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Chemical ecology of Himalayan eggplant variety's antixenosis: identification of geraniol as an oviposition deterrent against the eggplant shoot and fruit borer
'Bleeding' flowers of Ceropegia gerrardii (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) mimic wounded insects to attract kleptoparasitic fly pollinators
Diversification of JAZ-MYC signaling function in immune metabolism
Addressing a century-old hypothesis - do pioneer beetles of Ips typographus use volatile cues to find suitable host trees?
(-)-Loliolide is a general signal of plant stress that activates jasmonate-related responses
"Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus changes alfalfa (Medicago sativa) metabolites in response to leaf spot (Phoma medicaginis) infection, with subsequent effects on pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) behavior"
A single MYB transcription factor with multiple functions during flower development
The saponin bomb: a nucleolar-localized beta-glucosidase hydrolyzes triterpene saponins in Medicago truncatula
The root-knot nematode effector MiMSP32 targets host 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 2 to regulate plant susceptibility
Root placement patterns in allelopathic plant-plant interactions
Stemborer-induced rice plant volatiles boost direct and indirect resistance in neighboring plants
CO(2) -induced biochemical changes in leaf volatiles decreased fire-intensity in the run-up to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
Leafminer attack accelerates the development of soil-dwelling conspecific pupae via plant-mediated changes in belowground volatiles
A multi-omics framework reveals strawberry flavor genes and their regulatory elements
Herbivore-induced Ca(2+) signals trigger a jasmonate burst by activating ERF16-mediated expression in tomato
Integration of multiple volatile cues into plant defense responses
Coordinated resource allocation to plant growth-defense tradeoffs
A new conceptual and quantitative approach to exploring and defining potential open-access olfactory information
Flowers prepare thyselves: leaf and root herbivores induce specific changes in floral phytochemistry with consequences for plant interactions with florivores
The New Phytologist Tansley Medal 2020 - Tommaso Jucker
The carboxy-terminal tail of GLR3.3 is essential for wound-response electrical signaling
Plant volatiles as regulators of hormone homeostasis
Unravelling the molecular networks that regulate kiwifruit flavor
Terpene synthases in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and their contribution to herbivore-induced volatile terpenoid emission
Single-cell RNA-sequencing of Nicotiana attenuata corolla cells reveals the biosynthetic pathway of a floral scent
Insect eggs trigger systemic acquired resistance against a fungal and an oomycete pathogen
Insect species richness affects plant responses to multi-herbivore attack
"Intentional and unintentional selection during plant domestication: herbivore damage, plant defensive traits and nutritional quality of fruit and seed crops"
Insect egg-killing: a new front on the evolutionary arms-race between brassicaceous plants and pierid butterflies
Climate change alters plant-herbivore interactions
Insights into the evolutionary history and widespread occurrence of antheridiogen systems in ferns
Drought affects carbon partitioning into volatile organic compound biosynthesis in Scots pine needles
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and interference of volatile organic compounds on measurements of methane (CH(4) ) fluxes at tree stems - a general phenomenon for plant systems?
