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Water Res
Environmental energy enhanced solar-driven evaporator with spontaneous internal convection for highly efficient water purification
A non-target screening study of high-density polyethylene pipes revealed rubber compounds as main contaminant in a drinking water distribution system
A critical review of wastewater quality variation and in-sewer processes during conveyance in sewer systems
Comprehensive understanding of DOM reactivity in anaerobic fermentation of persulfate-pretreated sewage sludge via FT-ICR mass spectrometry and reactomics analysis
"Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in landfill leachate: Concurrence, removal and the influencing factors"
Simultaneous ammonium and water recovery from landfill leachate using an integrated two-stage membrane distillation
Community assembly of microbial habitat generalists and specialists in urban aquatic ecosystems explained more by habitat type than pollution gradient
Multi-omic studies on the toxicity variations in effluents from different units of reclaimed water treatment
Enhanced coagulation and oxidation by the Mn(VII)-Fe(III)/peroxymonosulfate process: Performance and mechanisms
Ferric chloride aiding nitrite pretreatment for the enhancement of the quantity and quality of short-chain fatty acids production in waste activated sludge
A bionic solar-driven interfacial evaporation system with a photothermal-photocatalytic hydrogel for VOC removal during solar distillation
Motivation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species by a novel non-thermal plasma coupled with calcium peroxide system for synergistic removal of sulfamethoxazole in waste activated sludge
Source and formation process impact the chemodiversity of rainwater dissolved organic matter along the Yangtze River Basin in summer
Formation of organic chloramines during chlorination of 18 compounds
The design of multi-stage open-loop hollow fiber membrane contactor and its application in ammonia capture from hydrolyzed human urine
"Bio-electrochemical COD removal for energy-efficient, maximum and robust nitrogen recovery from urine through membrane aerated nitrification"
Field test of electrokinetically-delivered thermally activated persulfate for remediation of chlorinated solvents in clay
"Monitoring, assessment, and prediction of microbial shifts in coupled catalysis and biodegradation of 1,4-dioxane and co-contaminants"
Multiple biomarkers highlight the importance of water column processes in treatment wetland organic matter cycling
Impact of biological wastewater treatment on the reactivity of N-Nitrosodimethylamine precursors
Sulfidated nano zerovalent iron (S-nZVI) for in situ treatment of chlorinated solvents: A field study
Organic compounds evolution and sludge properties variation along partial nitritation and subsequent anammox processes treating reject water
Contaminants migrating from crossed-linked polyethylene pipes and their effect on drinking water odour
Metagenomic analysis reveals that activated carbon aids anaerobic digestion of raw incineration leachate by promoting direct interspecies electron transfer
An analytical model of bubble-facilitated vapor intrusion
Mechanisms of peroxymonosulfate pretreatment enhancing production of short-chain fatty acids from waste activated sludge
Modeling capillary fringe effect on petroleum vapor intrusion from groundwater contamination
Removal of personal care products (PCPs) in wastewater and sludge treatment and their occurrence in receiving soils
"Response and recovery of microbial communities subjected to oxidative and biological treatments of 1,4-dioxane and co-contaminants"
Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms in full-scale tropical wastewater treatment plants use diverse carbon sources
"Arsenic speciation dynamics in paddy rice soil-water environment: sources, physico-chemical, and biological factors - A review"
Determination of the Henry's law constants of low-volatility compounds via the measured air-phase transfer coefficients
"Kinetic, product, and computational studies of the ultrasonic induced degradation of 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM)"
Enhanced flocculation of two bioflocculation-producing bacteria by secretion of Philodina erythrophthalma
The impact of damming on riverine fluxes to the ocean: A case study from Eastern Iceland
Do insect repellents induce drift behaviour in aquatic non-target organisms?
