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Environ Int
Bottled water contaminant exposures and potential human effects
Multi-omics analysis reveals hepatic lipid metabolism profiles and serum lipid biomarkers upon indoor relevant VOC exposure
Do shale oil and gas production activities impact ambient air quality? A comprehensive study of 12 years of chemical concentrations and well production data from the Barnett Shale region of Texas
Effect of photochemical losses of ambient volatile organic compounds on their source apportionment
Future impacts of O(3) on respiratory hospital admission in the UK from current emissions policies
Fluorine-tailed glass fibers for adsorption of volatile perfluorinated compounds via F-F interaction
"Autophagy attenuates placental apoptosis, oxidative stress and fetal growth restriction in pregnant ewes"
A review of the factors affecting the emission of the ozone chemical precursors VOCs and NO(x) from the soil
Ozone response modeling to NOx and VOC emissions: Examining machine learning models
"Urinary metabolites of multiple volatile organic compounds among pregnant women across pregnancy: Variability, exposure characteristics, and associations with selected oxidative stress biomarkers"
Secondary PM(2.5) dominates aerosol pollution in the Yangtze River Delta region: Environmental and health effects of the Clean air Plan
Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in landfill gas: Composition characteristics and health risks
Using the POD sampler for quantitative diffusive (passive) monitoring of volatile and very volatile organics in ambient air: Sampling rates and analytical performance
Vermitoxicity of aged biochar and exploring potential damage factors
Quantitative evidence from VOCs source apportionment reveals O(3) control strategies in northern and southern China
"Multiply improved positive matrix factorization for source apportionment of volatile organic compounds during the COVID-19 shutdown in Tianjin, China"
How a winding-down oil refinery park impacts air quality nearby?
Associations between airborne crude oil chemicals and symptom-based asthma
Non-targeted analysis of unknown volatile chemicals in medical masks
Early life exposure to indoor air pollutants and the risk of neurodevelopmental delays: The Japan Environment and Children's Study
"Occurrence of and dermal exposure to benzene, toluene and styrene found in hand sanitizers from the United States"
"Exploring source footprint of Organophosphate esters in the Bohai Sea, China: Insight from temporal and spatial variabilities in the atmosphere from June 2014 to May 2019"
Identification of decadal trends and associated causes for organic and elemental carbon in PM(2.5) at Canadian urban sites
Measurement methods and impact factors for the key parameters of VOC/SVOC emissions from materials in indoor and vehicular environments: A review
Modeling particulate nitrate in China: Current findings and future directions
Multi-factor reconciliation of discrepancies in ozone-precursor sensitivity retrieved from observation- and emission-based models
Identification of ozone sensitivity for NO(2) and secondary HCHO based on MAX-DOAS measurements in northeast China
Global review of source apportionment of volatile organic compounds based on highly time-resolved data from 2015 to 2021
Identification of key volatile organic compounds in aircraft cabins and associated inhalation health risks
Laboratory evaluation of low-cost air quality monitors and single sensors for monitoring typical indoor emission events in Dutch daycare centers
Strong temperature influence and indiscernible ventilation effect on dynamics of some semivolatile organic compounds in the indoor air of an office
Toxicological transcriptome of human airway constructs after exposure to indoor air particulate matter: In search of relevant pathways of moisture damage-associated health effects
TVOC - Revisited
Personal airborne chemical exposure and epigenetic ageing biomarkers in healthy Chinese elderly individuals: Evidence from mixture approaches
A review of indoor Gaseous organic compounds and human chemical Exposure: Insights from Real-time measurements
Predicting the emissions of VOCs/SVOCs in source and sink materials: Development of analytical model and determination of the key parameters
"Exploring personal chemical exposures in China with wearable air pollutant monitors: A repeated-measure study in healthy older adults in Jinan, China"
"The exposures and health effects of benzene, toluene and naphthalene for Chinese chefs in multiple cooking styles of kitchens"
"Maternal transfer and occurrence of siloxanes, chlorinated paraffins, metals, PFAS and legacy POPs in herring gulls (Larus argentatus) of different urban influence"
Assessing exposure of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in car cabins: Current understanding and future challenges in developing a standardized methodology
A comprehensive review on anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission estimates in China: Comparison and outlook
Biomonitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) among hairdressers in salons primarily serving women of color: A pilot study
Measurements and analysis of non-methane VOC (NMVOC) emissions from major domestic aerosol sprays at 'source'
"A comprehensive study on ozone pollution in a megacity in North China Plain during summertime: Observations, source attributions and ozone sensitivity"