ANNEXIN1 mediates calcium-dependent systemic defense in Arabidopsis plants upon herbivory and wounding
Geographical-based variations in white truffle Tuber magnatum aroma is explained by quantitative differences in key volatile compounds
Infochemicals in terrestrial plants and seaweed holobionts: current and future trends
Regulating plant herbivore defense pathways in the face of attacker diversity
Pith-specific lignification in Nicotiana attenuata as a defense against a stem-boring herbivore
Silencing the alarm: an insect salivary enzyme closes plant stomata and inhibits volatile release
A partially sex-reversed giant kelp sheds light into the mechanisms of sexual differentiation in a UV sexual system
Systemic propagation of immunity in plants
A promiscuous fatty acid omega-hydroxylase CYP94A90 is likely to be involved in biosynthesis of a floral nitro compound in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
Plant volatile organic compound (E)-2-hexenal facilitates Botrytis cinerea infection of fruits by inducing sulfate assimilation
ZmMPK6 and ethylene signalling negatively regulate the accumulation of anti-insect metabolites DIMBOA and DIMBOA-Glc in maize inbred line A188
miR319a/TCP module and DELLA protein regulate trichome initiation synergistically and improve insect defenses in Populus tomentosa
Genome-wide association of volatiles reveals candidate loci for blueberry flavor
Airborne medicine: bacterial volatiles and their influence on plant health
Cypripedium subtropicum (Orchidaceae) employs aphid colony mimicry to attract hoverfly (Syrphidae) pollinators
Dung mimicry: the function of volatile emissions and corolla patterning in fly-pollinated Wurmbea flowers
Conditioning the soil microbiome through plant-soil feedbacks suppresses an aboveground insect pest
Allelic differences of clustered terpene synthases contribute to correlated intraspecific variation of floral and herbivory-induced volatiles in a wild tobacco
Quint Rusman
Sniffing fungi - phenotyping of volatile chemical diversity in Trichoderma species
The role of sensory drive in floral evolution
Tasting improvement in fruit flavor using genomics
Pieris brassicae eggs trigger interplant systemic acquired resistance against a foliar pathogen in Arabidopsis
Systemin-mediated long-distance systemic defense responses
Sesquiterpene glucosylation mediated by glucosyltransferase UGT91Q2 is involved in the modulation of cold stress tolerance in tea plants
Chemical convergence between plants and insects: biosynthetic origins and functions of common secondary metabolites
"Oleoresin defenses in conifers: chemical diversity, terpene synthases and limitations of oleoresin defense under climate change"
Conflicting selection on floral scent emission in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea
Meta-analysis of the role of entomopathogenic and unspecialized fungal endophytes as plant bodyguards
"Eyes on the future - evidence for trade-offs between growth, storage and defense in Norway spruce"
Defense of pyrethrum flowers: repelling herbivores and recruiting carnivores by producing aphid alarm pheromone
The chemical and visual bases of the pollination of the Neotropical sexually deceptive orchid Telipogon peruvianus
The evolvability of animal-pollinated flowers: towards predicting adaptation to novel pollinator communities
Gazing into the anthosphere: considering how microbes influence floral evolution
Endosymbiotic Sinorhizobium meliloti modulate Medicago root susceptibility to secondary infection via ethylene
High carbon storage in carbon-limited trees
Functions of stone cells and oleoresin terpenes in the conifer defense syndrome
Phytochemicals as mediators for host range expansion of a native invasive forest insect herbivore
Tetranins: new putative spider mite elicitors of host plant defense
Retracing the molecular basis and evolutionary history of the loss of benzaldehyde emission in the genus Capsella
Scent chemistry is key in the evolutionary transition between insect and mammal pollination in African pineapple lilies
Intraspecific differences in plant defense induction by fall armyworm strains
Green leaf volatile production by plants: a meta-analysis
Caterpillars induce jasmonates in flowers and alter plant responses to a second attacker
"Herbivore-induced plant volatiles accurately predict history of coexistence, diet breadth, and feeding mode of herbivores"
Leaf rust infection reduces herbivore-induced volatile emission in black poplar and attracts a generalist herbivore
"Disarming the Red Queen: plant invasions, novel weapons, species coexistence, and microevolution"
Nutrient-rich plants emit a less intense blend of volatile isoprenoids
Drought and increased CO(2) alter floral visual and olfactory traits with context-dependent effects on pollinator visitation
Coexistence via coevolution driven by reduced allelochemical effects and increased tolerance to competition between invasive and native plants
Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: biosynthetic constraints and eco-evolutionary implications
Introduction to a special feature issue - New insights into plant volatiles
