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Fungal Genet Biol

Title:Haplo-insufficiency for different genes differentially reduces pathogenicity and virulence in a fungal phytopathogen
Author(s):Pham CD; Yu Z; Ben Lovely C; Agarwal C; Myers DA; Paul JA; Cooper M; Barati M; Perlin MH;
Address:"Department of Biology, Program on Disease Evolution, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40208, USA"
Journal Title:Fungal Genet Biol
Page Number:21 - 29
DOI: 10.1016/j.fgb.2011.11.007
ISSN/ISBN:1096-0937 (Electronic) 1087-1845 (Linking)
Abstract:"The main determinant of pathogenicity in Ustilago maydis is the b-mating locus, where establishment of heterozygosity is sufficient to cause galls/tumors on maize plants. However, matings between haploids where one partner contains a mutation, in e.g., the smu1 gene, encoding a Ste20-like PAK kinase, often show reduced mating and pathogenicity compared to wild type. Here we show that similarly, diploids lacking one copy of smu1, are reduced in production of aerial hyphae, but do not show significantly-reduced virulence. Haplo-insufficiency was also observed for additional genes. UmPde1 is a cyclic phosphodiesterase involved in cAMP turnover as part of the cAMP-dependent PKA pathway. Hsl7 plays a role in cell length and in the filamentous response to low ammonium in haploid cells. Diploids deleted for one copy of either the pde1 or hsl7 genes had reduced or increased production of aerial hyphae, respectively, and both were severely impaired in virulence compared to wild type diploids. rho1 and pdc1 are two genes essential for cell viability in haploids. These genes also displayed haplo-insufficiency for pathogenesis. rho1/Deltarho1 diploid cells were defective in pheromone production and detection, aerial hyphae induction, and were avirulent. In contrast, pdc1/Deltapdc1 diploid cells only failed to produce tumors when applied to maize whorls. We predict the haplo-insufficiency of most of these signaling components is due to stoichiometric imbalance of the respective gene products with their interacting partners, thereby impairing virulence-induction mechanism(s). Further investigation of the bases for such haplo-insufficiency as well as of additional genes displaying this phenotype will provide important insights into fundamental aspects of development in this organism as well as inter-nuclear communication and genetic control"
Keywords:Fungal Proteins/*genetics/metabolism Hyphae/growth & development Plant Diseases/*microbiology *Ploidies Ustilago/*genetics/growth & development/*pathogenicity Virulence Virulence Factors/*genetics/metabolism Zea mays/*microbiology;
Notes:"MedlinePham, Cau D Yu, Zhanyang Ben Lovely, C Agarwal, Charu Myers, David A Paul, Jinny A Cooper, Michael Barati, Michelle Perlin, Michael H eng Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. 2011/12/08 Fungal Genet Biol. 2012 Jan; 49(1):21-9. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2011.11.007. Epub 2011 Nov 28"

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