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J Chem Ecol
Physiol Behav
Characterizing the effects of 2-phenylethylamine and coyote urine on unconditioned and conditioned defensive behaviors in adolescent male and female Long-Evans hooded rats
Brief olfactory learning drives perceptive sensitivity in newborn rabbits: New insights in peripheral processing of odor mixtures and induction
The impact of chronic unpredictable early-life stress (CUELS) on boldness and stress-reactivity: Differential effects of stress duration and context of testing
Non-food odors and the duality of smell: Impact of odorant delivery pathway and labeling convention on olfactory perception
"Coyote urine, but not 2-phenylethylamine, induces a complete profile of unconditioned anti-predator defensive behaviors"
"Prior exposure to Hedione, a model of pheromone, does not affect female ratings of male facial attractiveness or likeability"
Investigation of the factors that induce maternal aggression towards juveniles among several mouse strains
Association between human olfactory performance and ability to detect single compounds in complex chemical mixtures
Sexual experience with a known male modulates c-Fos expression in response to mating and male pheromone exposure in female mice
Sensory neurons expressing the atypical olfactory receptor guanylyl cyclase D are required for the acquisition of odor preferences by mice in diverse social contexts
Do women love their partner's smell? Exploring women's preferences for and identification of male partner and non-partner body odor
Effect of castration on social behavior and hormones in male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)
Sources of variance within and among young men in concentrations of 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in axillary perspiration
Effects of predator odour on antipredator responses of Nile tilapia
Alarm pheromone does not modulate 22-kHz calls in male rats
Urinary volatile compounds differ across reproductive phenotypes and following aggression in male Siberian hamsters
"Behavioral and physiological antipredator responses of the San Marcos salamander, Eurycea nana"
Configural processing of odor mixture: does the learning of elements prevent the perception of configuration in the newborn rabbit?
Ready for a fight? The physiological effects of detecting an opponent's pheromone cues prior to a contest
"Learning ability in bank voles selected for high aerobic metabolism, predatory behaviour and herbivorous capability"
Coping with continual danger: assessing alertness to visual disturbances in crucian carp following long-term exposure to chemical alarm signals
Clitoral anesthesia disrupts paced copulation in the female rat
Antinociception in piaucu fish induced by exposure to the conspecific alarm substance
Male isolation: a behavioral representation of the pheromonal 'female effect' in donkey (Equus asinus)
Changes in volatile compounds of mouse urine as it ages: their interactions with water and urinary proteins
"Stripes disrupt odour attractiveness to biting horseflies: battle between ammonia, CO(2), and colour pattern for dominance in the sensory systems of host-seeking tabanids"
"Anogenital distance as a predictor of attractiveness, litter size and sex ratio of rabbit does"
Behavioral characterization of the alarm reaction and anxiolytic-like effect of acute treatment with fluoxetine in piaucu fish
Disruption of urinary odor preference and lordosis behavior in female mice given lesions of the medial amygdala
"Differences induced by incubation temperature, versus androgen manipulation, in male leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius)"
Differential binding between volatile ligands and major urinary proteins due to genetic variation in mice
"A common environmental contaminant affects sexual behavior in the clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis"
X-ray kinematics analysis of vaginal scent marking in female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)
Rubbings deposited by cats elicit defensive behavior in rats
Brain nuclei in actively courting red-sided garter snakes: a paradigm of neural trimorphism
CD36 as a lipid sensor
Perception and hedonic value of basic tastes in domestic ruminants
Chemosensory signals of competition increase the skin conductance response in humans
Male axillary extracts modify the affinity of the platelet serotonin transporter and impulsiveness in women
Freezing urine reduces its efficacy for eliciting ultrasonic vocalizations from male mice
Masculinization induced by neonatal exposure to PGE(2) or estradiol alters c-fos induction by estrous odors in adult rats
"Extracts from salivary glands stimulate aggression and inositol-1, 4, 5-triphosphate (IP3) production in the vomeronasal organ of mice"
Role of nitric oxide in pheromone-mediated intraspecific communication in mice
The volatility of an alarm pheromone in male rats