Herbivore specificity and the chemical basis of plant-plant communication in Baccharis salicifolia (Asteraceae)
A cytochrome P450 CYP71 enzyme expressed in Sorghum bicolor root hair cells participates in the biosynthesis of the benzoquinone allelochemical sorgoleone
Fresh knowledge for an old relationship: new discoveries in molecular mycorrhizal research
Nectar-inhabiting microorganisms influence nectar volatile composition and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator
Microbe-induced plant volatiles
Isoprene emission structures tropical tree biogeography and community assembly responses to climate
Ecological causes and consequences of flower color polymorphism in a self-pollinating plant (Boechera stricta)
Intergenerational environmental effects: functional signals in offspring transcriptomes and metabolomes after parental jasmonic acid treatment in apomictic dandelion
Aphid (Myzus persicae) feeding on the parasitic plant dodder (Cuscuta australis) activates defense responses in both the parasite and soybean host
"OsLRR-RLK1, an early responsive leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase, initiates rice defense responses against a chewing herbivore"
Herbivore-induced plant volatiles and tritrophic interactions across spatial scales
Identification of major loci and genomic regions controlling acid and volatile content in tomato fruit: implications for flavor improvement
Evidence of an evolutionary hourglass pattern in herbivory-induced transcriptomic responses
A mechanism for sequence specificity in plant-mediated interactions between herbivores
Herbivory-induced jasmonates constrain plant sugar accumulation and growth by antagonizing gibberellin signaling and not by promoting secondary metabolite production
GA as a regulatory link between the showy floral traits color and scent
Intraspecific chemical communication in microalgae
Helicoverpa zea gut-associated bacteria indirectly induce defenses in tomato by triggering a salivary elicitor(s)
Constraints on the evolution of resistance to gall flies in Solidago altissima: resistance sometimes costs more than it is worth
Vector and nonvector insect feeding reduces subsequent plant susceptibility to virus transmission
"PhERF6, interacting with EOBI, negatively regulates fragrance biosynthesis in petunia flowers"
The physics of pollinator attraction
Triggering a false alarm: wounding mimics prey capture in the carnivorous Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
Overcompensation of herbivore reproduction through hyper-suppression of plant defenses in response to competition
A fungal endophyte helps plants to tolerate root herbivory through changes in gibberellin and jasmonate signaling
Effect of prior drought and pathogen stress on Arabidopsis transcriptome changes to caterpillar herbivory
Induced plant volatiles: plant body odours structuring ecological networks
Invader disruption of belowground plant mutualisms reduces carbon acquisition and alters allocation patterns in a native forest herb
Introduction to a Virtual Special Issue on plant volatiles
Minding (and bridging) the gap between evolutionary ecology and atmospheric biogeochemistry in a study of plant pollinator behaviour
Convergent recruitment of new pollinators is triggered by independent hybridization events in Narcissus
Disentangling visual and olfactory signals in mushroom-mimicking Dracula orchids using realistic three-dimensional printed flowers
Eco-evolutionary factors drive induced plant volatiles: a meta-analysis
Heritability of floral volatiles and pleiotropic responses to artificial selection in Brassica rapa
Reproductive isolation between Zaluzianskya species: the influence of volatiles and flower orientation on hawkmoth foraging choices
Trading direct for indirect defense? Phytochrome B inactivation in tomato attenuates direct anti-herbivore defenses whilst enhancing volatile-mediated attraction of predators
Ozone degrades floral scent and reduces pollinator attraction to flowers
The volatile 6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one from Trichoderma atroviride regulates Arabidopsis thaliana root morphogenesis via auxin signaling and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 2 functioning
"Signals of speciation: volatile organic compounds resolve closely related sagebrush taxa, suggesting their importance in evolution"
Roots under attack: contrasting plant responses to below- and aboveground insect herbivory
"Time-invariant differences between plant individuals in interactions with arthropods correlate with intraspecific variation in plant phenology, morphology and floral scent"
Plant volatile-mediated signalling and its application in agriculture: successes and challenges
Plant-mediated pheromone emission by a hemipteran seed feeder increases the apparency of an unreliable but rewarding host
Silencing Nicotiana attenuata LHY and ZTL alters circadian rhythms in flowers
"The dynamics of cereal cyst nematode infection differ between susceptible and resistant barley cultivars and lead to changes in (1,3;1,4)-beta-glucan levels and HvCslF gene transcript abundance"
