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PLoS One
Layer-by-Layer Deposited Multi-Modal PDAC/rGO Composite-Based Sensors
"Changes in Sensory Properties, Physico-Chemical Characteristics, and Aromas of Ras Cheese under Different Coating Techniques"
"Impact of Salting Techniques on the Physio-Chemical Characteristics, Sensory Properties, and Volatile Organic Compounds of Ras Cheese"
"Composition of Sugars, Organic Acids, Phenolic Compounds, and Volatile Organic Compounds in Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) at Five Ripening Stages"
Linking Colorimetric Variation with Non-Volatile and Volatile Components of Carob Flour
"Multivariate Profiling of Metabolites and Volatile Organic Compounds in Citrus depressa Hayata Fruits from Kagoshima, Okinawa, and Taiwan"
Essential Oils and Their Combination with Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bacteriocins to Improve the Safety and Shelf Life of Foods: A Review
"Influence of Cultivar and Turbidity on Physicochemical Properties, Functional Characteristics and Volatile Flavor Substances of Pomelo Juices"
Burn Defect and Phenol Prediction for Flavoured Californian-Style Black Olives Using Digital Sensors
Development of a Novel Flavored Goat Cheese with Gentiana lutea Rhizomes
"Functional, Physical, and Volatile Characterization of Chitosan/Starch Food Films Functionalized with Mango Leaf Extract"
"Fungal Biomarkers in Traditional Starter Determine the Chemical Characteristics of Turbid Rice Wine from the Rim of the Sichuan Basin, China"
Effects of Different Brewing Technologies on Polyphenols and Aroma Components of Black Chokeberry Wine
Identifying Early-Stage Changes in Volatile Organic Compounds of Ceratocystis fimbriata Ellis & Halsted-Infected Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) Using Headspace Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Effect of a Dairy Cow's Feeding System on the Flavor of Raw Milk: Indoor Feeding or Grazing
Effect of Huanglongbing on the Volatile Organic Compound Profile of Fruit Juice and Peel Oil in 'Ray Ruby' Grapefruit
IoT-Enabled Electronic Nose System for Beef Quality Monitoring and Spoilage Detection
Cocoa Shell Infusion: A Promising Application for Added-Value Beverages Based on Cocoa's Production Coproducts
"Chemical Analysis of Various Tea Samples Concerning Volatile Compounds, Fatty Acids, Minerals and Assessment of Their Thermal Behavior"
How Does Lagenaria siceraria (Bottle Gourd) Metabolome Compare to Cucumis sativus (Cucumber) F. Cucurbitaceae? A Multiplex Approach of HR-UPLC/MS/MS and GC/MS Using Molecular Networking and Chemometrics
"Application of GC-TOF/MS and GCxGC-TOF/MS to Discriminate Coffee Products in Three States (Bean, Powder, and Brew)"
Exploitation of Selected Sourdough Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains for the Production of a Craft Raspberry Fruit Beer
Analytical Platform for the Study of Metabolic Pathway of Propyl Propane Thiosulfonate (PTSO) from Allium spp
A Novel Colorimetric Sensor Array Coupled Multivariate Calibration Analysis for Predicting Freshness in Chicken Meat: A Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Regression Algorithms
Exploring the Characteristic Aroma Components of Traditional Fermented Koumiss of Kazakh Ethnicity in Different Regions of Xinjiang by Combining Modern Instrumental Detection Technology with Multivariate Statistical Analysis Methods for Odor Activity Value and Sensory Analysis
Dynamic Changes in Non-Volatile Components during Steamed Green Tea Manufacturing Based on Widely Targeted Metabolomic Analysis
Bread Biopreservation through the Addition of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Sourdough
Detection of Specific Volatile Organic Compounds in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) by Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Evaluation of (60)Co Irradiation on Volatile Components of Turmeric (Curcumae Longae Rhizoma) Volatile Oil with GC-IMS
Flavor Characterization of Native Xinjiang Flat Peaches Based on Constructing Aroma Fingerprinting and Stoichiometry Analysis
"Effects of Drying Treatments on Nutritional Compositions, Volatile Flavor Compounds, and Bioactive Substances of Broad Beans"
Effect of Aliphatic Aldehydes on Flavor Formation in Glutathione-Ribose Maillard Reactions
Analysis of Microbial Diversity and Metabolites in Sauerkraut Products with and without Microorganism Addition
Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) for Seaweed Conservation: Impact on Physicochemical Characteristics and Microbiological Activity
Application of Commercial Biopreservation Starter in Combination with MAP for Shelf-Life Extension of Burrata Cheese
