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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
A chemical defense deters cannibalism in migratory locusts
A 3D extra-large-pore zeolite enabled by 1D-to-3D topotactic condensation of a chain silicate
Chemical notes of tsetse fly mating
Helping honey bees help themselves
A volatile sex attractant of tsetse flies
Natural history-guided omics reveals plant defensive chemistry against leafhopper pests
Nocturnal survival of isoprene linked to formation of upper tropospheric organic aerosol
Spacecraft sample collection and subsurface excavation of asteroid (101955) Bennu
Drivers of mosquito mating
"Clock genes and environmental cues coordinate Anopheles pheromone synthesis, swarming, and mating"
Ecosystem fluxes during drought and recovery in an experimental forest
Watching a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (*QOOH) dissociate
"A nitrogenase-like enzyme system catalyzes methionine, ethylene, and methane biogenesis"
Information arms race explains plant-herbivore chemical communication in ecological communities
Atmospheric scientists join pheromone quest
Growth of legal pot farms drives smog worries
Cell types exposed by social scent
Sensory coding mechanisms revealed by optical tagging of physiologically defined neuronal types
Social transmission of food safety depends on synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex
"Glutamate triggers long-distance, calcium-based plant defense signaling"
Chemical interactions between Saturn's atmosphere and its rings
Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions
Emission of volatile organic compounds from petunia flowers is facilitated by an ABC transporter
"Aggregation of the Whi3 protein, not loss of heterochromatin, causes sterility in old yeast cells"
A chemical genetic roadmap to improved tomato flavor
"Releasing plant volatiles, as simple as ABC"
Atmospheric photochemistry at a fatty acid-coated air-water interface
The fungi that ate my house
Carbon radicals. Direct observation and kinetics of a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (QOOH)
BIOCHEMISTRY. The flowering of a new scent pathway in rose
PLANT VOLATILES. Biosynthesis of monoterpene scent compounds in roses
Evolution. Smells like queen since the Cretaceous
Drosophila life span and physiology are modulated by sexual perception and reward
Cell biology. Cells listen to their inner voice
Males shorten the life span of C. elegans hermaphrodites via secreted compounds
Neurosensory perception of environmental cues modulates sperm motility critical for fertilization
Development. Chemical warfare in the battle of the sexes
Antheridiogen determines sex in ferns via a spatiotemporally split gibberellin synthesis pathway
Conserved class of queen pheromones stops social insect workers from reproducing
"Volatile and organic compositions of sedimentary rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars"
Sensory biology. Flower discrimination by pollinators in a dynamic chemical environment
Plant Science. Sex and the single fern
Secreting and sensing the same molecule allows cells to achieve versatile social behaviors
Detection and learning of floral electric fields by bumblebees
Active atmosphere-ecosystem exchange of the vast majority of detected volatile organic compounds
Neural basis of a pollinator's buffet: olfactory specialization and learning in Manduca sexta
Caffeine in floral nectar enhances a pollinator's memory of reward
"Volatile, isotope, and organic analysis of martian fines with the Mars Curiosity rover"
Structure of the integral membrane protein CAAX protease Ste24p
Biogenic potassium salt particles as seeds for secondary organic aerosol in the Amazon
Conformational control of the Ste5 scaffold protein insulates against MAP kinase misactivation
Pheromonal induction of spatial learning in mice
Sexual deprivation increases ethanol intake in Drosophila
Human tears contain a chemosignal
Organic aerosol formation downwind from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Insects betray themselves in nature to predators by rapid isomerization of green leaf volatiles
Efficient atmospheric cleansing of oxidized organic trace gases by vegetation
Olfactory plasticity is regulated by pheromonal signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans
Eppendorf winner. Evolution and revolution in odor detection
Developmental biology. Strategies to get arrested
An ABC transporter controls export of a Drosophila germ cell attractant
Two chemoreceptors mediate developmental effects of dauer pheromone in C. elegans
Grueneberg ganglion cells mediate alarm pheromone detection in mice
Encoding gender and individual information in the mouse vomeronasal organ
Field experiments with transformed plants reveal the sense of floral scents
Atmospheric hydroxyl radical production from electronically excited NO2 and H2O
Wired for sex: the neurobiology of Drosophila mating decisions
Regulation of the cellular heat shock response in Caenorhabditis elegans by thermosensory neurons
Plant science. The 'invisible hand' of floral chemistry
"Neuroscience. Brainwashing, honeybee style"
Eppendorf 2007 winner. Neural circuits underlying chemical perception
Queen pheromone blocks aversive learning in young worker bees
Cell signaling. A sophisticated scaffold wields a new trick
Flowers and fungi use scents to mimic each other
Medical entomology. Keeping the bugs at bay
The molecular basis for wine grape quality--a volatile subject
"G protein signaling in yeast: new components, new connections, new compartments"
Volatile signaling in plant-plant interactions: 'talking trees' in the genomics era
The Ste5 scaffold allosterically modulates signaling output of the yeast mating pathway
Plant volatile compounds: sensory cues for health and nutritional value?