Wood emissions and asthma development: Results from an experimental mouse model and a prospective cohort study
"SARS-CoV-2 and helminth co-infections, and environmental pollution exposure: An epidemiological and immunological perspective"
Trends in environmental chemical concentrations in the Canadian population: Biomonitoring data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007-2017
"Associations between blood volatile organic compounds, and changes in hematologic and biochemical profiles, in a population-based study"
Assessing the health impacts of electric vehicles through air pollution in the United States
Measurements techniques and models to assess odor annoyance: A review
Comprehensive assessment of the indoor air quality in a chlorinated Olympic-size swimming pool
Benthic foraminiferal metabarcoding and morphology-based assessment around three offshore gas platforms: Congruence and complementarity
"Body mass, mercury exposure, biochemistry and untargeted metabolomics of incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in three Baltic colonies"
"Longer commutes are associated with increased human exposure to tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate"
"Environmental pollutants affecting children's growth and development: Collective results from the MOCEH study, a multi-centric prospective birth cohort in Korea"
"Legacy and emerging organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in indoor microenvironments from Guangzhou, South China"
Potential applications of graphene-based nanomaterials as adsorbent for removal of volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds in feminine hygiene products sold in the US market: A survey of products and health risks
Record-high capture of volatile benzene and toluene enabled by activator implant-optimized banana peel-derived engineering carbonaceous adsorbents
Vehicle emissions in a middle-sized city of China: Current status and future trends
Predicting the emission characteristics of VOCs in a simulated vehicle cabin environment based on small-scale chamber tests: Parameter determination and validation
Assessment of the air quality in 20 public indoor swimming pools located in the Northern Region of Portugal
Characterization of particulate and gaseous pollutants emitted during operation of a desktop 3D printer
Alternatives to neonicotinoids
Waterpipe tobacco smoke: Characterization of toxicants and exposure biomarkers in a cross-sectional study of waterpipe employees
Profiles and monthly variations of selected volatile organic compounds in indoor air in Canadian homes: Results of Canadian national indoor air survey 2012-2013
Silicone wristbands integrate dermal and inhalation exposures to semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)
"Volatile organic compounds emissions from traditional and clean domestic heating appliances in Guanzhong Plain, China: Emission factors, source profiles, and effects on regional air quality"
Supported ceria-modified silver catalysts with high activity and stability for toluene removal
Indoor air pollution and exposure assessment of the gulf cooperation council countries: A critical review
"Gestational exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: A pilot study"
"Health risk assessment of reclaimed wastewater: A case study of a conventional water reclamation plant in Nanjing, China"
Common SVOCs in house dust from urban dwellings with schoolchildren in six typical cities of China and associated non-dietary exposure and health risk assessment
Biomarkers of exposure to SVOCs in children and their demographic associations: The TESIE Study
Chemical-by-chemical and cumulative risk assessment of residential indoor exposure to semivolatile organic compounds in France
Bioaccessibility and bioavailability of environmental semi-volatile organic compounds via inhalation: A review of methods and models
"Phthalates and organophosphates in settled dust and HVAC filter dust of U.S. low-income homes: Association with season, building characteristics, and childhood asthma"
Long-term indoor air conditioner filtration and cardiovascular health: A randomized crossover intervention study
Chemical exposures in recently renovated low-income housing: Influence of building materials and occupant activities
Assessing human health risks from pesticide use in conventional and innovative cropping systems with the BROWSE model
Dermal absorption of semivolatile organic compounds from the gas phase: Sensitivity of exposure assessment by steady state modeling to key parameters
Air quality inside subway metro indoor environment worldwide: A review
Volatile organic compounds of possible microbial origin and their risks on childhood asthma and allergies within damp homes
An assessment of air quality reflecting the chemosensory irritation impact of mixtures of volatile organic compounds
From the shop to the drain - Volatile methylsiloxanes in cosmetics and personal care products
Health risk impacts analysis of fugitive aromatic compounds emissions from the working face of a municipal solid waste landfill in China
"Twelve-year trends in ambient concentrations of volatile organic compounds in a community of the Alberta Oil Sands Region, Canada"
Urinary concentrations of PAH and VOC metabolites in marijuana users
Pollutant exposures and health symptoms in aircrew and office workers: Is there a link?
