Title: | Evaluation of the Trapping Performance of Four Biogents AG Traps and Two Lures for the Surveillance of Aedes albopictus and Other Host-Seeking Mosquitoes |
Author(s): | Akaratovic KI; Kiser JP; Gordon S; Abadam CF; |
ISSN/ISBN: | 8756-971X (Print) 8756-971X (Linking) |
Abstract: | "The BG-Sentinel(R) (BGS) trap has recently been redesigned for increased durability and ergonomic functionality, marketed as the BG-Sentinel 2(R) (BGS2). We evaluated the trapping performance of these 2 traps in addition to the BG-Sentinel prototype (BGSP), a model similar to the BGS2 that was beta tested in several US states in 2014, and the BG-SNAP (SNAP), which is a prototype revision of the BG-Mosquitito. We also evaluated 2 new Biogents AG lures: the BG-Lure cartridge and BG-Sweetscent, as they are granular formulations replacing the original mesh BG-Lure(R). Evaluations were conducted between July and September 2015 under field conditions within a suburban area in southeastern Virginia. The 4 traps were compared with their respective lure systems (BGS, BGSP, and BGS2 with BG-Lure cartridge; SNAP with BG-Sweetscent). No significant differences were seen in total female mosquito collections among the 3 BG-Sentinel models. All 3 Sentinels collected significantly more female mosquitoes than the SNAP (P |
Keywords: | *Aedes Animals Female Male *Mosquito Control/methods *Pheromones Virginia BG-Sentinel 2(R) BG-Sentinel(R) BG-Snap lure mosquito trap Aedes albopictus; |
Notes: | "MedlineAkaratovic, Karen I Kiser, Jay P Gordon, Scott Abadam, Charles F eng Comparative Study 2017/06/08 J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 2017 Jun; 33(2):108-115. doi: 10.2987/16-6596.1" |