Bedoukian   RussellIPM   Pherobank   Piezo-Electric-Micro-Sprayer


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Semiochemicals of Dendroaspis angusticeps, the Eastern green mamba

Phylum:  Chordata
Subphylum:  Vertebrata
Class:  Reptilia
Order:  Squamata
Family:  Elapidae
Subfamily:  Bungarinae
Genus:  Dendroaspis
Tribe:  Dendroaspini
Author:  Smith
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Bedoukain RussellIPM


  Max SI  1993  J. Neurosci.  13: 4293   
    M1-toxin    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Miami, Florida, USA 
  Tan NH  1991c  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B  99: 351   
    protease    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    PDE    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    alkaline phosphatase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    5'-nucleotidase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    hyaluronidase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Tan NH  1991a  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C  99: 463   
    protease    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    PDE    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    alkaline phosphatase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    5'-nucleotidase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    hyaluronidase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Adem A  1988  Biochim. Biophys. Acta  968: 340   
    MTX1    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    MTX2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Karlsson E  1984  J. Physiol.  79: 232   
    fasciculin 1    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    fasciculin 2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Rodriguez-Ithurralde D  1983  Neurochem. Int.  5: 267   
    fasciculin    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Durkin JP  1981  Toxicon  19: 535   
    PLA2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Baltimore, Maryland, USA 
  Harvey AL  1980  Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol.  312:  
    dendrotoxin    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Miami, Florida, USA 
  Viljoen CC  1973  J. Biol. Chem.  248: 4915   
    toxin FVII    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Johannesburg, South Africa 
  Mebs D  1970  Int. J. Biochem.  2: 335   
    cholinesterase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Miami, Florida, USA 
    PDE    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    5'-adenylic acid    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    ATP    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    PLA2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Doery HM  1956  Nature  177: 381   
    adenosine    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
South Africa 


Max, S.I., Liang, J.-S., and Potter, L.T. 1993. Purification and properties of m1-toxin, a specific antagonist of m1 muscarinic receptors. J. Neurosci. 13:4293-4300.
Tan, N.-H., and Ponnudurai, G. 1991c. A comparative study of the biological properties of some sea snake venoms. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 99:351-354.
Tan, N.-H., Arunmozhiarasi, A., and Ponnudurai, G. 1991a. A comparative study of the biological properties of Dendroaspis (mamba) snake venoms. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C. 99:463-466.
Adem, A., Asblom, A., Johansson, G., Mbugua, P.M., and Karlsson, E. 1988. Toxins from the venom of the green mamba Dendroaspis angusticeps that inhibit the binding of quinuclidinyl benzilate to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 968:340-345.
Karlsson, E., Mbugua, P.M., and Rodríguez-Ithurralde, D. 1984. Fasciculins, anticholinesterase toxins from the venom of the green mamba Dendroaspis angusticeps. J. Physiol. 79:232-240.
Rodríguez-Ithurralde, D., Silveira, R., Barbeito, L., and Dajas, F. 1983. Fasciculin, powerful anti-cholinesterase polypeptide from Dendroaspis angusticeps venom. Neurochem. Int. 5:267-274.
Durkin, J.P., Pickwell, G.V., Trotter, J.T., and Shier, W.T. 1981. Phospholipase A2 electrophoretic variants in reptile venoms. Toxicon. 19:535-546.
Harvey, A.L., and Karlsson, E. 1980. Dendrotoxin from the venom of the green mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 312:1-6.
Viljoen, C.C., and Botes, D.P. 1973. Snake venom toxins. The purification and amino acid sequence of toxin F VII from Dendroaspis angusticeps venom. J. Biol. Chem. 248:4915-4919.
Mebs, D. 1970. A comparative study of enzyme activities in snake venoms. Int. J. Biochem. 2:335-342.
Doery, H.M. 1956. Purine compounds in snake venoms. Nature. 177:381-382.
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2024. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2024 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 28-July-2024