Genetic engineering of terpenoid metabolism attracts bodyguards to Arabidopsis
Insect sex-pheromone signals mediated by specific combinations of olfactory receptors
"Identification of the sex pheromone of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica"
Biochemistry. Irresistible lure for cockroaches determined
Eppendorf 2005 winner. A Drosophila OBP required for pheromone signaling
Signal transduction. Signaling specificity in yeast
Plant science. New gene boosts plant's defenses against pests
Missing OH reactivity in a forest: evidence for unknown reactive biogenic VOCs
Identification of polymers as major components of atmospheric organic aerosols
Tip20p prohibits back-fusion of COPII vesicles with the endoplasmic reticulum
Silencing the jasmonate cascade: induced plant defenses and insect populations
Organic aerosol growth mechanisms and their climate-forcing implications
Pheromone signaling mechanisms in yeast: a prototypical sex machine
Ecological adaptation during incipient speciation revealed by precise gene replacement
Encoding pheromonal signals in the accessory olfactory bulb of behaving mice
Neuroscience. Snooty exchanges are key to mouse society
Evolutionary biology. Outside agitators alter wasp behavior
The chemistry of sexual deception in an orchid-wasp pollination system
A seven-transmembrane RGS protein that modulates plant cell proliferation
Social insect networks
Role of mobile DNA in the evolution of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis
Identification of a major gene regulating complex social behavior
Bile Acid secreted by male sea lamprey that acts as a sex pheromone
Formation of stable chlorinated hydrocarbons in weathering plant material
Loss of sex discrimination and male-male aggression in mice deficient for TRP2
"Pheromone reception. When in doubt, mice mate rather than hate"
Plant genetics. Something to sniff at: unbottling floral scent
Role of a ubiquitin-like modification in polarized morphogenesis
What mosquitoes want: secrets of host attraction
Regulation of MAPK function by direct interaction with the mating-specific Galpha in yeast
Animal behavior. Single gene dictates ant society
Defensive function of herbivore-induced plant volatile emissions in nature
DNA replication-independent silencing in S. cerevisiae
Establishment of transcriptional silencing in the absence of DNA replication
"Bakers' yeast, a model for fungal biofilm formation"
Observations of ozone formation in power plant plumes and implications for ozone control strategies
Role of Erv29p in collecting soluble secretory proteins into ER-derived transport vesicles
Recruitment of Mec1 and Ddc1 checkpoint proteins to double-strand breaks through distinct mechanisms
Natural selection and the reinforcement of mate recognition
Genome-wide location and function of DNA binding proteins
"The initial domestication of goats (Capra hircus) in the Zagros mountains 10,000 years ago"
The influence of canadian forest fires on pollutant concentrations in the united states
Responses of vomeronasal neurons to natural stimuli
Signaling and circuitry of multiple MAPK pathways revealed by a matrix of global gene expression profiles
Genetic selection of peptide inhibitors of biological pathways
Communication goes multimodal
Ploidy regulation of gene expression
The vomeronasal organ
Seven-transmembrane proteins as odorant and chemosensory receptors
Proteinaceous pheromone affecting female receptivity in a terrestrial salamander
Induced responses to herbivory and increased plant performance
The role of Far1p in linking the heterotrimeric G protein to polarity establishment proteins during yeast mating
Inhibition of pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus by Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha-factor
Modulation of Ras and a-factor function by carboxyl-terminal proteolysis
Olfactory 'consciousness'?