"The Effect of Ultrasound Treatment in Winemaking on the Volatile Compounds of Aglianico, Nero di Troia, and Primitivo Red Wines"
Manufacture of a Potential Antifungal Ingredient Using Lactic Acid Bacteria from Dry-Cured Sausages
Monitoring Volatile Organic Compounds and Aroma Profile of Robinia pseudoacacia L. Honey at Different Storage Temperatures during Shelf Life
The Fingerprint of Fortified Wines-From the Sui Generis Production Processes to the Distinctive Aroma
"Comparison and Intercorrelation of Various Bentonite Products for Oenological Properties, Elemental Compositions, Volatile Compounds and Organoleptic Attributes of White Wine"
Effects of Roughage on the Lipid and Volatile-Organic-Compound Profiles of Donkey Milk
"Microbial and Chemical Characterization of Natural-Style Green Table Olives from the Gordal, Hojiblanca and Manzanilla Cultivars"
Effect of Controlled Oxygen Supply during Crushing on Volatile and Phenol Compounds and Sensory Characteristics in Coratina and Ogliarola Virgin Olive Oils
"Authentication of Cocoa Products Based on Profiling and Fingerprinting Approaches: Assessment of Geographical, Varietal, Agricultural and Processing Features"
"Metabolic Profile of Einkorn, Spelt, Emmer Ancient Wheat Species Sourdough Fermented with Strain of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ATCC 8014"
Dynamic Changes of the Microbial Community and Volatile Organic Compounds of the Northern Pike (Esox lucius) during Storage
Characterization of Aroma Active Compound Production during Kombucha Fermentation: Towards the Control of Sensory Profiles
Analytical and Chemometric Characterization of Sweet Pedro Ximenez Sherry Wine during Its Aging in a Criaderas y Solera System
Analysis of Volatile Markers and Their Biotransformation in Raw Chicken during Staphylococcus aureus Early Contamination
Effect of Drying Process on the Formation of the Characteristic Flavor of Oyster (Crassostrea hongkongensis)
"Comprehensive Evaluation of Ten Actinidia arguta Wines Based on Color, Organic Acids, Volatile Compounds, and Quantitative Descriptive Analysis"
Metabolome and Microbiome Analysis to Study the Flavor of Summer Black Tea Improved by Stuck Fermentation
"An Exploration of Dynamic Changes in the Mulberry Growth Process Based on UPLC-Q-Orbitrap-MS, HS-SPME-GC-MS, and HS-GC-IMS"
Effects of Sun Withering Degree on Black Tea Quality Revealed via Non-Targeted Metabolomics
Enhancing Shelf Life Prediction of Fresh Pizza with Regression Models and Low Cost Sensors
Metagenomic Insights into the Regulatory Effects of Microbial Community on the Formation of Biogenic Amines and Volatile Flavor Components during the Brewing of Hongqu Rice Wine
The Effects of Genotype x Environment on Physicochemical and Sensory Properties and Differences of Volatile Organic Compounds of Three Rice Types (Oryza sativa L.)
"Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Milk during Heat Treatment Based on E-Nose, E-Tongue and HS-SPME-GC-MS"
The Effect of Imidacloprid on the Volatile Organic Compound Profile of Strawberries: New Insights from Flavoromics
Analysis of the Effect of Mixed Fermentation on the Quality of Distilled Jujube Liquor by Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Flavor Sensory Description
Chemometric Classification of Apple Cultivars Based on Physicochemical Properties: Raw Material Selection for Processing Applications
Effects of Different Probiotics on the Volatile Components of Fermented Coffee Were Analyzed Based on Headspace-Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Flavor Profile Evaluation of Soaked Greengage Wine with Different Base Liquor Treatments Using Principal Component Analysis and Heatmap Analysis
Characterization of the Sensory Properties and Quality Components of Huangjin Green Tea Based on Molecular Sensory-Omics
Effects of Protein Components on the Chemical Composition and Sensory Properties of Millet Huangjiu (Chinese Millet Wine)
Preparation of Colorimetric Sensor Array System to Evaluate the Effects of Alginate Edible Coating on Boiled-Dried Anchovy
"Preparation and Characterization of the Composition of Volatile Compounds, Fatty Acids and Thermal Behavior of Paprika"
"Thorough Characterization of ETHQB3.5, a QTL Involved in Melon Fruit Climacteric Behavior and Aroma Volatile Composition"
Tracing the Volatilomic Fingerprint of the Most Popular Italian Fortified Wines
Spotting of Volatile Signatures through GC-MS Analysis of Bacterial and Fungal Infections in Stored Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)
"Phenolic Content, Amino Acids, Volatile Compounds, Antioxidant Capacity, and Their Relationship in Wild Garlic (A. ursinum L.)"