Relationship between reluctance to eat novel foods and open-field behavior in sheep
Enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex by an alarm pheromone in male rats
Effect of bilateral accessory olfactory bulb lesions on volatile urinary odor discrimination and investigation as well as mating behavior in male mice
"Cohabitation impaired physiology, fitness and sex-related chemosignals in golden hamsters"
Dual role of preputial gland secretion and its major components in sex recognition of mice
"Scent marking, dominance and serum testosterone levels in male domestic rabbits"
Perception of odor blending mixtures in the newborn rabbit
Olfactory experience and the development of odor preference and vaginal marking in female Syrian hamsters
Bilateral damage to the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of male ferrets causes a female-typical preference for and a hypothalamic Fos response to male body odors
Emotional experience in sheep: predictability of a sudden event lowers subsequent emotional responses
The advertisement role of major urinary proteins in mice
Chemosensory cues from the lacrimal and preputial glands stimulate production of IP3 in the vomeronasal organ and aggression in male mice
Chemesthesis from volatile organic compounds: Psychophysical and neural responses
Female odors stimulate CART neurons in the ventral premammillary nucleus of male rats
Alarm pheromone increases defensive and risk assessment behaviors in male rats
A competitive effect of androgen signaling on male mouse attraction to volatile female mouse odors
Accessory olfactory neural Fos responses to a conditioned environment are blocked in male mice by vomeronasal organ removal
Restrained eaters show altered brain response to food odor
Rabbit pup response to the mammary pheromone: from automatism to prandial control
Differential fos activation in virgin and lactating mice in response to an intruder
mGluR2 activation of medial amygdala input impairs vomeronasal organ-mediated behavior
Changes in olfactory inputs modify the energy balance response to short days in male gray mouse lemurs
Single experience learning of host fruit selection by lepidopteran larvae
Contribution of anal scent gland and urinary odorants to mate recognition in the ferret
Importance of olfactory and vomeronasal systems for male sexual function
Attraction to male pheromones and sexual behaviour show different regulatory mechanisms in female mice
Are androgen steroids acting as pheromones in humans?
Do perfume additives termed human pheromones warrant being termed pheromones?
Conspecific odor investigation by gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica)
Male-induced estrus synchronization in the female Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus sungorus)
"Effect of prenatal androgen receptor antagonist or aromatase inhibitor on sexual behavior, partner preference and neuronal Fos responses to estrous female odors in the rat accessory olfactory system"
Attractive properties of sexual pheromones in mice: innate or learned?
Testosterone rapidly affects the expression of copulatory behavior in house mice (Mus musculus)
Pheromonal influences on sociosexual behavior in young women
Artificially increasing scent mark rate increases urogenital gland size in mice Mus musculus
Context-dependent effects of steroid chemosignals on human physiology and mood
Alarm pheromone enhances stress-induced hyperthermia in rats
"Scent, social status, and reproductive condition in rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton)"
"Cell-body lesions of the posterodorsal preoptic nucleus or posterodorsal medial amygdala, but not the parvicellular subparafascicular thalamus, disrupt mating in male gerbils"
Novel male mice disrupt pregnancy despite removal of vesicular-coagulating and preputial glands
The vomeronasal organ is involved in discrimination of individual odors by males but not by females in golden hamsters
"Olfactory sensitivity and specificity of Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus, to a putative male pheromone, prostaglandin f(2)alpha"
"The mother rat's vomeronasal organ is involved in detection of dodecyl propionate, the pup's preputial gland pheromone"
Appetitive learning of odours with different behavioural meaning in moths
Female-soiled bedding induced fos immunoreactivity in the ventral part of the premammillary nucleus (PMv) of the male mouse
Rapid mood change and human odors
Pheromones and novel male-induced pregnancy disruptions in mice: exposure to conspecifics is necessary for urine alone to induce an effect
"Prolactin and testosterone affect seasonal differences in male meadow vole, microtus pennsylvanicus, odor preferences for female conspecifics"
Sensitivity to androstenone in female subjects is associated with an altered brain response to male body odor
Sex-specific regulation of marking behavior by sex hormones and conspecifics scent in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri)
