrolling weevil - - Attelabidae : Coleoptera
Aster borer moth - - Sesiidae : Lepidoptera
Astur moth - - Erebidae : Lepidoptera
Asturian fire salamander - - Salamandridae : Urodela
Atala butterfly - - Lycaenidae : Lepidoptera
Atlantic blue crab - - Portunidae : Decapoda
Atlantic blue marlin - - Istiophoridae : Carangiformes
Atlantic bluefin tuna - - Scombridae : Scombriformes
Atlantic bonito - - Scombridae : Scombriformes
Atlantic cod - - Gadidae : Gadiformes
Atlantic cod - - Gadidae : Gadiformes
Atlantic deep-sea scallop - - Pectinidae : Pectinida
Atlantic deep-sea scallop - - Pectinidae : Pectinida
Atlantic dogwhelk - - Muricidae : Neogastropoda
Atlantic dogwinkle - - Muricidae : Neogastropoda
Atlantic guitarfish - - Rhinobatidae : Rhinopristiformes
Atlantic herring - - Clupeidae : Clupeiformes
Atlantic herring - - Clupeidae : Clupeiformes
Atlantic horseshoe crab - - Limulidae : Xiphosurida
Atlantic mackerel - - Scombridae : Scombriformes
Atlantic menhaden - - Clupeidae : Clupeiformes
Atlantic mosquito - - Culicidae : Diptera
Atlantic oyster drill - - Muricidae : Neogastropoda
Atlantic redfish - - Sebastidae : Perciformes
Atlantic rock boring urchin - - Echinometridae : Camarodonta
Atlantic salmon - - Salmonidae : Salmoniformes
Atlantic salmon - - Salmonidae : Salmoniformes
Atlantic seabob - - Penaeidae : Decapoda
Atlantic sharpnose shark - - Carcharhinidae : Carcharhiniformes
Atlantic snow spider crab - - Majidae : Decapoda
Atlantic snow spider crab - - Oregoniidae : Decapoda
Atlantic spadefish - - Ephippidae : Acanthuriformes
Atlantic spotted dolphin - - Delphinidae : Cetartiodactyla
Atlantic stingray - - Dasyatidae : Myliobatiformes
Atlantic striped bass - - Moronidae : Acanthuriformes
Atlantic surf clam - - Mactridae : Venerida
Atlantic thread herring - - Dorosomatidae : Clupeiformes
Atlantic white-sided dolphin - - Delphinidae : Cetartiodactyla
Atlantic white-spotted octopus - - Octopodidae : Octopoda
Atlas moth - - Saturniidae : Lepidoptera
Atthis longwing - - Nymphalidae : Lepidoptera
Audouin's night-stalking tiger beetle - - Cicindelidae : Coleoptera
August thorn moth - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
Auspicious burnet - - Zygaenidae : Lepidoptera
Austral dulse - - Palmariaceae : Palmariales
Australasian sea cucumber - - Stichopodidae : Aspidochirotida
Australasian snapper - - Sparidae : Perciformes
Australian ascidian - - Polyclinidae : Aplousobranchia
Australian barracuda - - Sphyraenidae : Carangiformes
Australian black anopheline - - Culicidae : Diptera
Australian black widow - - Theridiidae : Araneae
Australian blacktip shark - - Carcharhinidae : Carcharhiniformes
Australian blue tiger - - Danaidae : Lepidoptera
Australian bollworm - - Noctuidae : Lepidoptera
Australian bull kelp - - Durvillaeaceae : Fucales
Australian bush fly - - Muscidae : Diptera
Australian cockroach - - Blattidae : Dictyoptera
Australian cocktail ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Australian common lady beetle - - Coccinellidae : Coleoptera
Australian copperhead - - Elapidae : Squamata
Australian damp wood termite - - Termopsidae : Isoptera
Australian eucalyptus longicorn - - Cerambycidae : Coleoptera
Australian fire beetle - - Buprestidae : Coleoptera
Australian ghostshark - - Callorhinchidae : Chimaeriformes
Australian giant prickly stick insect - - Phasmatidae : Phasmida
Australian grapevine moth - - Agaristidae : Lepidoptera
Australian green treefrog - - Hylidae : Anura
Australian guava moth - - Carposinidae : Lepidoptera
Australian gummy shark - - Triakidae : Carcharhiniformes
Australian herring - - Arripidae : Scombriformes
Australian lace-lid tree frog - - Hylidae : Anura
Australian lungfish - - Ceratodontidae : Ceratodontiformes
Australian malaria mosquito - - Culicidae : Diptera
Australian marine sponge - - Ianthellidae : Verongiida
Australian mealybug ladybird - - Coccinellidae : Coleoptera
Australian meat ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Australian paper wasp - - Vespidae : Hymenoptera
Australian red bull ant - - Formicidae : Hymenoptera
Australian red claw crayfish - - Parastacidae : Decapoda
Australian rose shrimp - - Penaeidae : Decapoda
Australian salmon - - Arripidae : Scombriformes
Australian sap beetle - - Nitidulidae : Coleoptera
Australian sheep blowfly - - Calliphoridae : Diptera
Australian soldier beetle - - Cantharidae : Coleoptera
Australian sponge - - Thoosidae : Tetractinellida
Australian tomato weevil - - Curculionidae : Coleoptera
Australian waterfall frog - - Hylidae : Anura
Australian wood frog - - Ranidae : Anura
Autumn gum moth - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
Autumn housefly - - Muscidae : Diptera
Autumn orbweaver - - Tetragnathidae : Araneae
Autumnal moth - - Geometridae : Lepidoptera
Avant-garde violet - - Rhodomelaceae : Ceramiales
Avian vampire fly - - Muscidae : Diptera
Avicenna viper - - Viperidae : Squamata
Avocado leafroller - - Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
Avocado seed moth - - Elachistidae : Lepidoptera
Aye-aye - - Daubentoniidae : Primates
Azalea lace bug - - Tingidae : Heteroptera
Azalea mealybug - - Pseudococcidae : Homoptera
Azuki bean weevil - - Bruchidae : Coleoptera
Azure vase sponge - - Microcionidae : Poecilosclerida

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2025 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 20-January-2025