Optimization of Fermentation Conditions and Metabolite Profiling of Grape Juice Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria for Improved Flavor and Bioactivity
Yeast Strain Influences the Hop-Derived Sensory Properties and Volatile Composition of Beer
Preparation of Sourdoughs Fermented with Isolated Lactic Acid Bacteria and Characterization of Their Antifungal Properties
Optimization of the Process for Green Jujube Vinegar and Organic Acid and Volatile Compound Analysis during Brewing
Short-Term Changes in Aroma-Related Volatiles in Meat Model: Effect of Fat and D. hansenii Inoculation
The Relationship between Microbial Community Succession and Flavor Formation during the Natural Fermentation of Hongqu sufu
Volatilome Analysis and Evolution in the Headspace of Packed Refrigerated Fish
"Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Characteristics of White Brined Cheese Ripened and Preserved in Large-Capacity Stainless Steel Tanks"
"Physicochemical Attributes, Aroma Profile, and Sensory Quality of Organic Crimson Crisp Apples after Storage"
The Use of Carbon Dioxide as a Green Approach to Recover Bioactive Compounds from Spent Coffee Grounds
Relationship between Volatile Organic Compounds and Microorganisms Isolated from Raw Sheep Milk Cheeses Determined by Sanger Sequencing and GC-IMS
Study of the Fermentation Characteristics of Non-Conventional Yeast Strains in Sweet Dough
The Screening and Isolation of Ethyl-Carbamate-Degrading Strains from Fermented Grains and Their Application in the Degradation of Ethyl Carbamate in Chinese Baijiu
Spoilage Monitoring and Early Warning for Apples in Storage Using Gas Sensors and Chemometrics
Seasonal Variation in Raw Milk VOC Profile within Intensive Feeding Systems
Optimization of Cold Brew Coffee Using Central Composite Design and Its Properties Compared with Hot Brew Coffee
Volatilomics Analysis of Jasmine Tea during Multiple Rounds of Scenting Processes
The Production of Intensified Qu and Its Microbial Communities and Aroma Variation during the Fermentation of Huangjiu (Chinese Rice Wine)
Impact of Cork Closures on the Volatile Profile of Sparkling Wines during Bottle Aging
Influence of Dietary Algae Meal on Lipid Oxidation and Volatile Profile of Meat from Lambs with Competent Reticular Groove Reflex
Insight into the Structure-Odor Relationship of Molecules: A Computational Study Based on Deep Learning
Fingerprinting of Volatile Organic Compounds for the Geographical Discrimination of Rice Samples from Northeast China
"The Chemical, Microbiological and Volatile Composition of Kefir-like Beverages Produced from Red Table Grape Juice in Repeated 24-h Fed-Batch Subcultures"
Effect of Autochthonous Lactic Acid Bacteria-Enhanced Fermentation on the Quality of Suancai
Integrated Strategy for Informative Profiling and Accurate Quantification of Key-Volatiles in Dried Fruits and Nuts: An Industrial Quality Control Perspective
Distinctive Traits of Four Apulian Traditional Agri-Food Product (TAP) Cheeses Manufactured at the Same Dairy Plant
Drying Kinetic of Jaboticaba Berries and Natural Fermentation for Anthocyanin-Rich Fruit Vinegar
Innovative Process for Dried Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Powder Production
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Volatomic Fingerprint of Saffron from Campania towards Its Authenticity and Quality
"Characterization of Buritirana (Mauritiella armata) Fruits from the Brazilian Cerrado: Biometric and Physicochemical Attributes, Chemical Composition and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Potential"
"Comparative Analysis of Flavor, Taste, and Volatile Organic Compounds in Opossum Shrimp Paste during Long-Term Natural Fermentation Using E-Nose, E-Tongue, and HS-SPME-GC-MS"
"Analysis of Volatile Compounds, Composition, and Thermal Behavior of Coffee Beans According to Variety and Roasting Intensity"
The Effect of Ozone Treatment on Metabolite Profile of Germinating Barley
Effect of Stable Chlorine Dioxide and Vacuum-Packing Treatments on the Physicochemical and Volatile Flavor Properties of Pike Eel (Muraenesox cinereus) during Chilled Storage
Comparison of Volatile Compounds Contributing to Flavor of Wild Lowbush (Vaccinium augustifolium) and Cultivated Highbush (Vaccinium corymbosum) Blueberry Fruit Using Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry
Monitoring Volatile Organic Compounds in Different Pear Cultivars during Storage Using HS-SPME with GC-MS
Enzymatic Characterization of Purified beta-Glucosidase from Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts and Application on Chardonnay Aging
"Analyzing the Effect of Baking on the Flavor of Defatted Tiger Nut Flour by E-Tongue, E-Nose and HS-SPME-GC-MS"
"Honeycomb, a New Food Resource with Health Care Functions: The Difference of Volatile Compounds found in Apis cerana and A. mellifera Honeycombs"