"Y chromosome, urinary chemosignals, and an agonistic behavior (offense) of mice"
Relationship between plasma testosterone and urinary felinine in the growing kitten
"Behavioral, cardiac and cortisol responses to brief peer separation and reunion in cattle"
Effect of vomeronasal organ removal on male socio-sexual responses to female in a prosimian primate (Microcebus murinus)
Exposure to male siblings facilitates the response to estradiol in sexually naive female prairie voles
Alarm pheromone induces stress analgesia via an opioid system in the honeybee
Erection evoked in male rats by airborne scent from estrous females
"Gonadotropin antagonist modulates courtship behavior in male red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis"
Ovulatory pheromone shortens ovarian cycles of female rats living in olfactory isolation
Effects of estrogen and male head coloration on chemosensory investigation of female cloacal pheromones by male broad-headed skinks (Eumeces laticeps)
Interaction of male sensory cues and estradiol in the induction of estrus in the prairie vole
An ephemeral pheromone of female house mice: perception via the main and accessory olfactory systems
Odors of individuality of germfree mice are not discriminated by rats in a habituation-dishabituation procedure
"Role of male proximity in pregnancy maintenance in prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster"
"Olfactory sensitivity to the pheromone, androstenone, is sexually dimorphic in the pig"
Twenty-four hour felinine [corrected] excretion patterns in entire and castrated cats
Pheromonally accelerated puberty is enhanced by previous experience of the same stimulus
Removal of the preputial glands alters the individual odors of male MHC-congenic mice and the preferences of females for these odors
Sexual responses to urinary chemosignals depend on photoperiod in a male primate
A reevaluation of dimethyl disulfide as a sex attractant in golden hamsters
"Effects of chemical and visual exposure to adults on growth, hormones, and behavior of juvenile green iguanas"
A male gerbil's intrauterine position affects female response to his scent marks
Inhibition of sexual maturation in juvenile female and male mice by a chemosignal of female origin
Dissociation of androgen-dependent sociosexual behaviors in response to castration in Long-Evans rats
Age-dependent responses to chemosensory cues mediating kin recognition in dogs (Canis familiaris)
Day length influences proceptive behavior of female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)
"Hormonal and behavioral responses of male hamsters to females and female odors: roles of olfaction, the vomeronasal system, and sexual experience"
Conspecific odor preferences in Montane voles (Microtus montanus): effects of sexual experience
Hormonal control of response to and secretion of sex attractants in Japanese newts
Age-dependent variations in the sexual preference of male rats
Ram sexual pheromone: first approach of chemical identification
"Snake odor alters behavior, but not pain sensitivity in mice"
Vasopressin and sex differences in hamster flank marking
Sexual maturation in male prairie voles: effects of the social environment
Male-induced implantation failure (the Bruce effect) in mice: protective effect of familiar males on implantation
Nuzzling in the gray short-tailed opossum. I: Delivery of odors to vomeronasal organ
Nuzzling in the gray short-tailed opossum. II: Familiarity and individual recognition
An ephemeral sex pheromone of female house mice (Mus domesticus): pheromone fade-out time
"Aggression in female mice: contrasting effects of amiflamine (FLA 336), a selective and reversible MAO-type A inhibitor"
Menstrual synchrony between mothers and daughters and between roommates
Nervus terminalis lesions: I. No effect on pheromonally induced testosterone surges in the male hamster
Responsiveness to testosterone of male gerbils from known intrauterine positions
Vaginal secretions increase the likelihood of intermale aggression in Syrian hamsters
Sex steroid regulation of chin-marking behavior in male New Zealand rabbits
Role of olfactory bulb norepinephrine in the identification and recognition of chemical cues
Temporal segregation in coexisting Acomys species: the role of odour
Effects of chronic forced swimming and exposure to alarm substance: physiological and behavioral consequences
Maudsley reactive and nonreactive rats in the forced swim test: comparison in fresh water and soiled water
The intrauterine position phenomenon and precopulatory behaviors of house mice
LiCl aversive conditioning has transitory effects on pheromonal responsiveness in male house mice (Mus domesticus)
An automated method for recording scent marking in Mongolian gerbils
Dimethyl disulfide mimics the effects of milk on fetal behavior and responsiveness to cutaneous stimuli
Response to alarm substance in different rat strains