Multiple shifts to different pollinators fuelled rapid diversification in sexually deceptive Ophrys orchids
A Nicotiana attenuata cell wall invertase inhibitor (NaCWII) reduces growth and increases secondary metabolite biosynthesis in herbivore-attacked plants
Interplant signalling through hyphal networks
Chemical and morphological filters in a specialized floral mimicry system
Jasmonate-dependent depletion of soluble sugars compromises plant resistance to Manduca sexta
Cytokinin concentrations and CHASE-DOMAIN CONTAINING HIS KINASE 2 (NaCHK2)- and NaCHK3-mediated perception modulate herbivory-induced defense signaling and defenses in Nicotiana attenuata
Ecology and evolution of floral volatile-mediated information transfer in plants
Disruption of a CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 4 gene converts flower colour from white to yellow in Brassica species
Molecular characterization of two isoforms of a farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene in wheat and their roles in sesquiterpene synthesis and inducible defence against aphid infestation
Tetranychus urticae-triggered responses promote genotype-dependent conspecific repellence or attractiveness in citrus
Spider mites suppress tomato defenses downstream of jasmonate and salicylate independently of hormonal crosstalk
"Tree mortality from drought, insects, and their interactions in a changing climate"
"Two showy traits, scent emission and pigmentation, are finely coregulated by the MYB transcription factor PH4 in petunia flowers"
Trickery flowers: the extraordinary chemical mimicry of Aristolochia to accomplish deception to its pollinators
Systemic cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation is activated upon wounding and herbivory in Arabidopsis
Discovery of pyrazines as pollinator sex pheromones and orchid semiochemicals: implications for the evolution of sexual deception
Caterpillar attack triggers accumulation of the toxic maize protein RIP2
Chemical similarity between historical and novel host plants promotes range and host expansion of the mountain pine beetle in a naive host ecosystem
The monolignol pathway contributes to the biosynthesis of volatile phenylpropenes in flowers
Herbivory and floral signaling: phenotypic plasticity and tradeoffs between reproduction and indirect defense
"A new pollinating seed-consuming mutualism between Rheum nobile and a fly fungus gnat, Bradysia sp., involving pollinator attraction by a specific floral compound"
Kelps feature systemic defense responses: insights into the evolution of innate immunity in multicellular eukaryotes
The role of preadaptations or evolutionary novelties for the evolution of sexually deceptive orchids
Premature and ectopic anthocyanin formation by silencing of anthocyanidin reductase in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)
Variation in plant defences among populations of a range-expanding plant: consequences for trophic interactions
Root jasmonic acid synthesis and perception regulate folivore-induced shoot metabolites and increase Nicotiana attenuata resistance
RuBPCase activase (RCA) mediates growth-defense trade-offs: silencing RCA redirects jasmonic acid (JA) flux from JA-isoleucine to methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to attenuate induced defense responses in Nicotiana attenuata
"Real-time, in vivo intracellular recordings of caterpillar-induced depolarization waves in sieve elements using aphid electrodes"
Root traits predict decomposition across a landscape-scale grazing experiment
"Metabolic engineering of the C16 homoterpene TMTT in Lotus japonicus through overexpression of (E,E)-geranyllinalool synthase attracts generalist and specialist predators in different manners"
Four 13-lipoxygenases contribute to rapid jasmonate synthesis in wounded Arabidopsis thaliana leaves: a role for lipoxygenase 6 in responses to long-distance wound signals
"Biosynthesis, function and metabolic engineering of plant volatile organic compounds"
"Nicotiana attenuata MPK4 suppresses a novel jasmonic acid (JA) signaling-independent defense pathway against the specialist insect Manduca sexta, but is not required for the resistance to the generalist Spodoptera littoralis"
Canopy light cues affect emission of constitutive and methyl jasmonate-induced volatile organic compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana
Host-specific salivary elicitor(s) of European corn borer induce defenses in tomato and maize
Leaf-herbivore attack reduces carbon reserves and regrowth from the roots via jasmonate and auxin signaling
Fruit aromas in mature fleshy fruits as signals of readiness for predation and seed dispersal
Increasing atmospheric CO2 reduces metabolic and physiological differences between isoprene- and non-isoprene-emitting poplars
Jasmonate and ethylene signaling mediate whitefly-induced interference with indirect plant defense in Arabidopsis thaliana
"Spectroscopic sensitivity of real-time, rapidly induced phytochemical change in response to damage"
Symbiotic fungi alter plant chemistry that discourages leaf-cutting ants
Physical dormancy in seeds: a game of hide and seek?
