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Chem Senses
Functional conservation of Anopheline linalool receptors through 100 million years of evolution
Green spotted puffers detect a nontoxic TTX analog odor using crypt olfactory sensory neurons
Central Nervous System Processing of Floral Odor and Mother's Milk Odor in Infants
The Function of Fear Chemosignals: Preparing for Danger
Parsing Sage and Rosemary in Time: The Machine Learning Race to Crack Olfactory Perception
A System-Wide Understanding of the Human Olfactory Percept Chemical Space
"Scent Marks Signal Species, Sex, and Reproductive Status in Tamarins (Saguinus spp., Neotropical Primates)"
Human Chemosignals and Brain Activity: A Preliminary Meta-analysis of the Processing of Human Body Odors
A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Investigation of Effects of Visual Congruence on Olfactory Sensitivity During Habituation to Prolonged Odors
Mixture and concentration effects on odorant receptor response patterns in vivo
Biosecurity Dogs Detect Live Insects after Training with Odor-Proxy Training Aids: Scent Extract and Dead Specimens
Visual Priming Influences Olfactomotor Response and Perceptual Experience of Smells
Machine Learning in Human Olfactory Research
"Scent Chemicals of the Tail Gland of the Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes"
"Androstadienone, a Chemosignal Found in Human Sweat, Increases Individualistic Behavior and Decreases Cooperative Responses in Men"
Effect of Ovarian Hormones and Mating Experience on the Preference of Female Mice to Investigate Male Urinary Pheromones
The Chemical Sensitivity and Electrical Activity of Individual Olfactory Sensory Neurons to a Range of Sex Pheromones and Food Odors in the Goldfish
Imprinting of a Nonpheromonal Cue and Its Protective Effect on Alien Male-Induced Implantation Failure in Mice
Signal Detection and Coding in the Accessory Olfactory System
Human Fear Chemosignaling: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis
"Behavioral response of the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, to human sweat inoculated with axilla bacteria and to volatiles composing human axillary odor"
NHERF1 in Microvilli of Vomeronasal Sensory Neurons
Chronic Co-species Housing Mice and Rats Increased the Competitiveness of Male Mice
The Accessory Olfactory System Facilitates the Recovery of the Attraction to Familiar Volatile Female Odors in Male Mice
Sound-Triggered Production of Antiaggregation Pheromone Limits Overcrowding of Dendroctonus valens Attacking Pine Trees
"Dose-Response Functions for the Olfactory, Nasal Trigeminal, and Ocular Trigeminal Detectability of Airborne Chemicals by Humans"
Odorant Metabolism Analysis by an Automated Ex Vivo Headspace Gas-Chromatography Method
Formic and Acetic Acids in Degradation Products of Plant Volatiles Elicit Olfactory and Behavioral Responses from an Insect Vector
Host Habitat Volatiles Enhance the Olfactory Response of the Larval Parasitoid Holepyris sylvanidis to Specifically Host-Associated Cues
Brain Injury Alters Volatile Metabolome
Sampling the Body Odor of Primates: Cotton Swabs Sample Semivolatiles Rather Than Volatiles
You Smell Dangerous: Communicating Fight Responses Through Human Chemosignals of Aggression
"Sternal Gland Scent-Marking Signals Sex, Age, Rank, and Group Identity in Captive Mandrills"
Female Mice Avoid Male Odor from the Same Strain via the Vomeronasal System in an Estrogen-Dependent Manner
Identification and functional characterization of sex pheromone receptors in the common cutworm (Spodoptera litura)
Phenotypic plasticity in a willow leaf beetle depends on host plant species: release and recognition of beetle odors
"Identification of plant semiochemicals and characterization of new olfactory sensory neuron types in a polyphagous pest moth, Spodoptera littoralis"
Bile salts as semiochemicals in fish
Pheromone modulates plant odor responses in the antennal lobe of a moth
When the nose must remain responsive: glutathione conjugation of the mammary pheromone in the newborn rabbit
Temporal changes in the neonatal recognition cue of Dohne Merino lambs (Ovis aries)
Alarm pheromone is detected by the vomeronasal organ in male rats
The molecular receptive range of a lactone receptor in Anopheles gambiae
Decreased perception of bourgeonal may be linked to male idiopathic infertility
The pheromone frontalin and its dual function in the invasive bark beetle Dendroctonus valens
An algorithm for 353 odor detection thresholds in humans
Function and immunocytochemical localization of two novel odorant-binding proteins in olfactory sensilla of the scarab beetle Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
"Nonadecadienone, a new termite trail-following pheromone identified in Glossotermes oculatus (Serritermitidae)"
