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J Theor Biol

Title:Caterpillar mimicry by plant galls as a visual defense against herbivores
Author(s):Yamazaki K;
Address:"Osaka City Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences, 8-34 Tojo-cho, Tennoji, Osaka 543-0026, Japan. Electronic address:"
Journal Title:J Theor Biol
Page Number:10 - 14
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.05.028
ISSN/ISBN:1095-8541 (Electronic) 0022-5193 (Linking)
Abstract:"Plant galls, induced by arthropods and various other organisms have an intimate relationship with host plants, and gall-inducers have limited mobility. In addition to their own photosynthesis, galls are resource sinks rich with nutrients, with neighboring plant organs commonly serving as external photosynthate sources. Galls, if not well defended, may therefore be attractive food sources for herbivores. Galls produced by some aphids, jumping plant lice, thrips, and gall midges in Japan, Palearctic region and in the Middle East visually resemble lepidopteran caterpillars. I propose that such visual resemblance may reduce herbivory of galls and surrounding plant tissues, resulting in an increase in galler survival due to reduced gall damage and in enhanced galler growth due to improved nutrient inflow to the galls, when herbivores avoid colonizing or consuming plant parts that look as if they have been occupied by other herbivores. Potential predators and parasitoids of caterpillars may be attracted to the caterpillar-like galls and then attack real caterpillars and other invertebrate herbivores, which would also be beneficial for both gallers and their hosts"
Keywords:"Animals *Biological Mimicry Herbivory/*physiology Larva/physiology Models, Biological Plant Tumors/*parasitology Anti-herbivore defense Aphids Collective mimicry Plant-mediated herbivore-herbivore interactions Resource sink;"
Notes:"MedlineYamazaki, Kazuo eng England 2016/05/26 J Theor Biol. 2016 Sep 7; 404:10-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.05.028. Epub 2016 May 21"

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