Seasonal productivity of lizard femoral glands: relationship to social dominance and androgen levels
Seminal vesicle and preputial gland response to steroids in adult male mice is influenced by prior intrauterine position
Vomeronasal and/or olfactory mediation of ultrasonic calling and scent marking by female golden hamsters
Variations in scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations by Long-Evans rats across the estrous cycle
"Sexual pheromones in lipids and other fractions from urine of the male mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi"
Rats can discriminate between the urine odors of genetically identical mice maintained on different diets
Alarm substance emitted by rats in the forced-swim test is a low volatile pheromone
Gradient of alarm substance in the forced swimming test
Lack of an inhibitory effect of hyperprolactinemia on androgen-dependent marking
Effects of photoperiod and 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone on male-induced estrus in prairie voles
Asynchrony within estrous synchrony among ringtailed lemurs (Primates: Lemuridae)
Male saliva cues and female social choice in Mongolian gerbils
The effects of odors from stressed mice on conspecific behavior
Socio-sexual olfactory preference in female mice: attractiveness of synthetic chemosignals
Rapid odor conditioning in newborn rabbits: amnesic effect of hypothermia
Role of the ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus in the male-induced enhancement of lordosis in female rats
"Stimulation of gonadal development by sexual interaction of pubertal African catfish, Clarias gariepinus"
Inhibitory effects of centrally and peripherally induced anosmia on mounting behavior in the female rat
Olfactory bulb removal: effects on sexual behavior and partner-preference in male rats
A behavioral bioassay for analysis of rabbit nipple-search pheromone
Acute increase in plasma corticosterone level in female mice evoked by pheromones
Effect of pheromones from male goats on LH-secretion in anoestrous ewes
Hippocampal lesions are without effect on olfactory memory formation in the context of pregnancy block
A possible alarm substance in the forced swimming test
Variations in chin-marking behavior of New Zealand female rabbits throughout the whole reproductive cycle
Postimplantation pregnancy disruptions in meadow voles: relationship to variation in male sexual and aggressive behavior
Hyperphagia induced by pylorectomy in sheep
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of paired male lizards (Anolis carolinensis)
"Puberty-affecting synthetic analogs of urinary chemosignals in the house mouse, Mus domesticus"
Pheromonal emission by pregnant rats protects against infanticide by nulliparous conspecifics
Individual odors of rats are discriminable independently of changes in gonadal hormone levels
Facilitory effects of olfactory cues emitted by estrous females on mounting behavior in the female rat
Are pheromones their own reward?
Carbon disulfide: a semiochemical mediating socially-induced diet choice in rats
Effects of water deprivation on urine marking and aggression in male house mice
Male odors that influence the preference of female mice: roles of urinary and preputial factors
Acceleration of reproductive development in female Djungarian hamsters by adult males
"Effects of experience and available cues on estrous versus diestrous preferences in male prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster"
The role of the preputial glands in sexual attractivity of the female rat
Vaginal bacterial flora partially determines sexual attractivity of female rats
Effects of ventromedial nucleus lesions on the display of lordosis behavior in the male rat. Interactions with facilitory effects of male urine
Induction of pseudopregnancy in pregnancy-blocked mice by re-exposure to stud males
Non-pheromonal stimulation by the male of LH release in the anoestrous ewe
Murine aggression induced by a boar chemosignal: a stimulus presentation dependency
Effect of bilateral transection of the lateral olfactory tract on the male-induced implantation failure (the Bruce effect) in mice
Nutritional and social cues influence the onset of puberty in California voles
The effects of long-term isolation on physiology and behavior in male guinea pigs
Copulatory behavior of sexually naive and sexually experienced male rats following removal of the vomeronasal organ
Olfactory environment and early mating behavior in the cyclic female rat
Peripheral anosmia affects puberty-influencing chemosignals in mice: donors and recipients
Pheromonal release of suckling in rabbits does not depend on the vomeronasal organ
Prenatal stress eliminates differential maternal attention to male offspring in Norway rats
"Effects of early sex steroid hormone treatment on courtship behavior and sexual attractivity in the red-sided garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis"
At what age do rat young stop responding to the maternal pheromone?