Emergence and Genomic Characterization of the First Reported optrA-Carrying Linezolid-Resistant Enterococci Isolated from Retail Broiler Meat in the United Arab Emirates
Chemical Analysis of Commercial White Wines and Its Relationship with Consumer Acceptability
Characterization of the Key Aroma Compounds in Different Aroma Types of Chinese Yellow Tea
Digital Evaluation of Aroma Intensity and Odor Characteristics of Tea with Different Types-Based on OAV-Splitting Method
Evaluation of Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Sauerkraut Juice Powder and its Application in Food
Native Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts as a Tool to Produce Distinctive and Diverse Tamjanika Grape Wines
"Effects of Tea Powder on the Cooking Properties, Antioxidative Potential and Volatile Profiles of Dried Noodles"
Discrimination of Black and White Sesame Seeds Based on Targeted and Non-Targeted Platforms with Chemometrics: From Profiling towards Identification of Chemical Markers
Application of an Electronic Nose and HS-SPME/GC-MS to Determine Volatile Organic Compounds in Fresh Mexican Cheese
Microbial Communities and Flavor Compounds during the Fermentation of Traditional Hong Qu Glutinous Rice Wine
Effect of Fixation Methods on Biochemical Characteristics of Green Teas and Their Lipid-Lowering Effects in a Zebrafish Larvae Model
Effects of Process Parameters on the Quality of Suantang Beef
The Chemical Composition Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Cooking Fume Condensates from Residential Kitchens in Different Regions of China
"Aromatic Characteristics of Passion Fruit Wines Measured by E-Nose, GC-Quadrupole MS, GC-Orbitrap-MS and Sensory Evaluation"
Effects of Frying Conditions on Volatile Composition and Odor Characteristics of Fried Pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.) Oil
Assessing Impacts of Additives on Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds Produced from the Grilling of Meat
"Comprehensive Quality Evaluation for Medicinal and Edible Ziziphi Spinosae Semen before and after Rancidity Based on Traditional Sensory, Physicochemical Characteristics, and Volatile Compounds"
Correlation and Difference between Core Micro-Organisms and Volatile Compounds of Suan Rou from Six Regions of China
The Comprehensive Utilization of Bean Dregs in High-Fiber Tofu
"Molecular, Chemical, and Sensory Attributes Fingerprinting of Self-Induced Anaerobic Fermented Coffees from Different Altitudes and Processing Methods"
Impact of an Agriphotovoltaic System on Metabolites and the Sensorial Quality of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and Its High-Temperature-Extracted Juice
Fruitomics: The Importance of Combining Sensory and Chemical Analyses in Assessing Cold Storage Responses of Six Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Cultivars
Bibliometric Review on the Volatile Organic Compounds in Meat
"Aromatic, Sensory, and Fatty Acid Profiles of Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oils Produced Using Different Malaxation Conditions"
Cultivar-Dependent Effects of Non-Saccharomyces Yeast Starter on the Oenological Properties of Wines Produced from Two Autochthonous Grape Cultivars in Southern Italy
Influence of Different Aggregation States on Volatile Organic Compounds Released by Dairy Kluyveromyces marxianus Strains
"The Effect of Cow Breed and Wild Garlic Leaves (Allium ursinum L.) on the Sensory Quality, Volatile Compounds, and Physical Properties of Unripened Soft Rennet-Curd Cheese"
"Investigation of the Volatile Profile of Red Jujube by Using GC-IMS, Multivariate Data Analysis, and Descriptive Sensory Analysis"
"Effect of Six Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains on Physicochemical Characteristics, Antioxidant Activities and Sensory Properties of Fermented Orange Juices"
High Prevalence of Enterobacterales in the Smear of Surface-Ripened Cheese with Contribution to Organoleptic Properties
Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Leaves as a Source of Bioactive Compounds
Improving an Industrial Sherry Base Wine by Yeast Enhancement Strategies
"Fruit Wine Obtained from Melon by-Products: Physico-Chemical and Sensory Analysis, and Characterization of Key Aromas by GC-MS"
"The Effects of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) on the Formation of Heterocyclic Amines (HAs) in Meat Patties, under Different Smoking Temperatures and Durations"
Coffee Leaf Tea from El Salvador: On-Site Production Considering Influences of Processing on Chemical Composition
Nutritional Function and Flavor Evaluation of a New Soybean Beverage Based on Naematelia aurantialba Fermentation
Characterization and Quantitative Comparison of Key Aroma Volatiles in Fresh and 1-Year-Stored Keemun Black Tea Infusions: Insights to Aroma Transformation during Storage