"Bni1p, a yeast formin linking cdc42p and the actin cytoskeleton during polarized morphogenesis"
Genetic feminization of pheromones and its behavioral consequences in Drosophila males
"Tropospheric air pollution: ozone, airborne toxics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and particles"
Unconscious odors
Ste5 RING-H2 domain: role in Ste4-promoted oligomerization for yeast pheromone signaling
Osmotic activation of the HOG MAPK pathway via Ste11p MAPKKK: scaffold role of Pbs2p MAPKK
Enzymatic synthesis of a quorum-sensing autoinducer through use of defined substrates
Control of C. elegans larval development by neuronal expression of a TGF-beta homolog
Role of type I myosins in receptor-mediated endocytosis in yeast
Bisexual fruit flies point to brain courtship centers
Genetic feminization of brain structures and changed sexual orientation in male Drosophila
Association of the yeast pheromone response G protein beta gamma subunits with the MAP kinase scaffold Ste5p
Role of yeast insulin-degrading enzyme homologs in propheromone processing and bud site selection
Sodefrin: a female-attracting peptide pheromone in newt cloacal glands
Pheromone response in yeast: association of Bem1p with proteins of the MAP kinase cascade and actin
Urban ozone control and atmospheric reactivity of organic gases
Genetics of a pheromonal difference contributing to reproductive isolation in Drosophila
Induction of an olfactory memory by the activation of a metabotropic glutamate receptor
Degradation of G alpha by the N-end rule pathway
Direct inhibition of the yeast cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28-Cln by Far1
Suppression of hyphal formation in Candida albicans by mutation of a STE12 homolog
Silencers and domains of generalized repression
Why snakes have forked tongues
A divergence in the MAP kinase regulatory network defined by MEK kinase and Raf
Elements of the yeast pheromone response pathway required for filamentous growth of diploids
Identification of a sex pheromone from a spider
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase: gene structure and requirement for yeast cell viability
Functional specialization of olfactory glomeruli in a moth
Chemical signals from host plant and sexual behavior in a moth
Functional complementation of yeast ste6 by a mammalian multidrug resistance mdr gene
Control of larval development by chemosensory neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans
"HRR25, a putative protein kinase from budding yeast: association with repair of damaged DNA"
Controlling urban air pollution: a benefit-cost assessment
Mediation of the attachment or fusion step in vesicular transport by the GTP-binding Ypt1 protein
Common modifications of trimeric G proteins and ras protein: involvement of polyisoprenylation
Control of yeast mating signal transduction by a mammalian beta 2-adrenergic receptor and Gs alpha subunit
Enzymatic coupling of cholesterol intermediates to a mating pheromone precursor and to the ras protein
Exploitation of herbivore-induced plant odors by host-seeking parasitic wasps
Olfactory recognition: a simple memory system
Sexual role reversal in mate-finding strategies of the cabbage looper moth
Involvement of juvenile hormone in the regulation of pheromone release activities in a moth
Clathrin: a role in the intracellular retention of a Golgi membrane protein
Identification of a neuropeptide hormone that regulates sex pheromone production in female moths
Genetic and pharmacological suppression of oncogenic mutations in ras genes of yeast and humans
Some other books of interest: insect pheromones in plant protection
Sex pheromones in snakes
Pheromone-mediation of host-selection in bont ticks (Amblyomma hebraeum koch)
DNAs of the two mating-type alleles of Neurospora crassa are highly dissimilar
"Revenge of the 'Nozzleheads': Insect pheromones, once hyped as a panacea, have been quietly proving their efficacy; but federal regulation, the pesticide industry, and the very nature of the delicate chemicals themselves still stand in the way of their widespread use"
"Pheromone Biochemistry. Glenn D. Prestwich and Gary J. Blomquist, Eds. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1987. xx, 565 pp., illus. $85"
Induced resistance and interspecific competition between spider mites and a vascular wilt fungus
Evolution of male pheromones in moths: reproductive isolation through sexual selection?