"Effect of an antiandrogen on attraction function of preputial glands in the wild mouse, Mus musculus L"
Responses to conspecifics' urine by the degu (Octodon degus)
Olfactory cues and pig agonistic behavior: evidence for a submissive pheromone
Role of urine in coordinating reproduction in a desert rodent (Dipodomys merriami)
Prolonged responsiveness to the maternal pheromone in the postweanling rat
Male hamster copulatory responses to a high molecular weight fraction of vaginal discharge: effects of vomeronasal organ removal
Individual recognition of female hamsters by males: role of chemical cues and of the olfactory and vomeronasal systems
The maternal pheromone and brain development in the preweanling rat
The maternal pheromone and deoxycholic acid in relation to brain myelin in the preweanling rat
The maternal pheromone and deoxycholic acid in the survival of preweanling rats
Male hamster investigatory and copulatory responses to vaginal discharge: an attempt to impart sexual significance to an arbitrary chemosensory stimulus
Male hamster investigatory and copulatory responses to vaginal discharge: relationship to the endocrine status of females
Estrous synchrony: modulation of ovarian cycle length by female pheromones
Chemical studies of hamster vaginal discharge: effects of endocrine ablation and protein digestion on behaviorally active macromolecular fractions
Chemical studies of hamster vaginal discharge: male behavioral responses to a high molecular weight fraction require physical contact
Conspecific urine marking in male-female pairs of laboratory rats
Suppression of postpartum fertility in pairs of female rats sharing the same nesting environment
Olfactory cues and accessory olfactory bulb lesion: effects on sexual behavior in the cyclic female rat
Olfactory cues from the female can affect feminine behavior in the male rat
The effects of neonatal androgenization of female hamsters on adult preference for female hamster vaginal discharge
The maternal pheromone of the rat: testing some assumptions underlying a hypothesis
Experience-based vocalization of male mice to female chemosignals
Methyl thiolbutyrate: a reliable correlate of estrus in the golden hamster
Exposure to men influences the occurrence of ovulation in women
"Attraction of gerbil pups to maternal nest odors: duration, specificity and ovarian control"
Sexual behavior elicited in cage-mates of olfactory tubercle stimulated rats
Chemoinvestigatory and sexual behavior of male guinea pigs following vomeronasal organ removal
Odour of male and female rats changes hypothalamic aromatase and 5 alpha-reductase activity and plasma sex steroid levels in unisexually reared male rats
Maternal and paternal pheromones in gerbils
beta-Glucuronidase activation of latent aggression-promoting cues in mouse bladder urine
Manipulation of testosterone in the neonatal rat and pheromonal emission in the adult
Facilitory effects of male urine on feminine behavior in the male rat: androgen-dependency
The maternal pheromone of the rat as an innate stimulus for pre-weanling young
The lack of recognition of lactating females by infant Octodon degus
Prolactin in liver cytosol and pheromonal emission in the rat
The role of estrogen and progesterone in the control of preputial gland sex attractant odors in the female rat
Sagittal knife cuts in the near and far lateral preoptic area-hypothalamus disrupt maternal behaviour in female hamsters
The vomeronasal organ: primary role in mouse chemosensory gender recognition
Hyperphagia is irrelevant for pheromonal emission in the rat
The maternal pheromone of the rat: identity and functional significance
Human kin recognition by olfactory cues
Slow and fast wave activity in the olfactory system in cats during perception of pheromones
Rats' responses to blood and body odors of stressed and non-stressed conspecifics
The sources of odors from stressed rats
Induction of the maternal pheromone by cholic acid in the virgin rat
How rat young govern the release of a maternal pheromone
Discrimination of odors from stressed rats by non-stressed rats
Elicitation of male mouse ultrasounds: bladder urine and aged urine from females
Responses of male hamsters to the ear gland secretions of conspecifics
