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Am Nat

Title:On the capacity of macroparasites to control insect populations
Author(s):Jaenike J;
Address:"Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627, USA"
Journal Title:Am Nat
Page Number:84 - 96
DOI: 10.1086/286104
ISSN/ISBN:0003-0147 (Print) 0003-0147 (Linking)
Abstract:"A graphical model of the population dynamics of macroparasites and their hosts is developed. Three principal means by which the parasites can be regulated are considered: reduction in host density as a result of parasite-induced host mortality, reduction in host density as a result of parasite-induced host sterility, and competition among parasites within multiply-infected hosts. The means by which parasites are regulated has a major effect on the degree to which they can depress host population densities. In particular, a parasite that sterilizes its host is expected to reduce host density more than one that causes an equivalent decline in host fitness through increased mortality. A special case of the model is developed for herbivorous insects that, in the absence of parasites, are limited by larval food resources. Parasites that are regulated via parasite-induced host sterility will control the insect populations below the level set by larval resources if the threshold host density for the parasites (N(T)) is less than the ratio of carrying capacity to net reproductive rate of the insects (K/R). Data are presented showing that all three means of parasite regulation, but especially parasite-induced host sterility, can operate in Howardula aoronymphium, a nematode parasite of mycophagous Drosophila flies. Data from a field cage experiment show that, if these nematodes are regulated primarily via reductions in host density due to this sterility, the parameters N(T), K, and R are such that Howardula is likely to play an important role in controlling Drosophila populations. However, this conclusion must be tempered by the fact that these nematodes also cause increased host mortality and experience within-host competition, making the conditions for parasite control of the flies more stringent"
Notes:"PubMed-not-MEDLINEJaenike, J eng 2008/09/25 Am Nat. 1998 Jan; 151(1):84-96. doi: 10.1086/286104"

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