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Arch Microbiol

Title:Volatile organic compounds profile synthesized and released by endophytes of tomato (Solanum lycopersici L.) and their antagonistic role
Author(s):Lopez SMY; Pastorino GN; Balatti PA;
Address:"Centro de Investigaciones en Fitopatologia (CIDEFI), La Plata, Argentina. Comision de Investigaciones Cientificas de La Provincia de Buenos Aires (CICBA), La Plata, Argentina. Catedra de Microbiologia Agricola, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Calle 60 y 119, La Plata, C. P. 1900, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Centro de Investigaciones en Fitopatologia (CIDEFI), La Plata, Argentina. Comision de Investigaciones Cientificas de La Provincia de Buenos Aires (CICBA), La Plata, Argentina"
Journal Title:Arch Microbiol
Page Number:1383 - 1397
DOI: 10.1007/s00203-020-02136-y
ISSN/ISBN:1432-072X (Electronic) 0302-8933 (Linking)
Abstract:"The endophytic microbiome uses mechanisms such as the secretion of diffusible antibiotic molecules, synthesis and release of volatile organic compounds, and/or toxins to protect plants. The aim of this research was to study the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profile as well as the diffusible secondary metabolites produced and released by endophytic bacteria isolated from tomato plants that in in-vitro assays prevented growth of pathogenic fungi. Bacteria belonging to seven genera (Acinetobacter, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Microbacterium, Pantoea, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas) were isolated from different tissues of tomato plants with and without symptoms of Gray leaf spot, a disease provoked by Stemphylium lycopersici. In vitro, antagonistic assays were performed and the effect of volatile and soluble compounds released by endophytic bacteria on the growth of pathogenic fungi was determined. The VOCs synthesized by the endophytes were extracted, identified and quantified. These isolates representatives of seven bacterial genera inhibited the growth of three fungal pathogens of tomato S. lycopersici, Alternaria alternata and Corynespora cassiicola, which was related to the synthesis of soluble compounds as well as VOCs. Endophytes synthesize and release different VOCs, probably due to the different type of interaction that each bacterium establishes with the fungus, presenting a range of fungal growth inhibition"
Keywords:Antibiosis Antiviral Agents/isolation & purification/metabolism/*pharmacology Bacteria/classification/isolation & purification/*metabolism Endophytes/classification/isolation & purification/*metabolism Fungi/drug effects/growth & development Solanum lycop;
Notes:"MedlineLopez, Silvina M Y Pastorino, Graciela Noemi Balatti, Pedro Alberto eng PICT-2016-0794/Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica/ Subsidio 2017/Comision de Investigaciones Cientificas/ Germany 2021/01/03 Arch Microbiol. 2021 May; 203(4):1383-1397. doi: 10.1007/s00203-020-02136-y. Epub 2021 Jan 2"

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2024. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
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