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J Agric Food Chem
Ecol Evol
Bait attractiveness changes community metrics in dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Ecological convergence in phytochemistry and flower-insect visitor interactions along an Andean elevation gradient
Effects of chemical cues and prior experience on predator avoidance in crayfish
Leaf volatile and nonvolatile metabolites show different levels of specificity in response to herbivory
The Drosophila-parasitizing wasp Leptopilina heterotoma: A comprehensive model system in ecology and evolution
Features of floral odor and nectar in the distylous Luculia pinceana (Rubiaceae) promote compatible pollination by hawkmoths
Plant volatiles and priority effects interactively determined initial community assembly of arthropods on multiple willow species
Experimental evolution of a pheromone signal
Family dinner: Transcriptional plasticity of five Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) feeding on three host plant species
Choosy cannibals: Targeted consumption of conspecific hatchlings by larval cane toads is triggered by species-specific defensive toxins
Herbivory in a changing climate-Effects of plant genotype and experimentally induced variation in plant phenology on two summer-active lepidopteran herbivores and one fungal pathogen
Is hunting nonintentionally selective? A test using game bird capture-dead recoveries
"Extrafloral nectar as entree and elaiosomes as main course for ant visitors to a fireprone, mediterranean-climate shrub"
Effect of plant VOCs and light intensity on growth and reproduction performance of an invasive and a native Phytolacca species in China
"Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild"
Influence of multiple predators decreases body condition and fecundity of European hares
The rapid appearance of homostyly in a cultivated distylous population of Primula forbesii
Transcriptome analysis and molecular characterization of soluble chemical communication proteins in the parasitoid wasp Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)
Woody plant secondary chemicals increase in response to abundant deer and arrival of invasive plants in suburban forests
Juvenile hormone pathway in honey bee larvae: A source of possible signal molecules for the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor
Clustering of loci controlling species differences in male chemical bouquets of sympatric Heliconius butterflies
Elevated temperature increases reproductive investment in less preferred mates in the invasive European corn borer moth
"Floral attraction and flower visitors of a subcanopy, tropical rainforest tree, Fontainea picrosperma"
Effective distance of volatile cues for plant-plant communication in beech
Courtship with two spoons-Anatomy and presumed function of the bizarre antennae of Cardiocondyla zoserka ant males
"Herbivore-induced defenses are not under phylogenetic constraints in the genus Quercus (oak): Phylogenetic patterns of growth, defense, and storage"
"Can evolutionary theories of dispersal and senescence predict postrelease survival, dispersal, and body condition of a reintroduced threatened mammal?"
Great tits (Parus major) flexibly learn that herbivore-induced plant volatiles indicate prey location: An experimental evidence with two tree species
Characterization of Salix nigra floral insect community and activity of three native Andrena bees
Nutrient variation induced by rodent disturbance in Haloxylon ammodendron as a target transfer strategy
Disentangling biotic and abiotic drivers of intraspecific trait variation in woody plant seedlings at forest edges
The pollination of Habenaria rhodocheila (Orchidaceae) in South China: When butterflies take sides
Pricklier with the proper predator? Predator-induced small-scale changes of spinescence in Daphnia
Two sexes respond equally to food restriction in a sexually dimorphic but not body mass dimorphic jumping spider
Plant-plant communication and community of herbivores on tall goldenrod
"What shapes the range edge of a dominant African savanna tree, Colophospermum mopane? A demographic approach"
Volatilome of Aleppo Pine litter over decomposition process
Molecular and ecological plant defense responses along an elevational gradient in a boreal ecosystem
Interspecific variation and elevated CO(2) influence the relationship between plant chemical resistance and regrowth tolerance
The distribution of herbivores between leaves matches their performance only in the absence of competitors
Odorant receptor phylogeny confirms conserved channels for sex pheromone and host plant signals in tortricid moths
Colony-age-dependent variation in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in subterranean termite colonies
Latitude and protection affect decadal trends in reef trophic structure over a continental scale
Insectivorous birds can see and smell systemically herbivore-induced pines
Field trials of chemical suppression of embryonic cane toads (Rhinella marina) by older conspecifics