Influence of some biologically meaningful odorants on the vigilance states of the rat
Absence of sexual imprinting in house mice cross-fostered to deermice
Olfactory and vomeronasal system participation in male hamsters' attraction to female vaginal secretions
The sexual attractiveness of male rats: olfactory and behavioral components
A role of female preputial glands in social behavior of mice
Responses of spiny mouse weanlings to conspecific chemical cues
Attempts to characterise and isolate aggression reducing olfactory signals from the urine of female mice Mus musculus L
Male mouse urine extract effects on pheromonally mediated reproductive functions of female mice
Serum prolactin levels and vaginal cyclicity in concaveated and lactating female rats
Reinforcing effects for female hamsters of non-copulatory exposure to normal male hamsters
Temporal parameters of responsiveness to maternal pheromone in Acomys cahirinus
Hormonal substrate of estrous odor preference in beagles
The ability of sheep to distinguish between conspecifics by means of olfaction
Development of odor-guided behavior in Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rat pups
Effect of maternal odor on the cardiac rate of maternally separated infant rats
Effects of various habituation procedures on pituitary-adrenal responsiveness in the mouse
Dietary-dependent cross-species similarities in maternal chemical cues
Fright reactions in rats to conspecific tissue
Scent of gerbil cuisine
Evidence that maternal ventral skin substances promote suckling in infant rats
Maternal pheromone in the spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus)
Olfactory control of aggression in lactating female housemice
Development of olfactory-guided behavior in the golden hamster
Emission of the maternal pheromone in the nulliparous female and failure of emission in the adult male
Dietary control of maternal pheromone in the lactating rat
Ability of the pig to distinguish between conspecific urine samples using olfaction
Influence of neonatal androgen on the display of territorial marking behavior in the gerbil
"Attraction of beagles to conspecific urine, vaginal and anal sac secretion odors"
The inhibitory effect of preexposed olfactory cues on intermale aggression in mice
Maternal pheromone
Effects of intracerebral implants of steroid hormones on scent marking in the ovariectomized female gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
Estrogen and progesterone interaction in the regulation of scent marking in the female Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
The perineal scent gland and social dominance in the male guinea pig
Ovarian hormones and their role in aggression inhibition among male mice
Sex-attractant emitted by female mice
Urinary marking in male house mice: responses to novel environmental and social stimuli
Prolongation of pheromonal emission in the maternal rat
Attraction of male guinea pigs to conspecific urine
The coagulating glands as a source of aversive and aggression-inhibiting pheromone(s) in the male albino mouse
The effect of urine on the investigatory behaviour of male albino mice
Endocrine control of the maternal pheromone in the postpartum female rat
The control and function of maternal scent marking the Mongolian gerbil
Olfactory control of the sexual behavior of male and female mice
Stimulus control of the maternal pheromone in the lactating rat
The development of the pheromonal bond in the albino rat
The effects of lesions of the olfactory bulbs on the growth and behavior of mice
The effect of female rat proximity on the reproductive system of male rats
Maternal pheromone: discrimination by pre-weanling albino rats
Responsiveness of female mice to preputial attractant: effects of sexual experience and ovarian hormones
The preputial glands as a source of aggression-promoting odors in mice
Behavioral response of infant rats to maternal odor
Behavioral and electrophysiological responses of female mice to male urine odors
Central control of territorial marking in the mongolian gerbil
Tubular plexiglas maze
Responses of male rats to sex odors
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 13-01-2025