The Effect of Berry Pomace on Quality Changes of Beef Patties during Refrigerated Storage
Characterization of Botanical Origin of Italian Honey by Carbohydrate Composition and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Microbial Diversity and Contribution to the Formation of Volatile Compounds during Fine-Flavor Cacao Bean Fermentation
Impact of Different Oak Chips' Aging on the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Vitis amurensis Wines
"Fermentation Conditions Affect the Synthesis of Volatile Compounds, Dextran, and Organic Acids by Weissella confusa A16 in Faba Bean Protein Concentrate"
Effect of Cold Shock Pretreatment Combined with Perforation-Mediated Passive Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Storage Quality of Cucumbers
"Effects of Blending on Phenolic, Colour, Antioxidant and Aroma Components of Cabernet Sauvignon Wine from Xinjiang (China)"
The Flavor Profiles of Highland Barley Fermented with Different Mushroom Mycelium
Analyzing Volatile Compounds of Young and Mature Docynia delavayi Fruit by HS-SPME-GC-MS and rOAV
The Impact of Different Withering Approaches on the Metabolism of Flavor Compounds in Oolong Tea Leaves
Effects of Three Different Withering Treatments on the Aroma of White Tea
The Discrimination and Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds in Different Areas of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Pericarps and Leaves by HS-GC-IMS and HS-SPME-GC-MS
Effect of Cold Stabilization Duration on Organic Acids and Aroma Compounds during Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling Wine Bottle Storage
Novel Insight into the Formation of Odour-Active Compounds in Sea Buckthorn Wine and Distilled Liquor Based on GC-MS and E-Nose Analysis
"Dynamic Changes in Volatile Flavor Compounds, Amino Acids, Organic Acids, and Soluble Sugars in Lemon Juice Vesicles during Freeze-Drying and Hot-Air Drying"
Contribution of Lipids to the Flavor of Mussel (Mytilus edulis) Maillard Reaction Products
Non-Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Revealed the Characteristic Non-Volatile and Volatile Metabolites in the Rougui Wuyi Rock Tea (Camellia sinensis) from Different Culturing Regions
Dynamic Changes in Volatile Compounds of Shaken Black Tea during Its Manufacture by GC x GC-TOFMS and Multivariate Data Analysis
Comparative Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Tieguanyin with Different Types Based on HS-SPME-GC-MS
Effects of Sous Vide Cooking on the Physicochemical and Volatile Flavor Properties of Half-Shell Scallop (Chlamys farreri) during Chilled Storage
"The Effect of Different Extraction Methods on Extraction Yield, Physicochemical Properties, and Volatile Compounds from Field Muskmelon Seed Oil"
Characterization of Differences in the Composition and Content of Volatile Compounds in Cucumber Fruit
"Effect of Adding Bifidobacterium animalis BZ25 on the Flavor, Functional Components and Biogenic Amines of Natto by Bacillus subtilis GUTU09"
Insights into Characteristic Volatiles in Wuyi Rock Teas with Different Cultivars by Chemometrics and Gas Chromatography Olfactometry/Mass Spectrometry
Metabolomic Analysis on the Mechanism of Nanoselenium Biofortification Improving the Siraitia grosvenorii Nutritional and Health Value
Volatile Organic Compounds and 16S Metabarcoding in Ice-Stored Red Seabream Pagrus major
Valorization of Spent Coffee Grounds as a Natural Source of Bioactive Compounds for Several Industrial Applications-A Volatilomic Approach
Organoleptic Chemical Markers of Serpa PDO Cheese Specificity
Physicochemical Characteristics and Flavor-Related Compounds of Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Thigh Meats from Chickens
Volatile Fingerprinting and Sensory Profiles of Coffee Cascara Teas Produced in Latin American Countries
Valorization of Traditional Alcoholic Beverages: The Study of the Sicilian Amarena Wine during Bottle Aging
Reconstruction of Simplified Microbial Consortia to Modulate Sensory Quality of Kombucha Tea
Potential Uses of Spent Coffee Grounds in the Food Industry
Relationship between the Grade and the Characteristic Flavor of PCT (Panyong Congou Black Tea)
Thermomechanical Autovaporization (MFA) as a Deodorization Process of Palm Oil
Pilot-Scale Vinification of Cabernet Sauvignon Using Combined Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Achieve Wine Acidification
Regional Variation of Chemical Characteristics in Young Marselan (Vitis vinifera L.) Red Wines from Five Regions of China
Shifts in the Bacterial Community Related to Quality Properties of Vacuum-Packaged Peeled Potatoes during Storage
Rapid and Non-Destructive Techniques for the Discrimination of Ripening Stages in Candonga Strawberries
"Queijo Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese: Investigation into Its Morpho-Textural Traits, Microbiota, and Volatilome"