Isoprene emission-free poplars--a chance to reduce the impact from poplar plantations on the atmosphere
Nicotiana attenuata alpha-DIOXYGENASE1 through its production of 2-hydroxylinolenic acid is required for intact plant defense expression against attack from Manduca sexta larvae
"The major volatile organic compound emitted from Arabidopsis thaliana flowers, the sesquiterpene (E)-beta-caryophyllene, is a defense against a bacterial pathogen"
Herbivore-induced plant volatiles mediate host selection by a root herbivore
The effect of genetically enriched (E)-beta-ocimene and the role of floral scent in the attraction of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis to spider mite-induced volatile blends of torenia
Intraspecific genotypic variability determines concentrations of key truffle volatiles
"The broad-leaf herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid turns rice into a living trap for a major insect pest and a parasitic wasp"
What you smell is more important than what you see? Natural selection on floral scent
Toxic cardenolides: chemical ecology and coevolution of specialized plant-herbivore interactions
"Phenotypic selection to increase floral scent emission, but not flower size or colour in bee-pollinated Penstemon digitalis"
PAP1 transcription factor enhances production of phenylpropanoid and terpenoid scent compounds in rose flowers
Herbivore-specific elicitation of photosynthesis by mirid bug salivary secretions in the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata
Cell-specific visualization of jasmonates in wounded tomato and Arabidopsis leaves using jasmonate-specific antibodies
Differential regulation of a MYB transcription factor is correlated with transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of trichome density in Mimulus guttatus
Mining for treatment-specific and general changes in target compounds and metabolic fingerprints in response to herbivory and phytohormones in Plantago lanceolata
Ecological trade-offs between jasmonic acid-dependent direct and indirect plant defences in tritrophic interactions
The role of abscisic acid and water stress in root herbivore-induced leaf resistance
SGT1 regulates wounding- and herbivory-induced jasmonic acid accumulation and Nicotiana attenuata's resistance to the specialist lepidopteran herbivore Manduca sexta
Truffle volatiles: from chemical ecology to aroma biosynthesis
Transition from wind pollination to insect pollination in sedges: experimental evidence and functional traits
Molecular and chemical mechanisms involved in aphid resistance in cultivated tomato
Induced resistance to pests and pathogens in trees
Doubled volatile organic compound emissions from subarctic tundra under simulated climate warming
Birch (Betula spp.) leaves adsorb and re-release volatiles specific to neighbouring plants--a mechanism for associational herbivore resistance?
Neighbors affect resistance to herbivory--a new mechanism
Chemical ecology of obligate pollination mutualisms: testing the 'private channel' hypothesis in the Breynia-Epicephala association
Disruption of plant carotenoid biosynthesis through virus-induced gene silencing affects oviposition behaviour of the butterfly Pieris rapae
Rare white-flowered morphs increase the reproductive success of common purple morphs in a food-deceptive orchid
"The role of volatile organic compounds, morphology and pigments of globeflowers in the attraction of their specific pollinating flies"
Variation and fitness costs for tolerance to different types of herbivore damage in Boechera stricta genotypes with contrasting glucosinolate structures
"Pollinator specificity, floral odour chemistry and the phylogeny of Australian sexually deceptive Chiloglottis orchids: implications for pollinator-driven speciation"
"Transcriptome profiles of hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa x deltoides) reveal rapid changes in undamaged, systemic sink leaves after simulated feeding by forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria)"
Stress-induced DNA methylation changes and their heritability in asexual dandelions
Learned and naive natural enemy responses and the interpretation of volatile organic compounds as cues or signals
The olfactory component of floral display in Asimina and Deeringothamnus (Annonaceae)
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on volatile terpenoid emissions and multitrophic communication of transgenic insecticidal oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
The hidden language of flowering plants: floral odours as a key for understanding angiosperm evolution?