Chemosensory exploration of male scent by female rock lizards result from multiple chemical signals of males
A flux capacitor for moth pheromones
Goalpha expression in the vomeronasal organ and olfactory bulb of the tammar wallaby
What reaches the antenna? How to calibrate odor flux and ligand-receptor affinities
Working range of stimulus flux transduction determines dendrite size and relative number of pheromone component receptor neurons in moths
Spatial organization of antennal olfactory sensory neurons in the female Spodoptera littoralis moth: differences in sensitivity and temporal characteristics
Potential semiochemical molecules from birds: a practical and comprehensive compilation of the last 20 years studies
Olfactory detectability of L-amino acids in the European honeybee (Apis mellifera)
Peripheral and central olfactory tuning in a moth
The influence of molecular structure on odor qualities and odor detection thresholds of volatile alkylated phenols
Odorant-binding proteins and chemosensory proteins in pheromone detection and release in the silkmoth Bombyx mori
Effects of aromatic compounds on antennal responses and on the pheromone-binding proteins of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar)
"Mixture interactions in moth olfactory physiology: examining the effects of odorant mixture, concentration, distal stimulation, and antennal nerve transection on sensillar responses"
"Different profiles of main and accessory olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cell projections revealed in mice using an anterograde tracer and a whole-mount, flattened cortex preparation"
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a ligand of urinary proteins derived from female mice
Comments on recent work by Zhang and colleagues: 'Uropygial gland-secreted alkanols contribute to olfactory sex signals in budgerigars'
Smelling chemosensory signals of males in anxious versus nonanxious condition increases state anxiety of female subjects
"Pretreatment with CP-154526 blocks the modifying effects of alarm pheromone on components of sexual behavior in male, but not in female, rats"
"Otter scent signals age, sex, and reproductive status"
Pheromone detection by a pheromone emitter: a small sex pheromone-specific processing system in the female American cockroach
Urine-derived key volatiles may signal genetic relatedness in male rats
Methyltestosterone-induced changes in electro-olfactogram responses and courtship behaviors of cyprinids
Dummies versus air puffs: efficient stimulus delivery for low-volatile odors
The effect of vapor of propylene glycol on rats
Detection of volatile indicators of illicit substances by the olfactory receptors of Drosophila melanogaster
Condition-dependent pheromone signaling by male rock lizards: more oily scents are more attractive
"Mouse urinary biomarkers provide signatures of maturation, diet, stress level, and diurnal rhythm"
Making scents: dynamic olfactometry for threshold measurement
"Chemical composition of scent-gland secretions in an old world monkey (Mandrillus sphinx): influence of sex, male status, and individual identity"
Dynamics of nasal irritation from pulsed homologous alcohols
Foxn1 gene knockout suppresses sexual attractiveness and pheromonal components of male urine in inbred mice
Arrangement of output information from the 3 macroglomerular units in the heliothine moth Helicoverpa assulta: morphological and physiological features of male-specific projection neurons
"The trail pheromone of a stingless bee, Trigona corvina (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini), varies between populations"
Transformation of the sex pheromone signal in the noctuid moth Agrotis ipsilon: from peripheral input to antennal lobe output
"Species, gender, and identity: cracking petrels' sociochemical code"
Urinary volatile molecules vary in males of the 2 European subspecies of the house mouse and their hybrids
Uropygial gland-secreted alkanols contribute to olfactory sex signals in budgerigars
Nearest neural neighbors: moth sex pheromone receptors HR11 and HR13
Human axillary odor: are there side-related perceptual differences?
Effect of acute exposure to a complex fragrance on lexical decision performance
Odorant receptors from the light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) recognize important volatile compounds produced by plants
HR11 and HR13 receptor-expressing neurons are housed together in pheromone-responsive sensilla trichodea of male Heliothis virescens
Chemical polymorphism and chemosensory recognition between Iberolacerta monticola lizard color morphs
Human pheromone detection by the vomeronasal organ: unnecessary for mate selection?
A candidate pheromone receptor and two odorant receptors of the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
Male but not female olfaction is crucial for intermolt mating in European lobsters (Homarus gammarus L.)