Ecological and evolutionary factors of intraspecific variation in inducible defenses: Insights gained from Daphnia experiments
Insights into the genetic basis of predator-induced response in Daphnia galeata
Testing for top-down cascading effects in a biomass-driven ecological network of soil invertebrates
Species specificity and intraspecific variation in the chemical profiles of Heliconius butterflies across a large geographic range
UV radiation affects antipredatory defense traits in Daphnia pulex
Population size estimates based on the frequency of genetically assigned parent-offspring pairs within a subsample
Studies on reproductive strategies of Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehder (Lamiaceae) based on morphological characteristics and SSR markers
Variation in plant leaf traits affects transmission and detectability of herbivore vibrational cues
Wild strawberry shows genetic variation in tolerance but not resistance to a generalist herbivore
Population-specific effect of Wolbachia on the cost of fungal infection in spider mites
Large herbivores maintain a two-phase herbaceous vegetation mosaic in a semi-arid savanna
Interbreeding between local and translocated populations of a cleaner fish in an experimental mesocosm predicts risk of disrupted local adaptation
Deer do not affect short-term rates of vegetation recovery in overwash fans on Fire Island after Hurricane Sandy
Changes in behavior are unable to disrupt a trophic cascade involving a specialist herbivore and its food plant
Evolution of sexually dimorphic pheromone profiles coincides with increased number of male-specific chemosensory organs in Drosophila prolongata
The demographic and life-history costs of fear: Trait-mediated effects of threat of predation on Aedes triseriatus
Allelopathic effects of volatile organic compounds released from Pinus halepensis needles and roots
Disentangling olfactory and visual information used by field foraging birds
Contrasting effects of land-use changes on herbivory and pollination networks
"Physical, but not chemical, antiherbivore defense expression is related to the clustered spatial distribution of tropical trees in an Amazonian forest"
Transcriptome profiling of maternal stress-induced wing dimorphism in pea aphids
"Pheromone-binding proteins based phylogenetics and phylogeography of Maruca spp. from Asia, Africa, Oceania, and South America"
Trait-mediated indirect interactions: Moose browsing increases sawfly fecundity through plant-induced responses
Symbiont-mediated chemical defense in the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis
Chemical signaling and insect attraction is a conserved trait in yeasts
Multiannual effects of induced plant defenses: Are defended plants good or bad neighbors?
Brain gene expression analyses in virgin and mated queens of fire ants reveal mating-independent and socially regulated changes
Effects of social information on life history and mating tactics of males in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi
Life history changes in Trogoderma variabile and T. inclusum due to mating delay with implications for mating disruption as a management tactic
How to tackle chemical communication? Relative proportions versus semiquantitative determination of compounds in lizard chemical secretions
"Attracting Common Carp to a bait site with food reveals strong positive relationships between fish density, feeding activity, environmental DNA, and sex pheromone release that could be used in invasive fish management"
A death in the family: Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) avoidance of confamilial alarm cues diminishes with phylogenetic distance
Behavioral differences following ingestion of large meals and consequences for management of a harmful invasive snake: A field experiment
Does reproductive isolation reflect the segregation of color forms in Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames complex (Orchidaceae) in the Chinese Himalayas?
Phenotypic responses to microbial volatiles render a mold fungus more susceptible to insect damage
"On the possible role of nonreproductive traits for the evolution of unisexuality: Life-history variation among males, females, and hermaphrodites in Opuntia robusta (Cactaceae)"
Plant phenological asynchrony and community structure of gall-inducing insects associated with a tropical tree species
"Short-term, low-level nitrogen deposition dampens a trophic cascade between bears and plants"
"Specificity of herbivore-induced responses in an invasive species, Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed)"
Population-level manipulations of field vole densities induce subsequent changes in plant quality but no impacts on vole demography
Transcriptomic responses to predator kairomones in embryos of the aquatic snail Radix balthica
Smell the change: On the potential of gas-chromatographic ion mobility spectrometry in ecosystem monitoring
Sexual and temporal variations in floral scent in the subdioecious shrub Eurya japonica Thunb
Are body size and volatile blends honest signals in orchid bees?
