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Curr Biol

Title:Response to Drea et al
Author(s):Shirasu M; Ito S; Itoigawa A; Hayakawa T; Kinoshita K; Munechika I; Imai H; Touhara K;
Address:"Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan; ERATO Touhara Chemosensory Signal Project, JST, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Aichi, 484-8506, Japan; The Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Tokyo, 158-0098, Japan. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Aichi, 484-8506, Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, 102-0083, Japan. Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810, Japan; Japan Monkey Centre, Aichi, 484-0081, Japan. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Aichi, 484-8506, Japan. The Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Tokyo, 158-0098, Japan. Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan; ERATO Touhara Chemosensory Signal Project, JST, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan; WPI International Research Center for Neurointelligence, University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan. Electronic address:"
Journal Title:Curr Biol
Page Number:R1357 - R1358
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.017
ISSN/ISBN:1879-0445 (Electronic) 0960-9822 (Linking)
Abstract:"We greatly appreciate the critical comments on our paper made by Drea et al. [1]. We would like to emphasize that we are not claiming or giving concrete evidence that the identified compounds are pheromones in our paper. We agree that before we can reasonably conclude that the identified compounds are indeed pheromones, we would at least need to examine whether the responses to the identified compounds are stereotypical and reproducible and exclude the effects of signature differences, such as health, relatedness and genetic quality. To this end, it will be necessary to investigate a broader range of behaviors in the future using a larger number of animals"
Keywords:Animals Female *Lemur Male Odorants Pheromones;
Notes:"MedlineShirasu, Mika Ito, Satomi Itoigawa, Akihiro Hayakawa, Takashi Kinoshita, Kodzue Munechika, Isao Imai, Hiroo Touhara, Kazushige eng Comment Letter England 2020/11/18 Curr Biol. 2020 Nov 16; 30(22):R1357-R1358. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.017"

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
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Page created on 08-01-2025