Chemistry of pheromone and hormone metabolism in insects
Chemical mimicry: bolas spiders emit components of moth prey species sex pheromones
Programmed gene rearrangements altering gene expression
Pheromone components and active spaces: what do moths smell and where do they smell it?
Transcriptional regulation in the yeast life cycle
Infantile experience with suckling odors determines adult sexual behavior in male rats
Adrenal-mediated endogenous metabolites inhibit puberty in female mice
Transmission of a female sex pheromone thwarted by males in the spider Linyphia litigiosa (Linyphiidae)
Genetic consequences of mate choice: a quantitative genetic method for testing sexual selection theory
Evidence for an antiaphrodisiac in the sweat bee Lasioglossum (Dialictus) zephyrum
[2 + 2] photocycloadditions in the synthesis of chiral molecules
Computerized pattern recognition: a new technique for the analysis of chemical communication
Use of and research on pheromones
Volatile halogenated organic compounds released to seawater from temperate marine macroalgae
Aldehyde Pheromones in Lepidoptera: Evidence for an Acetate Ester Precursor in Choristoneura fumiferana
Brain factor control of sex pheromone production in the female corn earworm moth
"Isolation and structure of bacterial sex pheromone, cPD1"
"Pheromonal Control of Metamorphosis in the Pacific Sand Dollar, Dendraster excentricus"
Bark beetle conversion of a plant compound to a sex-specific inhibitor of pheromone attraction
Male Esterase 6 Catalyzes the Synthesis of a Sex Pheromone in Drosophila melanogaster Females
Morphological correlates of differences in pheromone sensitivity in insect sensilla
Sex Pheromone Biosynthesis in Trichoplusia ni: Key Steps Involve Delta-11 Desaturation and Chain-Shortening
The terminal nerve: a new chemosensory system in vertebrates?
Regulation of queen number by workers in colonies of social insects
An unusual lepidopteran sex pheromone system in the bagworm moth
Asian bull elephants: Flehmen-like responses to extractable components in female elephant estrous urine
Obligate necrophagy in a social bee
Intraspecific vertical stratification as a mate-finding mechanism in tropical cockroaches
Male Lek Formation and Female Calling in a Population of the Arctiid Moth Estigmene acrea
Pheromone source location by flying moths: a supplementary non-anemotactic mechanism
A pheromone influences larval development in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Yeast mating pheromone activates mammalian gonadotrophs: evolutionary conservation of a reproductive hormone?
"Sex pheromone of the winter moth, a geometrid with unusually low temperature precopulatory responses"
Scent organ development in creatonotos moths: regulation by pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Close-range attraction of female oriental fruit moths to herbal scent of male hairpencils
Antibiotic-induced inhibition of pheromone synthesis in a bark beetle
Male vole urine changes luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and norepinephrine in female olfactory bulb
Female sex pheromone in the skin and circulation of a garter snake
Pheromonal control of dealation and oogenesis in virgin queen fire ants
Vibratory communication through living plants by a tropical wandering spider
Pheromones: background and potential for use in insect pest control
Pheromone orientation: role of internal control mechanisms
Access of urinary nonvolatiles to the mammalian vomeronasal organ
Puberty delay by a urinary cue from female house mice in feral populations
By Dawn's Early Light: Matutinal Mating and Sex Attractants in a Neotropical Mantid
Primate olfactory behavior
Sex pheromone in the dog
Trace chemicals: the essence of sexual communication systems in heliothis species
European corn borer: pheromone polymorphism or sibling species?