Bottom-up and top-down effects of tree species diversity on leaf insect herbivory
"The effect of temperature on male mating signals and female choice in the red mason bee, Osmia bicornis (L.)"
Does selection on horn length of males and females differ in protected and hunted populations of a weakly dimorphic ungulate?
Florally rich habitats reduce insect pollination and the reproductive success of isolated plants
Heterogeneous tempo and mode of evolutionary diversification of compounds in lizard chemical signals
Floral scent and species divergence in a pair of sexually deceptive orchids
The evolution of queen control over worker reproduction in the social Hymenoptera
Costly defense in a fluctuating environment-sensitivity of annual Nothobranchius fishes to predator kairomones
Complex variation in habitat selection strategies among individuals driven by extrinsic factors
Bacterial phytopathogen infection disrupts belowground plant indirect defense mediated by tritrophic cascade
How to induce defense responses in wild plant populations? Using bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) as example
A maize landrace that emits defense volatiles in response to herbivore eggs possesses a strongly inducible terpene synthase gene
Infochemical use and dietary specialization in parasitoids: a meta-analysis
Bumblebees require visual pollen stimuli to initiate and multimodal stimuli to complete a full behavioral sequence in close-range flower orientation
Species-specific regulation of herbivory-induced defoliation tolerance is associated with jasmonate inducibility
Differentiation in putative male sex pheromone components across and within populations of the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana as a potential driver of reproductive isolation
High herbivore pressure favors constitutive over induced defense
Dietary choice for a balanced nutrient intake increases the mean and reduces the variance in the reproductive performance of male and female cockroaches
Cascading effects of N input on tritrophic (plant-aphid-parasitoid) interactions
Can plant-natural enemy communication withstand disruption by biotic and abiotic factors?
Evolutionary patterns of volatile terpene emissions across 202 tropical tree species
Aversion and attraction to harmful plant secondary compounds jointly shape the foraging ecology of a specialist herbivore
A conserved pattern in plant-mediated interactions between herbivores
Intraspecific variation in defense against a generalist lepidopteran herbivore in populations of Eruca sativa (Mill.)
Prospects of herbivore egg-killing plant defenses for sustainable crop protection
Species- and site-specific impacts of an invasive herbivore on tree survival in mixed forests
Phenological asynchrony between host plant and gypsy moth reduces insect gut microbiota and susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis
The evolution of plasticity of dauer larva developmental arrest in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Correlation between the green-island phenotype and Wolbachia infections during the evolutionary diversification of Gracillariidae leaf-mining moths
Avian top predator and the landscape of fear: responses of mammalian mesopredators to risk imposed by the golden eagle
Induced responses to grazing by an insect herbivore (Acentria ephemerella) in an immature macrophyte (Myriophyllum spicatum): an isotopic study
Extreme heat changes post-heat wave community reassembly
Modeling the two-locus architecture of divergent pollinator adaptation: how variation in SAD paralogs affects fitness and evolutionary divergence in sexually deceptive orchids
Using heterozygosity-fitness correlations to study inbreeding depression in an isolated population of white-tailed deer founded by few individuals
When can stress facilitate divergence by altering time to flowering?
The effects of fire on ant trophic assemblage and sex allocation
Above- and belowground herbivory jointly impact defense and seed dispersal traits in Taraxacum officinale
Premating isolation is determined by larval rearing substrates in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis. X. Age-specific dynamics of adult epicuticular hydrocarbon expression in response to different host plants
Frequency of hybridization between Ostrinia nubilalis E-and Z-pheromone races in regions of sympatry within the United States
Male pheromone polymorphism and reproductive isolation in populations of Drosophila simulans
Cascading trait-mediated interactions induced by ant pheromones
Host plant defense signaling in response to a coevolved herbivore combats introduced herbivore attack
"Pheromone production, male abundance, body size, and the evolution of elaborate antennae in moths"
Sexual selection on song and cuticular hydrocarbons in two distinct populations of Drosophila montana
Life-history traits maintain the genomic integrity of sympatric species of the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) group on an isolated forest island
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2024. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2024
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 19-12-2024