Fundamental mechanisms and reactions in non-catalytic subcritical hydrothermal processes: A review
A comparatively optimization of dosages of oxidation agents based on volatile solids and dry solids content in dewatering of sewage sludge
Unravelling the active microbial community in a thermophilic anaerobic digester-microbial electrolysis cell coupled system under different conditions
Organic compounds in hydraulic fracturing fluids and wastewaters: A review
"Modelling phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) and iron (Fe) interactions for dynamic simulations of anaerobic digestion processes"
Application of iron sulfide particles for groundwater and soil remediation: A review
Determination of dimethyl selenide and dimethyl sulphide compounds causing off-flavours in bottled mineral waters
"Continuous-release beads of natural allelochemicals for the long-term control of cyanobacterial growth: Preparation, release dynamics and inhibitory effects"
Drinking water contaminants from epoxy resin-coated pipes: A field study
Developing a vacuum thermal stripping - acid absorption process for ammonia recovery from anaerobic digester effluent
"Use of dual carbon-chlorine isotope analysis to assess the degradation pathways of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in groundwater"
Reduction of nitrous oxide emissions from biological nutrient removal processes by thermal decomposition
Prioritisation of odorants emitted from sewers using odour activity values
Treatment of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) using a membrane bioreactor with a submerged flat-sheet ceramic microfiltration membrane
Applying a statewide geospatial leaching tool for assessing soil vulnerability ratings for agrochemicals across the contiguous United States
Enhancing the quantity and quality of short-chain fatty acids production from waste activated sludge using CaO2 as an additive
Alkyl polyglucose enhancing propionic acid enriched short-chain fatty acids production during anaerobic treatment of waste activated sludge and mechanisms
Degradation of methanethiol in anaerobic sewers and its correlation with methanogenic activities
Bioelectrochemical recovery of waste-derived volatile fatty acids and production of hydrogen and alkali
Seasonal dynamics of water and air chemistry in an indoor chlorinated swimming pool
Performance of calcium peroxide for removal of endocrine-disrupting compounds in waste activated sludge and promotion of sludge solubilization
Modelling cometabolic biotransformation of organic micropollutants in nitrifying reactors
"Comparative assessment of a biofilter, a biotrickling filter and a hollow fiber membrane bioreactor for odor treatment in wastewater treatment plants"
An efficient method for measuring dissolved VOSCs in wastewater using GC-SCD with static headspace technique
Performance of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor with forward osmosis membrane for low-strength wastewater treatment
High-rate iron-rich activated sludge as stabilizing agent for the anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste
Effect of microwave hydrolysis on transformation of steroidal hormones during anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge cake
"A membrane bioreactor for the simultaneous treatment of acetone, toluene, limonene and hexane at trace level concentrations"
Hydrophobic organic compound (HOC) partitioning behaviour to municipal wastewater colloidal organic carbon
Effects of ferric iron on the anaerobic treatment and microbial biodiversity in a coupled microbial electrolysis cell (MEC)--anaerobic reactor
Seawater-induced mobilization of trace metals from mackinawite-rich estuarine sediments
Modeling volatile organic sulfur compounds in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of methionine
Dissolved organic compounds in reused process water for steam-assisted gravity drainage oil sands extraction
Dynamic modeling of biodegradation and volatilization of hazardous aromatic substances in aerobic bioreactor
Priority pollutants in urban stormwater: part 2 - case of combined sewers
"Recycled water: potential health risks from volatile organic compounds and use of 1,4-dichlorobenzene as treatment performance indicator"
A two and half-year-performance evaluation of a field test on treatment of source zone tetrachloroethene and its chlorinated daughter products using emulsified zero valent iron nanoparticles
Iron crystallization in a fluidized-bed Fenton process
Anaerobically digested biosolids odor generation and pathogen indicator regrowth after dewatering
Fate of aromatic hydrocarbons in Italian municipal wastewater systems: an overview of wastewater treatment using conventional activated-sludge processes (CASP) and membrane bioreactors (MBRs)
Degradation of pharmaceutical beta-blockers by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes using a flow plant with a solar compound parabolic collector
Analysis of the build-up of semi and non volatile organic compounds on urban roads
"Disinfection by-product dynamics in a chlorinated, indoor swimming pool under conditions of heavy use: national swimming competition"
A screening level fate model of organic contaminants from advanced water treatment in a potable water supply reservoir
Ozonation and activated carbon treatment of sewage effluents: removal of endocrine activity and cytotoxicity
Remediation of groundwater contaminated with MTBE and benzene: the potential of vertical-flow soil filter systems
Partition of pollution between dissolved and particulate phases: what about emerging substances in urban stormwater catchments?
