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Phys Chem Chem Phys

Title:"Ion chemistry at elevated ion-molecule interaction energies in a selected ion flow-drift tube: reactions of H(3)O(+), NO(+) and O(2)(+) with saturated aliphatic ketones"
Author(s):Spesyvyi A; Smith D; Spanel P;
Address:"J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Dolejskova 3, 18223 Prague 8, Czech Republic."
Journal Title:Phys Chem Chem Phys
Page Number:31714 - 31723
DOI: 10.1039/c7cp05795d
ISSN/ISBN:1463-9084 (Electronic) 1463-9076 (Linking)
Abstract:"The reactions of H(3)O(+), NO(+) and O(2)(+) ions with a homologous series of six aliphatic ketones, viz. acetone through 2-octanone, have been investigated in a helium-buffered selected ion flow-drift tube, SIFDT, in order to reveal their dependencies on ion-molecule interaction energies, E(r), and to gain insight into their mechanisms. The ultimate motivation is to allow analysis and absolute quantification of trace amounts of ketones and other volatile organic compounds in air using selected ion flow-drift tube mass spectrometry, SIFDT-MS. The reactions of H(3)O(+) with the ketone molecules, M, proceed via exothermic proton transfer producing MH(+) ions, the collisional rate coefficients, k(c), for which can be calculated as a function of E(r) and are seen to reduce by about one third over the E(r) range from 0.05 eV up to 0.5 eV. The rate coefficients, k, and product ion distributions for the NO(+) and O(2)(+) reactions with M had to be obtained experimentally relative to the calculated k(c) for the H(3)O(+) reactions. The product ions of the NO(+)/ketones reactions initially proceed via the formation of excited (NO(+)M)* adduct ions that partially fragment, and the k reduces with E(r) as much as four times for the acetone reactions but remains close to their respective k(c) for the higher-order ketones indicating long lifetimes of the (NO(+)M)* ions with respect to the stabilising collision times with He atoms. The k for the O(2)(+)/ketones dissociative charge transfer reactions are observed to be greater than their calculated k(c) implying that long distance electron transfer occurs"
Notes:"PubMed-not-MEDLINESpesyvyi, Anatolii Smith, David Spanel, Patrik eng England 2017/11/23 Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2017 Dec 6; 19(47):31714-31723. doi: 10.1039/c7cp05795d"

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Page created on 13-03-2025