Chemoreceptors in lepidoptera: stereochemical differentiation of dual receptors for an achiral pheromone
Competition Among Courting Male Moths: Male-to-Male Inhibitory Pheromone
Chemical ecology: studies from East Africa
Emission of maternal pheromone
"Sex pheromone of the tsetse fly: isolation, identification, and synthesis of contact aphrodisiacs"
Rhythms in pheromone production of the male boll weevil
"Schistosoma mansoni: identification of chemicals that attract or trap its snail vector, Biomphalaria glabrata"
Disruption of sex pheromone communication in a nematode
Herbivore-plant interactions: mixed-function oxidases and secondary plant substances
Aggressive chemical mimicry by a bolas spider
Controlling the pink bollworm by disrupting sex pheromone communication between adult moths
"Bile, prolactin, and the maternal pheromone"
Identification of the female Japanese beetle sex pheromone: inhibition of male response by an enantiomer
"Sesquiterpene progenitor, germacrene A: an alarm pheromone in aphids"
Reexamination of tetradecenyl acetates in oak leaf roller sex pheromone and in plants
Sexual calling behavior in primitive ants
Weaver ants: social establishment and maintenance of territory
Pheromonally induced sexual maturation in females: regulation by the social environment of the male
Gnathotrichus sulcatus: synergistic response to enantiomers of the aggregation pheromone sulcatol
Methylation of selenium in the aquatic environment
Insect phermones: diet related?
Insect pheromone synthesis: new methodology
Ant-aphid association: role of aphid alarm pheromone
Dimethyl disulfide: an attractant pheromone in hamster vaginal secretion
Dufour's gland: source of sex pheromone in a hymenopterous parasitoid
Search for organic and volatile inorganic compounds in two surface samples from the chryse planitia region of Mars
Trail marking by larvae of the eastern tent caterpillar
Postmating female odor in Heliconius butterflies: a male-contributed antiaphrodisiac?
Sex pheromone specificity in the pine sawflies: interchange of acid moieties in an ester
"Recongition and sexual selection in Drosophila: classification, quantification, and identification"
Reinvestigation of oak leaf roller sex pheromone components and the hypothesis that they vary with diet
Selective production of cis- and trans-verbenol from (-)-and (+)-alpha by a bark beetle
Western pine beetle: specificity among enantiomers of male and female components of an attractant pheromone
Mass recruitment by army ants
Changes in the intensity and pleasantness of human vaginal odors during the menstrual cycle
Halogenated hydrocarbons in New Orleans drinking water and blood plasma
Evidence for origin of insect sex pheromones: presence in food plants
Anthopleurine: a sea anemone alarm pheromone
Douglas-fir tussock moth: sex pheromone identification and synthesis
Cyclopentyl ketones: identification and function in Azteca ants
Enemy specification in the alarm-recruitment system of an ant
Sex recognition in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii
Sex pheromone of the oak leaf roller: a complex chemical messenger system identified by mass fragmentography
Taste aversions to sexual attractants
Strange females increase plasma testosterone levels in male mice
Swarming behavior: evidence for communication in social wasps
Mammalian pheromone: identification of active component in the subauricular scent of the male pronghorn
Biological Responses of Atta texana to Its Alarm Pheromone and the Enantiomer of the Pheromone
Identification of a ventral scent marking pheromone in the male Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
"Sex Pheromones: (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadien-1-ol in the Codling Moth"
Pheromone-regulated anemotaxis in flying moths
Sex pheromone of the codling moth
Tandem calling: a new kind of signal in ant communication
Sex pheromones and reproductive isolation of the lesser peachtree borer and the peachtree borer
Clarification of the chemical status of the pink bollworm sex pheromone
Odor-following and anemotaxis
Insect sex pheromones: minor amount of opposite geometrical isomer critical to attraction
Insect control (I): use of pheromones
Alkylpyrazine alarm pheromones in ponerine ants