Bioremediation of PAHs and VOCs: Advances in clay mineral-microbial interaction
Assessment of indoor environmental quality in existing multi-family buildings in North-East Europe
"Persistent and emerging pollutants in the blood of German adults: Occurrence of dechloranes, polychlorinated naphthalenes, and siloxanes"
Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds emitted from different plastic solid waste recycling workshops
"Heterogeneity in coal composition and implications for lung cancer risk in Xuanwei and Fuyuan counties, China"
Concentrations of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in European cosmetics and personal care products: prerequisite for human and environmental exposure assessment
"Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs) in environment - sources, potential human health impacts, and current remediation technologies"
Influence of a municipal solid waste landfill in the surrounding environment: toxicological risk and odor nuisance effects
Attributing population-scale human exposure to various source categories: merging exposure models and biomonitoring data
Modeling and analysis of personal exposures to VOC mixtures using copulas
Pollution profiles and health risk assessment of VOCs emitted during e-waste dismantling processes associated with different dismantling methods
Risk assessment of population inhalation exposure to volatile organic compounds and carbonyls in urban China
Prenatal VOC exposure and redecoration are related to wheezing in early infancy
Ozone-initiated VOC and particle emissions from a cleaning agent and an air freshener: risk assessment of acute airway effects
Occurrence of linear and cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in indoor air samples (UK and Italy) and their isotopic characterization
The health significance of gas- and particle-phase terpene oxidation products: a review
"Associations between PBDEs in office air, dust, and surface wipes"
A review on human health perspective of air pollution with respect to allergies and asthma
Chronic risk assessment of exposure to volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere near the largest Mediterranean industrial site
Measuring combined exposure to environmental pressures in urban areas: an air quality and noise pollution assessment approach
Impact of cigarette smoking on volatile organic compound (VOC) blood levels in the U.S. population: NHANES 2003-2004
Lanthanum cobaltite perovskite supported onto mesoporous zirconium dioxide: nature of active sites of VOC oxidation
Cumulative risk assessment of chemical exposures in urban environments
Exposure to major volatile organic compounds and carbonyls in European indoor environments and associated health risk
Spatial-temporal and cancer risk assessment of selected hazardous air pollutants in Seattle
Monitoring of firefighters exposure to smoke during fire experiments in Portugal
Measurement of semivolatile carbonaceous aerosols and its implications: a review
Domestic waste composting facilities: a review of human health risks
Investigation of volatile organic compounds and phthalates present in the cabin air of used private cars
Low molecular weight cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in cosmetic products sold in Canada: implication for dermal exposure
Which compounds contribute most to elevated airborne exposure and corresponding health risks in the Western Balkans?
Symptoms prevalence among office workers of a sealed versus a non-sealed building: associations to indoor air quality
Prediction of SVOC vegetation and atmospheric concentrations using calculated deposition velocities
A quantitative integrated assessment of pollution prevention achieved by integrated pollution prevention control licensing
"Comparison of VOC and ammonia emissions from individual PVC materials, adhesives and from complete structures"
Distributions of personal VOC exposures: a population-based analysis
"Occurrence, distribution and possible sources of organochlorine pesticide residues in tropical coastal environment of India: an overview"
Initial study on the effects of Prestige oil on human health
Volatile organic compounds in indoor environment and photocatalytic oxidation: state of the art
A case study on identification of airborne organic compounds and time courses of their concentrations in the cabin of a new car for private use
A review of traffic-related air pollution exposure assessment studies in the developing world
Quantitative determination of volatile organic compounds in indoor dust using gas chromatography-UV spectrometry
"Evaluation of the pollution of the surface waters of Greece from the priority compounds of list II, 76/464/EEC directive, and other toxic compounds"
Emission modelling and validation of VOCs' source strengths in air-conditioned office premises
"Ecological effects of sulfur dioxide, fluorides, and minor air pollutants: recent trends and research needs"
"Preliminary measurements of aromatic VOCs in public transportation modes in Guangzhou, China"
Sorption of volatile organic compounds on typical carpet fibers
Risk assessment of sensory irritants in indoor air--a case study in a French school
Volatile organic compounds concentrations in residential indoor and outdoor and its personal exposure in Korea
Emissions from heated indoor dust
Estimation of optimum requirements for indoor air quality and energy consumption in some residences in Kuwait
Setting up the criteria and credit-awarding scheme for building interior material selection to achieve better indoor air quality
Evaluation of some air pollution indicators in Turkey
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 14-03-2025