Formation of methyl iodide on a natural manganese oxide
Occurrence and removal of priority pollutants by lamella clarification and biofiltration
"Aerated treatment pond technology with biofilm promoting mats for the bioremediation of benzene, MTBE and ammonium contaminated groundwater"
H2S and VOCs abatement robustness in biofilters and air diffusion bioreactors: A comparative study
Environmental fate and toxicity of ionic liquids: a review
Simultaneous counter-flow of chlorinated volatile organic compounds across the saturated-unsaturated interface region of an aquifer
Characterization of pig slurry with reference to flocculation and separation
Co-composting of faecal sludge and organic solid waste for agriculture: process dynamics
Effect of antimicrobial compounds tylosin and chlortetracycline during batch anaerobic swine manure digestion
Predicted environmental concentrations of cocaine and benzoylecgonine in a model environmental system
Rapid and accurate determination of VFAs and ethanol in the effluent of an anaerobic H(2)-producing bioreactor using near-infrared spectroscopy
Monoaromatics removal from polluted water through bioreactors-a review
Distribution of volatile organic compounds in Sicilian groundwaters analysed by head space-solid phase micro extraction coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME/GC/MS)
Effect of gas empty bed contact time on performances of various types of rotating drum biofilters for removal of VOCs
Optimization of the hydrolytic-acidogenic anaerobic digestion stage (55 degrees C) of sewage sludge: influence of pH and solid content
"Land-sea mercury transport through a modified watershed, SE Brazil"
Effect of polyelectrolytes and quaternary ammonium compounds on the anaerobic biological treatment of poultry processing wastewater
"Rainwater harvesting, quality assessment and utilization in Kefalonia Island, Greece"
Chemometrics in monitoring spatial and temporal variations in drinking water quality
"Occurrence, oral exposure and risk assessment of volatile organic compounds in drinking water for Izmir"
Development of a tubular high-density plasma reactor for water treatment
Routine analysis of off-flavor compounds in water at sub-part-per-trillion level by large-volume injection GC/MS with programmable temperature vaporizing inlet
Electrochemical oxidation of phenolic wastes with boron-doped diamond anodes
Effect of chlorination on the formation of odorous disinfection by-products
Adsorption of dichloromethane from water onto a hydrophobic polymer resin XAD-1600
Operational strategies for an activated sludge process in conjunction with ozone oxidation for zero excess sludge production during winter season
Volatile organic compounds in natural biofilm in polyethylene pipes supplied with lake water and treated water from the distribution network
The estimation of NMVOC emissions from an urban-scale wastewater treatment plant
Methane emissions from a constructed wetland treating wastewater--seasonal and spatial distribution and dependence on edaphic factors
Emission of volatile organic compounds during composting of municipal solid wastes
Effects of organic solutes properties on the volatilization processes from water solutions
Xenobiotic organic compounds in leachates from ten Danish MSW landfills--chemical analysis and toxicity tests
Submerged yeast fermentation of acid cheese whey for protein production and pollution potential reduction
Sonochemical decomposition of volatile and non-volatile organic compounds--a comparative study
Spatial and temporal variability of priority volatile organic compounds in the Scheldt estuary
Performance of a fungal biofilter treating gas-phase solvent mixtures during intermittent loading
Bulking in activated sludge plants treating paper mill wastewaters
Time and space patterns of volatile organic compounds in a sewage treatment plant
Kinetics and mechanisms of UV-photodegradation of chlorinated organics in the gas phase
Evaluation of 1-octanol degradation by photocatalysis and ultrasound using SPME
Determination of volatile organic compounds in surface waters and treated wastewater in Greece
"Fenton oxidation of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX)"
Use of a chemical sensor array for detecting pollutants in domestic wastewater
The fate of xenobiotic organic compounds in wastewater treatment plants
The electronic nose as a rapid sensor for volatile compounds in treated domestic wastewater
Influence of chloride ion on electrochemical degradation of phenol in alkaline medium using bismuth doped and pure PbO2 anodes
Measurement of volatile organic compounds in sediments of the Scheldt estuary and the Southern North Sea
Effects of thermal treatment on halogenated disinfection by-products in drinking water
"Contamination of vinyl chloride in shallow urban rivers in Osaka, Japan"
"Semi-volatile organic compounds in the Campaspe River system (Victoria, Australia)"
Ultrasonic waste activated sludge disintegration for improving anaerobic stabilization
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 14-03-2025