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Effects of prenatal and lactational exposure to iodoacetic acid on the F1 generation of micedagger
PMCA1 depletion in mouse eggs amplifies calcium signaling and impacts offspring growthdagger
Prenatal exposure to di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and high-fat diet synergistically disrupts mouse fetal oogenesis and affects folliculogenesisdagger
Prenatal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate disrupts ovarian function in a transgenerational manner in female mice
Obesity Disrupts the Rhythmic Profiles of Maternal and Fetal Progesterone in Rat Pregnancy
Conjugated linoleic Acid supplementation during pregnancy and lactation reduces maternal high-fat-diet-induced programming of early-onset puberty and hyperlipidemia in female rat offspring
Buffalo cervico-vaginal fluid proteomics with special reference to estrous cycle: heat shock protein (HSP)-70 appears to be an estrus indicator
Sexual attractiveness in male rats is associated with greater concentration of major urinary proteins
The Bruce effect in Norway rats
Salivary lipocalin is uniquely expressed in the uterine endometrial glands at the time of conceptus implantation and induced by interleukin 1beta in pigs
"Release of free and conjugated forms of the putative pheromonal steroid 11-oxo-etiocholanolone by reproductively mature male round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814)"
A pair of mouse KRAB zinc finger proteins modulates multiple indicators of female reproduction
Rapid induction of cell proliferation in the adult female ungulate brain (Ovis aries) associated with activation of the reproductive axis by exposure to unfamiliar males
Bisphenol A effects on the growing mouse oocyte are influenced by diet
"11-ketotestosterone stimulates putative sex pheromone production in the male peacock blenny, Salaria pavo (Risso 1810)"
Gene expression profiles linked to the hormonal induction of male-effect pheromone synthesis in goats (Capra hircus)
In utero and lactational exposure to an environmentally relevant organochlorine mixture disrupts reproductive development and function in male rats
Impaired male sexual behavior in activin receptor type II knockout mice
The consequences of altered somatotropic system on reproduction
Chemosensory stimulation of luteinizing hormone secretion in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)
Male axillary extracts contain pheromones that affect pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone and mood in women recipients
"Male sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus L., excrete a sex pheromone from gill epithelia"
Impact of growth hormone resistance on female reproductive function: new insights from growth hormone receptor knockout mice
Mating induces gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal activation in anosmic female ferrets
Evidence for spontaneous postlactational estrus in gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica)
Role of the vomeronasal organ in neonatal offspring recognition in sheep
Testosterone-dependent primer pheromone production in the sebaceous gland of male goat
Olfactory bulbectomy blocks mating-induced ovulation in musk shrews (Suncus murinus)
"Effect of prolactin and androgen on the expression of the female-attracting pheromone silefrin in the abdominal gland of the newt, Cynops ensicauda"
Fertility diminution in female rats with experimental chronic nephrosis
Participation of embryonic genotype in the pregnancy block phenomenon in mice
Infertility in a line of mice with the high growth mutation is due to luteal insufficiency resulting from disruption at the hypothalamic-pituitary axis
Role of the adrenal gland and adrenal-mediated chemosignals in suppression of estrus in the house mouse: the lee-boot effect revisited
Sex difference and testosterone modulation of pheromone-induced NeuronalFos in the Ferret's main olfactory bulb and hypothalamus
Embryonic abnormality caused by male pheromonal effect in pregnancy block in mice
Chemical cues are necessary but insufficient for reproductive activation of female pine vole (Microtus pinetorum)
Vomeronasal organ removal blocks pheromonal induction of estrus in gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica)
Effect of a null mutation of the c-fos proto-oncogene on sexual behavior of male mice
Prolactin stimulates emission of nipple pheromone in ovariectomized New Zealand white rabbits
Hormonal pattern of the pheromonal restoration of cyclic activity in aging irregularly cycling and persistent-estrus female rats
Pheromonal male-induced diestrus and cyclicity in aging intact and young estrogenized female rats
"Sexual maturation in female gray short-tailed opossums, Monodelphis domestica, is dependent upon male stimuli"
Mating induces puberty in the female musk shrew
The effects of pheromonal stimuli on estrus and peripheral plasma estradiol in female gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica)
F prostaglandins function as potent olfactory stimulants that comprise the postovulatory female sex pheromone in goldfish
Experiential and endocrine dependence of gonadotropin responses in male mice to conspecific urine
Chemical properties of a female mouse pheromone that stimulates gonadotropin secretion in males
Pinealectomy or superior cervical ganglionectomy do not alter reproduction in the wolf (Canis lupus)
Male and female genotype mediate pheromonal regulation of the mouse estrous cycle
Activation of estrus by pheromones in a marsupial: stimulus control and endocrine factors
Olfactory environment and coitus-induced ovulation and/or luteinization in the cyclic female rat
"Puberty in pine voles, Microtus pinetorum, and the influence of chemosignals on female reproduction"
Intrauterine position affects sex-accessory biochemistry in adult female mice
"Evidence for the activation of female reproduction by males in a marsupial, the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica)"
Pheromone-induced reproductive inhibition in young female Peromyscus leucopus
Female reproductive development is not activated by male California voles exposed to family cues
Studies of the male-originating pheromones involved in the Whitten effect and Bruce effect in mice
Modulation of the estrous cycle by pheromones from pregnant and lactating rats
Decline in male mouse pheromone with age
Effects of chronic administration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on early embryogenesis of the mouse
Male vomeronasal organ mediates female-induced testosterone surges in mice
Endocrine control of female mouse odors that elicit luteinizing hormone surges and attraction in males
"Effect of grouping and sex on the estrous regulation of a wild rat, Bandicota bengalensis"
Puberty acceleration by a urinary cue from male mice in feral populations
Postimplantation abortion in pine voles (Microtus pinetorum) induced by strange males and pheromones of strange males
Puberty acceleration in mice. II. Evidence that the vomeronasal organ isa receptor for the primer pheromone in male mouse urine
Puberty acceleration in mice. I. Dose-response effects and lack of critical time following exposure to male mouse urine
Male-related pheromones and the activation of female reproduction in the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster)
The existence of a puberty accelerating pheromone in the urine of the male prairie deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii)
"Blocked sexual receptivity in grouped female golden hamsters, the result of contact induced inhibition"
Pregnancy block elicited by urinary proteins of male mice
Androgen control of the sexual maturation pheromone in house mouse urine
Chromatographic separation of puberty accelerating pheromone from male mouse urine
Estrous cycles in the mouse: relative influence of continuous light and the presence of a male
Male-induced puberty in female mice: evidence for a synergistic action of social cues
Regulatory effects of urinary pheromones on puberty in the mouse
Pheromonal facilitation of HCG-induced ovulation in different strains of immature mice
Olfactory preferences for the rat preputial gland
Semiochemical--structure and function
Sensory reception of olfactory cues
Strain differences in the ovulatory response of immature mice to PMS and to the pheromonal facilitation of PMS-induced ovulation
Rodent pheromones
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 14-03-2025