"Morphological and physiological characteristics of the serotonin-immunoreactive neuron in the antennal lobe of the male oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta"
Potential chemosignals associated with male identity in the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus
Plant terpenes affect intensity and temporal parameters of pheromone detection in a moth
Immunolocalization of water channel aquaporins in the vomeronasal organ of the rat: expression of AQP4 in neuronal sensory cells
Differential expression of SNMP-1 and SNMP-2 proteins in pheromone-sensitive hairs of moths
The identification of attractive volatiles in aged male mouse urine
"Methyl salicylate, identified as primary odorant of a specific receptor neuron type, inhibits oviposition by the moth Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, noctuidae)"
Xenopus V1R vomeronasal receptor family is expressed in the main olfactory system
Pharmacological investigation of protein kinase C- and cGMP-dependent ion channels in cultured olfactory receptor neurons of the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
Seasonal variations in olfactory sensory neurons--fish sensitivity to sex pheromones explained?
A recombinant courtship pheromone affects sexual receptivity in a plethodontid salamander
Sex- and gonad-affecting scent compounds and 3 male pheromones in the rat
Increased behavioral and neuronal sensitivity to sex pheromone after brief odor experience in a moth
Intraspecific communication through chemical signals in female mice: reinforcing properties of involatile male sexual pheromones
Ca2+ stabilizes the membrane potential of moth olfactory receptor neurons at rest and is essential for their fast repolarization
"Chemical composition of scent marks in the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta): glandular differences, seasonal variation, and individual signatures"
Maxillary palps are broad spectrum odorant detectors in Culex quinquefasciatus
Firing properties of accessory olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells in response to urine delivered to the vomeronasal organ of gray short-tailed opossums
A quantitative structure activity analysis on the relative sensitivity of the olfactory and the nasal trigeminal chemosensory systems
Workers of a polistes paper wasp detect the presence of their queen by chemical cues
Removal of the vomeronasal organ blocks the stress-induced hyperthermia response to alarm pheromone in male rats
Oxaspiropentane derivatives as effective sex pheromone analogues in the gypsy moth: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence
"Putative chemical signals about sex, individuality, and genetic background in the preputial gland and urine of the house mouse (Mus musculus)"
Chemosignals of fear enhance cognitive performance in humans
Female snake sex pheromone induces membrane responses in vomeronasal sensory neurons of male snakes
Modification of synapse formation of accessory olfactory bulb neurons by coculture with vomeronasal neurons
Changes in the odor quality of androstadienone during exposure-induced sensitization
"Gender distinction in neural discrimination of sex pheromones in the olfactory bulb of crucian carp, Carassius carassius"
Glomerular targets of Heliothis subflexa male olfactory receptor neurons housed within long trichoid sensilla
Electrophysiological properties and modeling of murine vomeronasal sensory neurons in acute slice preparations
"Attenuation of the production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in the mouse vomeronasal organ by antibodies against the alphaq/11 subfamily of G-proteins"
Genome and EST analyses and expression of a gene family with putative functions in insect chemoreception
A pheromone-binding protein mediates the bombykol-induced activation of a pheromone receptor in vitro
"Specific projection of the sensory crypt cells in the olfactory system in crucian carp, Carassius carassius"
Winging it: moth flight behavior and responses of olfactory neurons are shaped by pheromone plume dynamics
Olfactory discrimination among sex pheromone stereoisomers: chirality recognition by pink hibiscus mealybug males
Green odor reduces pain sensation and fatigue-like responses without affecting sensorimotor function
Electroantennographic resolution of pulsed pheromone plumes in two species of moths with bipectinate antennae
Five types of olfactory receptor neurons in the strawberry blossom weevil Anthonomus rubi: selective responses to inducible host-plant volatiles
In situ modification of herbivore-induced plant odors: a novel approach to study the attractiveness of volatile organic compounds to parasitic wasps
Determinants for nasal trigeminal detection of volatile organic compounds
Biochemical and chemical supports for a transnatal olfactory continuity through sow maternal fluids
Long-term potentiation in the accessory olfactory bulb: a mechanism for olfactory learning
Neural basis of odor-source searching behavior in insect brain systems evaluated with a mobile robot
Augmentation of sensitivity to urinary pheromone and excreting of urinary pheromone by sexual experiences
Induction of c-Fos expression in mouse vomeronasal neurons by sex-specific non-volatile pheromone(s)
Alarm pheromone that aggravates stress-induced hyperthermia is soluble in water
A macroglomerulus in the antennal lobe of leaf-cutting ant workers and its possible functional significance
Maturation of vomeronasal receptor neurons in vitro by coculture with accessory olfactory bulb neurons