"Spoilage Potential of Contaminating Yeast Species Kluyveromyces marxianus, Pichia kudriavzevii and Torulaspora delbrueckii during Cold Storage of Skyr"
The Use of gamma-Aminobutyric Acid-Producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC125 for Functional Fermented Beverage Production from Apple Juice
"Physicochemical Characteristics, Antioxidant Activities, and Aroma Compound Analysis of Seven Peach Cultivars (Prunus persica L. Batsch) in Shihezi, Xinjiang"
Volatile Compounds Analysis and Biomarkers Identification of Four Native Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Cultivars Grown in Xinjiang Region of China
The Flavor Chemistry of Fortified Wines-A Comprehensive Approach
A Comparative Study on Volatile Compounds and Sensory Profile of White and Red Wines Elaborated Using Bee Pollen versus Commercial Activators
Detection of Volatiles from Raw Beef Meat from Different Packaging Systems Using Solid-Phase Microextraction GC-Accurate Mass Spectrometry
Microbiological and Chemical Properties of Chokeberry Juice Fermented by Novel Lactic Acid Bacteria with Potential Probiotic Properties during Fermentation at 4 degrees C for 4 Weeks
"Elucidation of Volatiles, Anthocyanins, Antioxidant and Sensory Properties of cv. Caner Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Juices Produced from Three Juice Extraction Methods"
Comprehensive SPME-GC-MS Analysis of VOC Profiles Obtained Following High-Temperature Heating of Pork Back Fat with Varying Boar Taint Intensities
Dynamics of the Fermentation Process and Chemical Profiling of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Wines Obtained by Different CultivarxYeast Combinations
Effect of Frying Conditions on Self-Heating Fried Spanish Mackerel Quality Attributes and Flavor Characteristics
Morus alba L. Plant: Bioactive Compounds and Potential as a Functional Food Ingredient
Fatty Acid Composition and Volatile Profile of longissimus thoracis et lumborum Muscle from Burguete and Jaca Navarra Foals Fattened with Different Finishing Diets
Influence of Non-Saccharomyces Strains on Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Fruit Spirit
"Development of 'Quadrello di Ovino', a Novel Fresh Ewe's Cheese"
Multi-Statistical Approach for the Study of Volatile Compounds of Industrial Spoiled Manzanilla Spanish-Style Table Olive Fermentations
Formation of Secondary and Tertiary Volatile Compounds Resulting from the Lipid Oxidation of Rapeseed Oil
Drying Treatments Change the Composition of Aromatic Compounds from Fresh to Dried Centennial Seedless Grapes
Metagenomic Study on Chinese Homemade Paocai: The Effects of Raw Materials and Fermentation Periods on the Microbial Ecology and Volatile Components
"Characterization of Artisanal Spontaneous Sourdough Wheat Bread from Central Greece: Evaluation of Physico-Chemical, Microbiological, and Sensory Properties in Relation to Conventional Yeast Leavened Wheat Bread"
"Effect of Filter Types on Physicochemical Properties, Volatile Compounds, and Sensory Evaluations of Purified Water by Point-of-Use Water Treatment"
Evolution of Food Safety Features and Volatile Profile in White Sturgeon Caviar Treated with Different Formulations of Salt and Preservatives during a Long-Term Storage Time
Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Terpenes: A Pilot-Scale Study
Integrated Metabolomics and Volatolomics for Comparative Evaluation of Fermented Soy Products
Chinese Consumers' Attitudes and Potential Acceptance toward Artificial Meat
The Application of Essential Oil Vapors at the End of Vacuum Cooling of Fresh Culinary Herbs Promotes Aromatic Recovery
Analytical Characterization of the Widely Consumed Commercialized Fermented Beverages from Russia (Kefir and Ryazhenka) and South Africa (Amasi and Mahewu): Potential Functional Properties and Profiles of Volatile Organic Compounds
"Functional, Nutritional, and Sensory Quality of Mixed Flours-Based Breads as Compared to Durum Wheat Semolina-Based Breads"
Effect of Microwave Maceration and SO(2) Free Vinification on Volatile Composition of Red Wines
Multiunit In Vitro Colon Model for the Evaluation of Prebiotic Potential of a Fiber Plus D-Limonene Food Supplement
"Different Withering Times Affect Sensory Qualities, Chemical Components, and Nutritional Characteristics of Black Tea"
Breba Fruits Characterization from Four Varieties (Ficus carica L.) with Important Commercial Interest in Spain
Novel Yeasts Producing High Levels of Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Organic Acids in Fermented Doughs
Grape and Wine Composition in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cannonau Explored by GC-MS and Sensory Analysis
Evaluation of Quality and Storability of 'Italia' Table Grapes Kept on the Vine in Comparison to Cold Storage Techniques
Characterization and Evolution of Volatile Compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines from Two Different Clones during Oak Barrel Aging
