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2022 Antennal sensory structures of Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) 2021 "Love bites: male frogs (Plectrohyla, Hylidae) use teeth scratching to deliver sodefrin precursor-like factors to females during amplexus" First characterization of toxic alkaloids and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the cryptic dendrobatid Silverstoneia punctiventris 2019 "Uncertainty about flying conspecifics causes territorial contests of the Old World swallowtail, Papilio machaon" 2018 Commentary on Kehl et al. 'Young male mating success is associated with sperm number but not with male sex pheromone titres': Unnatural experimental conditions inflate the importance of male courtship activity on mating success in a butterfly A reply to Nieberding and Holveck: beyond experimental design and proximate mechanisms - mate choice in the face of sexual conflict "Two predominant MUPs, OBP3 and MUP13, are male pheromones in rats" 2015 Identification of a self-regulatory pheromone system that controls nymph aggregation behavior of rice spittlebug Callitettix versicolor Young male mating success is associated with sperm number but not with male sex pheromone titres Chemical cues and pheromones in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) 2014 Copulation or sensory cues from the female augment Fos expression in arginine vasopressin neurons of the posterodorsal medial amygdala of male rats "The role of juvenile hormone in dominance behavior, reproduction and cuticular pheromone signaling in the caste-flexible epiponine wasp, Synoeca surinama" 2012 The attraction of virgin female hide beetles (Dermestes maculatus) to cadavers by a combination of decomposition odour and male sex pheromones 2010 New insights into honey bee (Apis mellifera) pheromone communication. Is the queen mandibular pheromone alone in colony regulation? 2009 Bacterial feeding induces changes in immune-related gene expression and has trans-generational impacts in the cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) "Smells like home: Desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, use olfactory landmarks to pinpoint the nest" 2008 Host strain specific sex pheromone variation in Spodoptera frugiperda 2006 Functional neuroanatomy of the rhinophore of Aplysia punctata