Characterization of the primer pheromone molecules responsible for the 'male effect' in ruminant species
Diversity of odorant-binding proteins and chemosensory proteins in insects
"Function and expression of the Drosophila gr genes in the perception of sweet, bitter and pheromone compounds"
Odor-modulated navigation in insects and artificial systems
Urine as a social signal in the mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Potential multiple functions of a male sea lamprey pheromone
Revisited roles of Drosophila female pheromones
The significance of background odour for an egg parasitoid to detect plants with host eggs
Volatile organic compounds as signals in a plant-herbivore system: electrophysiological responses in olfactory sensilla of the moth Cactoblastis cactorum
The vomeronasal receptor V2R2 does not require escort molecules for expression in heterologous systems
"Synergism between ammonia, lactic acid and carboxylic acids as kairomones in the host-seeking behaviour of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae)"
Second messenger systems mediating sex pheromone and amino acid sensitivity in goldfish olfactory receptor neurons
Putative chemosignals of the ferret (Mustela furo) associated with individual and gender recognition
Natural ligands of hamster aphrodisin
Newborn rabbit responsiveness to the mammary pheromone is concentration-dependent
Alarm pheromones with different functions are released from different regions of the body surface of male rats
Melanocortin-5 receptor deficiency reduces a pheromonal signal for aggression in male mice
High-resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the mouse vomeronasal organ
Morphological evidence for two types of Mammalian vomeronasal system
The role of heliothine hairpencil compounds in female Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) behavior and mate acceptance
Putative odorant-degrading esterase cDNA from the moth Mamestra brassicae: cloning and expression patterns in male and female antennae
Pheromone-binding proteins contribute to the activation of olfactory receptor neurons in the silkmoths antheraea polyphemus and Bombyx mori
Representation of primary plant odorants in the antennal lobe of the moth Heliothis virescens using calcium imaging
Sex-specific responses to urinary chemicals by the mouse vomeronasal organ
Extreme sensitivity in an olfactory system
"Absolute configuration of 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole in male mouse urine"
Functional characterization of olfactory binding proteins for appeasing compounds and molecular cloning in the vomeronasal organ of pre-pubertal pigs
"Individual differences in sensitivity to the odor of 4,16-androstadien-3-one"
Frontalin: a chemical message of musth in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
Extracellular transduction events under pulsed stimulation in moth olfactory sensilla
Inducible defences in Daphnia depend on latent alarm signals from conspecific prey activated in predators
Functional divergence of spatially conserved olfactory glomeruli in two related moth species
Pre-exposure modulates attraction to sex pheromone in a moth
Quantification of chemical vapors in chemosensory research
"Sensitivity and selectivity of neurons in the medial region of the olfactory bulb to skin extract from conspecifics in crucian carp, Carassius carassius"
"Structure-activity studies with pheromone-binding proteins of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar"
Projections to higher olfactory centers from subdivisions of the antennal lobe macroglomerular complex of the male silkmoth
Pre-exposure to female chemosignals or intracerebral GnRH restores mating behavior in naive male hamsters with vomeronasal organ lesions
"Possible coding for recognition of sexes, individuals and species in anal gland volatiles of Mustela eversmanni and M. sibirica"
Disruption of the fifth melanocortin receptor alters the urinary excretion of aggression-modifying pheromones in male house mice
Characterization of cAMP degradation by phosphodiesterases in the accessory olfactory system
"Identification of V1R-like putative pheromone receptor sequences in non-human primates. Characterization of V1R pseudogenes in marmoset, a primate species that possesses an intact vomeronasal organ"
Central processing of plant volatiles in Agrotis ipsilon males is age-independent in contrast to sex pheromone processing
The alarm reaction in crucian carp is mediated by olfactory neurons with long dendrites
Novel odorant-binding proteins expressed in the taste tissue of the fly
Activation and inhibition of the transduction process in silkmoth olfactory receptor neurons
Are polyamines involved in olfaction? An EAG and biochemical study in Periplaneta americana antennae
Spatial representation of odours in the antennal lobe of the moth Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Voltage- and calcium-activated currents in cultured olfactory receptor neurons of male Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera)
Unisex pheromone detectors and pheromone-binding proteins in scarab beetles
A putative pheromone receptor gene is expressed in two distinct olfactory organs in goats
Biogenic amines modulate olfactory receptor neurons firing activity in Mamestra brassicae
Functional and expression pattern analysis of chemosensory proteins expressed in antennae and pheromonal gland of Mamestra brassicae
Detection of sex pheromone components in Manduca sexta (L.)