Influence of Different Vinification Techniques on Volatile Compounds and the Aromatic Profile of Palomino Fino Wines
Characterization of Volatile Compounds and Flavor in Spirits of Old Apple and Pear Cultivars from the Balkan Region
Construction of IsoVoc Database for the Authentication of Natural Flavours
"Effect of the Manufacturing Process on the Microbiota, Organoleptic Properties and Volatilome of Three Salmon-Based Products"
Characterization of the Volatile Compounds of Zhenba Bacon at Different Process Stages Using GC-MS and GC-IMS
Comprehensive Evaluation of Flavor in Charcoal and Electric-Roasted Tamarix Lamb by HS-SPME/GC-MS Combined with Electronic Tongue and Electronic Nose
"Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure Combined with Vacuum-Freeze Drying on the Aroma-Active Compounds in Blended Pumpkin, Mango, and Jujube Juice"
"Comparison of Quality Characteristics of Commercial Kimchi Manufactured in Korea, China, and the United States"
Effects of Drying Process on the Volatile and Non-Volatile Flavor Compounds of Lentinula edodes
Integrated Analysis of Metabolome and Volatile Profiles of Germinated Brown Rice from the Japonica and Indica Subspecies
"Changes of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Large Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys crocea) during Storage, as Evaluated by Headspace Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Principal Component Analysis"
Effect of Microbial Fermentation on the Fishy-Odor Compounds in Kelp (Laminaria japonica)
SlCCD1A Enhances the Aroma Quality of Tomato Fruits by Promoting the Synthesis of Carotenoid-Derived Volatiles
Oxidative Quality of Dairy Powders: Influencing Factors and Analysis
Sensory Lexicon and Major Volatiles of Raki Using Descriptive Analysis and GC-FID/MS
The Use of Winery by-Products to Enhance the Functional Aspects of the Fresh Ovine 'Primosale' Cheese
Sensory and Olfactometry Chemometrics as Valuable Tools for Assessing Hops' Aroma Impact on Dry-Hopped Beers: A Study with Wild Portuguese Genotypes
"Ontogenetic Variation in the Mineral, Phytochemical and Yield Attributes of Brassicaceous Microgreens"
Simulation and Non-Invasive Testing of Vinegar Storage Time by Olfaction Visualization System and Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis
The Role of Coffee Silver Skin against Oxidative Phenomena in Newly Formulated Chicken Meat Burgers after Cooking
A Predictive Strategy Based on Volatile Profile and Chemometric Analysis for Traceability and Authenticity of Sugarcane Honey on the Global Market
What Is the Relationship between the Presence of Volatile Organic Compounds in Food and Drink Products and Multisensory Flavour Perception?
Spoilage Investigation of Chill Stored Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Using Modern Microbiological and Analytical Techniques
"Relationship between Sensory Attributes, (Dis) Liking and Volatile Organic Composition of Gorgonzola PDO Cheese"
Unifloral Autumn Heather Honey from Indigenous Greek Erica manipuliflora Salisb.: SPME/GC-MS Characterization of the Volatile Fraction and Optimization of the Isolation Parameters
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a Tool for Investigating Self-Organized Ascending Bubble-Driven Flow Patterns in Champagne Glasses
Bee Pollen Role in Red Winemaking: Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Tintilla de Rota Warm Climate Red Wines
"Effects of Radishes, Apples, and Pears on the Lactic Acid Bacteria and Nutritional and Functional Qualities of Flavored Soy Sauce"
Evaluation of Garlic Landraces from Foggia Province (Puglia Region; Italy)
Control of Penicillium glabrum by Indigenous Antagonistic Yeast from Vineyards
Effect of the Organic Production and the Harvesting Method on the Chemical Quality and the Volatile Compounds of Virgin Olive Oil Over the Harvesting Season
Chitosan in Sparkling Wines Produced by the Traditional Method: Influence of Its Presence during the Secondary Fermentation
"High-Value-Added Compound Recovery with High-Temperature Hydrothermal Treatment and Steam Explosion, and Subsequent Biomethanization of Residual Strawberry Extrudate"
Mesophilic Semi-Continuous Anaerobic Digestion of Strawberry Extrudate Pretreated with Steam Explosion
Characterisation of Formaggella della Valle di Scalve Cheese Produced From Cows Reared in Valley Floor Stall or in Mountain Pasture: Fatty Acids Profile and Sensory Properties
Chemical Characterization and Volatile Profile of Trebbiano di Lugana Wine: A Case Study
Headspace Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Classification of Virgin Olive Oils as a Study Case
Metabolite Profile and Immunomodulatory Properties of Bellflower Root Vinegar Produced Using Acetobacter pasteurianus A11-2
"Effects of an Extract from Olive Fruits on the Physicochemical Properties, Lipid Oxidation and Volatile Compounds of Beef Patties"