Pheromone Concentration as a Mechanism for Reproductive Isolation between Two Lepidopterous Species
Temperature sensitive programming of the silkmoth flight clock: a mechanism for adapting to the seasons
"2,6-dichlorophenol, sex pheromone of the lone star tick"
Gypsy moth control with the sex attractant pheromone
"Aphid alarm pheromone: isolation, identification, synthesis"
Chemical trail-following by flying insects: a mechanism for orientation to a distant odor source
Sex pheromone of the codling moth: structure and synthesis
Sex Pheromones of Summer Fruit Tortrix Moth Adoxophyes orana: Two Synergistic Isomers
Control of agricultural pests
"2,5-Dichlorophenol (from ingested herbicide?) in defensive secretion of grasshopper"
Chemical communication and 'propaganda' in slave-maker ants
Hydrocarbon sex pheromone in tiger moths (Arctiidae)
Sex stimulant and attractant in the Indian meal moth and in the almond moth
"Sex attractant pheromone of the house fly: isolation, identification and synthesis"
"Sex Pheromone of the Almond Moth and the Indian Meal Moth: cis-9, trans-12-Tetradecadienyl Acetate"
Pheromones: isolation of male sex attractants from a female primate
Sex pheromone specificity and taxonomy of budworm moths (Choristoneura)
Social insects
Bark beetle pheromones
Agricultural pest control and the environment
Chemical defense of brood by a social wasp
"Potent sex attractant of the gypsy moth: its isolation, identification, and synthesis"
Pheromone transport and reception in an amphipod
Sex attractant of the grass grub beetle
"Sex pheromones of the southern armyworm moth: isolation, identification, and synthesis"
Pyrolysis-hydrogen flame ionization detection of organic carbon in a lunar sample
Sex pheromones: abolition of specificity in hybrid bark beetles
Ant alarm pheromone activity: correlation with molecular shape by scanning computer
Masking of the Aggregation Pheromone in Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk
Insect olfaction: deciphering system for chemical messages
Pheromone-induced changes in the acidophil concentration of mouse pituitary glands
"Western pine beetle: field response to its sex pheromone and a synergistic host terpene, myrcene"
Synthetic Juvenile Hormone: Induction of Sex Pheromone Production in Ips confusus
Sex pheromone of the pink bollworm moth: biological masking by its geometrical isomer
Sexual pheromone in some fishes of the genus Hypsoblennius gill
Sex pheromone of the queen butterfly: chemistry
Pheromone response in pine bark beetles: influence of host volatiles
Sex pheromone of the queen butterfly: biology
Sex pheromone specificity: taxonomic and evolutionary aspects in lepidoptera
Sex pheromone of the queen bufferfly: electroantennogram responses
"Sex pheromones produced by male boll weevil: isolation, identification, and synthesis"
Pest control
L-Lactic acid: a mosquito attractant isolated from humans
Air borne pheromones
"Isolation of N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide (Deet) from Female Pink Bollworm Moths"
Communication by chemical signals
Alarm pheromone in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris
Brevicomin: principal sex attractant in the frass of the female western pine beetle
Androgen control of territorial marking in the Mongolian gerbil
Discrimination of the odor of stressed rats
Estrus-inducing pheromone of male mice: transport by movement of air
Sex attractant of sugar beet wireworm: identification and biological activity
Response of Ips confusus to synthetic sex pheromones in nature
"Chemical communication in social behavior of a fish, the yellow bullhead (Ictalurus natalis)"
Trans-2-hexenal: mating stimulant for polyphemus moths
Volatile principle from oak leaves: role in sex life of the polyphemus moth
Sex attractant of the black carpet beetle
Behavior of carbon dioxide and other volatiles on Mars
Pheromone: evidence in a decapod crustacean
Insect Mating Behavior: Endocrine Control of a Chemical Communication System
Biochemical Polymorphism in Ants
Inquiline Roach Responds to Trail-Marking Substance of Leaf-Cutting Ants
Radiometric analysis of tritiated organic compounds by means of vapor phase chromatography
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 14-03-2025