Biogenic volatile organic compounds in the Earth system
"Silencing two herbivory-activated MAP kinases, SIPK and WIPK, does not increase Nicotiana attenuata's susceptibility to herbivores in the glasshouse and in nature"
Plants on early alert: glandular trichomes as sensors for insect herbivores
"Poplar defense against insects: genome analysis, full-length cDNA cloning, and transcriptome and protein analysis of the poplar Kunitz-type protease inhibitor family"
Polymorphism in jasmonate signaling partially accounts for the variety of volatiles produced by Nicotiana attenuata plants in a native population
"Leaf trichome responses to herbivory in willows: induction, relaxation and costs"
Herbivore-induced shifts in carbon and nitrogen allocation in red oak seedlings
Indirect defence via tritrophic interactions
An increasingly scented world
Climatic warming increases isoprene emission from a subarctic heath
Gall insects can avoid and alter indirect plant defenses
Priming defense genes and metabolites in hybrid poplar by the green leaf volatile cis-3-hexenyl acetate
Systemic induced resistance: a risk-spreading strategy in clonal plant networks?
Optimized virus-induced gene silencing in Solanum nigrum reveals the defensive function of leucine aminopeptidase against herbivores and the shortcomings of empty vector controls
Transcription factor MYC2 is involved in priming for enhanced defense during rhizobacteria-induced systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Role of odour compounds in the attraction of gamete vectors in endophytic Epichloe fungi
"Consequences of the overproduction of methyl jasmonate on seed production, tolerance to defoliation and competitive effect and response of Arabidopsis thaliana"
"A multicomponent, elicitor-inducible cystatin complex in tomato, Solanum lycopersicum"
Symbiont-mediated changes in Lolium arundinaceum inducible defenses: evidence from changes in gene expression and leaf composition
Nursery pollination by a moth in Silene latifolia: the role of odours in eliciting antennal and behavioural responses
"Dynamics of the enhanced emissions of monoterpenes and methyl salicylate, and decreased uptake of formaldehyde, by Quercus ilex leaves after application of jasmonic acid"
The chemical nature of fetid floral odours in stapeliads (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae)
"Genes, enzymes and chemicals of terpenoid diversity in the constitutive and induced defence of conifers against insects and pathogens"
Molecular analysis of poplar defense against herbivory: comparison of wound- and insect elicitor-induced gene expression
Seduced by the dark side: integrating molecular and ecological perspectives on the influence of light on plant defence against pests and pathogens
Jasmonic acid induces rapid changes in carbon transport and partitioning in Populus
Anatomical and chemical defenses of conifer bark against bark beetles and other pests
Leaf damage induces twining in a climbing plant
Direct and indirect defences induced by piercing-sucking and chewing herbivores in Medicago truncatula
Caterpillars of Euphydryas aurinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) feeding on Succisa pratensis leaves induce large foliar emissions of methanol
Carbohydrate translocation determines the phenolic content of Populus foliage: a test of the sink-source model of plant defense
Correlation of short-chained carbonyls emitted from Picea abies with physiological and environmental parameters
Degradation of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) fluorene is retarded in a Scots pine ectomycorrhizosphere
Isoprenoid emissions of Quercus spp. (Q. suber and Q. ilex) in mixed stands contrasting in interspecific genetic introgression
Ecology and evolution of light-dependent and light-independent phytogenic volatile organic carbon
Insect-mediated reproduction of systemic infections by Puccinia arrhenatheri on Berberis vulgaris
Plant resistance towards insect herbivores: a dynamic interaction
Influence of zinc hyperaccumulation on glucosinolates in Thlaspi caerulescens
"Dynamics of Ni-based defence and organic defences in the Ni hyperaccumulator, Streptanthus polygaloides (Brassicaceae)"
Beetle grazing reduces natural infection of Rumex obtusifolius by fungal pathogens
Dynamics of thermogenesis and structure of epidermal tissues in inflorescences of Arum maculatum
"The effect of an insect herbivore and a rust fungus individually, and combined in sequence, on the growth of two Rumex species"
The biology of myco-heterotrophic ('saprophytic') plants
Secondary metabolites in plant defence mechanisms
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 14-03-2025