Identification of non-functional human VNO receptor genes provides evidence for vestigiality of the human VNO
Female Attacus atlas respond to pheromones of Antheraea polyphemus: a comparative electrophysiological and biochemical study
Immunocytochemical study of G(i)2alpha and G(o)alpha on the epithelium surface of the rat vomeronasal organ
Human vomeronasal organ function: a critical review of best and worst cases
Detection and removal of an artefact fatty acid from the binding site of recombinant Bombyx mori pheromone-binding protein
Female marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) can be identified from the chemical composition of their scent marks
"Immunolocalization of odorant-binding proteins in noctuid moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera)"
Receptor dissociation constants and the information entropy of membranes coding ligand concentration
Olfactory perireceptor and receptor events in moths: a kinetic model
A photoaffinity-labeled green leaf volatile compound 'tricks' highly selective and sensitive insect olfactory receptor neurons
"Source and cyclic release pattern of (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate, the pre-ovulatory pheromone of the female Asian elephant"
"Whole-cell response characteristics of ciliated and microvillous olfactory receptor neurons to amino acids, pheromone candidates and urine in rainbow trout"
"Vomeronasal epithelial cells of human fetuses contain immunoreactivity for G proteins, Go(alpha) and Gi(alpha 2)"
Chemosensory proteins from the proboscis of mamestra brassicae
"Guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate reduces the response of the Moth's olfactory receptor neuron to pheromone"
Positive relationship between menstrual synchrony and ability to smell 5alpha-androst-16-en-3alpha-ol
Perireceptor and receptor events in olfaction. Comparison of concentration and flux detectors: a modeling study
Projection pattern of vomeronasal neurons to the accessory olfactory bulb in goats
Pheromone discrimination ability of olfactory bulb mitral and ruffed cells in the goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Actographic analysis of the effects of an esterase inhibitor on male moth responses to sex pheromone
Pheromone-triggered orientation flight of male moths can be disrupted by trifluoromethyl ketones
Olfactory discrimination ability and odor structure-activity relationships in honeybees
Expression of candidate pheromone receptor genes in vomeronasal neurons
A new method to improve olfactory responses to GC effluents
Flux detectors versus concentration detectors: two types of chemoreceptors
Electrophysiological and biochemical responses of mouse vomeronasal receptor cells to urine-derived compounds: possible mechanism of action
"Separation, characterization and sexual heterogeneity of multiple putative odorant-binding proteins in the honeybee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidea)"
Olfactory contribution to Fos expression during mating in inexperienced male hamsters
Pheromone deactivation catalyzed by receptor molecules: a quantitative kinetic model
Vomeronasal/accessory olfactory system and pheromonal recognition
Protein-bound male urinary pheromones: differential responses according to age and gender
Scanning electron microscopy and gramicidin patch clamp recordings of microvillous receptor neurons dissociated from the rat vomeronasal organ
Effect of conditioning on discrimination of oilseed rape volatiles by the honeybee: use of a combined gas chromatography-proboscis extension behavioural assay
Heterogeneity of odorant-binding proteins in the antennae of Bombyx mori
Effects of trifluoromethyl ketones and related compounds on the EAG and behavioural responses to pheromones in male moths
Biogenic amines in the vomeronasal organ
"Purification, identification, concentration and bioactivity of (Z)-7-dodecen-1-yl acetate: sex pheromone of the female Asian elephant, Elephas maximus"
Numerical simulation of environment modulation of chemical signal structure and odor dispersal in the open ocean
A model for pheromone discrimination in the insect antennal lobe: investigation of the role of neuronal response pattern complexity
Central mechanisms of pheromone information processing
Biological responsiveness to pheromones provides fundamental and unique insight into olfactory function
Are odorant-binding proteins involved in odorant discrimination?
Pheromones as tools for olfactory research.Introduction
Peripheral mechanisms of pheromone reception in moths
"Endocrine, gonadal and behavioral responses of male crucian carp to the hormonal pheromone 17 alpha,20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one"
Distinct projections of two populations of olfactory receptor axons in the antennal lobe of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta
Analysis of odor discrimination by multidimensional scaling at different temperatures
How is pheromone specificity encoded in proteins?
The site of action of general anaesthetics in insect olfactory receptor neurons
Trifluoromethyl ketones as inhibitors of the processionary moth sex pheromone
Sulfhydryl-reagent inhibition of olfaction in a moth and effects of exposure to pheromone compounds or a pheromone analogue
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <http://www.pherobase.com>.
© 2003-2025
The Pherobase
- Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals.
Ashraf M. El-Sayed
Page created on 14-03-2025