Characterization of Local Products for Their Industrial Use: The Case of Italian Potato Cultivars Analyzed by Untargeted and Targeted Methodologies
Advances of Spectrometric Techniques in Food Analysis and Food Authentication Implemented with Chemometrics
"Aloe vera Flowers, a Byproduct with Great Potential and Wide Application, Depending on Maturity Stage"
Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus on Physicochemical Properties of Fermented Plant-Based Raw Materials
Evaluation of Volatilomic Fingerprint from Apple Fruits to Ciders: A Useful Tool to Find Putative Biomarkers for Each Apple Variety
Aromatic Potential and Bioactivity of Cork Stoppers and Cork By-Products
Evolution of VOC and Sensory Characteristics of Stracciatella Cheese as Affected by Different Preservatives
Exploring Olfactory-Oral Cross-Modal Interactions through Sensory and Chemical Characteristics of Italian Red Wines
Evaluation of Pediococcus pentosaceus SP2 as Starter Culture on Sourdough Bread Making
Effects of Pre-Processing Hot-Water Treatment on Aroma Relevant VOCs of Fresh-Cut Apple Slices Stored in Sugar Syrup
Flaxseed Cake as a Tool for the Improvement of Nutraceutical and Sensorial Features of Sourdough Bread
The Impact of Different Factors on the Quality and Volatile Organic Compounds Profile in 'Bryndza' Cheese
Application of a High-Throughput Amplicon Sequencing Method to Chart the Bacterial Communities that Are Associated with European Fermented Meats from Different Origins
Free and Bound Aroma Compounds of Turnjujube (Hovenia acerba Lindl.) during Low Temperature Storage
Consumer Acceptance and Quality Parameters of the Commercial Olive Oils Manufactured with Cultivars Grown in Galicia (NW Spain)
Physical and Chemical Effects of Different Working Gases in Coffee Brewing: A Case Study of Caffe Firenze
Rapid Profiling of the Volatilome of Cooked Meat by PTR-ToF-MS: Underlying Latent Explanatory Factors
Typicality Assessment of Onions (Allium cepa) from Different Geographical Regions Based on the Volatile Signature and Chemometric Tools
Tangerines Cultivated on Madeira Island-A High Throughput Natural Source of Bioactive Compounds
"Volatile Composition and Sensory Attributes of Smoothies Based on Pomegranate Juice and Mediterranean Fruit Purees (Fig, Jujube and Quince)"
Sensory Characteristics and Volatile Compounds of Herbal Teas and Mixtures of Bush Tea with Other Selected Herbal Teas of South Africa
"Rapid Profiling of the Volatilome of Cooked Meat by PTR-ToF-MS: Characterization of Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Veal and Beef Meat"
Profile of Volatile Aroma-Active Compounds of Cactus Seed Oil (Opuntia ficus-indica) from Different Locations in Morocco and Their Fate during Seed Roasting
Volatile Organic Compounds Profiles to Determine Authenticity of Sweet Orange Juice Using Head Space Gas Chromatography Coupled with Multivariate Analysis
High Hydrostatic Pressure and Co-Fermentation by Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Gluconacetobacter xylinus Improve Flavor of Yacon-Litchi-Longan Juice
Assessment of Freeze-Dried Immobilized Lactobacillus casei as Probiotic Adjunct Culture in Yogurts
Chemical-Sensory Traits of Fresh Cheese Made by Enzymatic Coagulation of Donkey Milk
Assessment of Ready-to-Use Freeze-dried Immobilized Biocatalysts as Innovative Starter Cultures in Sourdough Bread Making
Nanomaterial Gas Sensors for Online Monitoring System of Fruit Jams
Correlating Noble Rot Infection of Garganega Withered Grapes with Key Molecules and Odorants of Botrytized Passito Wine
"Biogenic Amines, Phenolic, and Aroma-Related Compounds of Unroasted and Roasted Cocoa Beans with Different Origin"
Aroma Patterns Characterization of Braised Pork Obtained from a Novel Ingredient by Sensory-Guided Analysis and Gas-Chromatography-Olfactometry
"Swiss Cheese Flavor Variability Based on Correlations of Volatile Flavor Compounds, Descriptive Sensory Attributes, and Consumer Preference"
Volatile Profile and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Acacia Honey for Geographical Origin and Nutritional Value Determination
The Use of Candida pyralidae and Pichia kluyveri to Control Spoilage Microorganisms of Raw Fruits Used for Beverage Production
"Volatile Composition, Sensory Profile and Consumer Acceptability of HydroSOStainable Table Olives"
Potential of the Probiotic Lactobacillus Plantarum ATCC 14917 Strain to Produce Functional Fermented Pomegranate Juice
"Thyme and Savory Essential Oil Vapor Treatments Control Brown Rot and Improve the Storage Quality of Peaches and Nectarines, but Could Favor Gray Mold"
"Compositional Signatures of Conventional, Free Range, and Organic Pork Meat Using Fingerprint Techniques"
Sensory and Instrumental Flavor Changes in Green Tea Brewed Multiple Times
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 13-03-2025