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Klin Lab Diagn

Title:"[The becoming of reactions of lipolysis in phylogenesis. The palmitic and oleic triglycerides as substrates. Insulin, condition of normolipemia and formation of hyper lipoproteinemia type IIb, IV and V]"
Author(s):Titov VN; Rozhkova TA; Aripovsky AV; Amelyushkina VA; Karganov MY;
Address:"The Federal state budget scientifc institution 'The Russian cardiologic R&D production complex' of minzdrav of Russia, 121552, Moscow, Russia. The Federal budget institution of science 'The state research center of applied microbiology and biotechnology' of Gossanepidnadzor of Russia, 142279, Obolensk, Russia. The Federal state budget scientifc institution 'The research institute of general pathology and pathophysiology' of the Russian academy of sciences, 125315, Moscow, Russia"
Journal Title:Klin Lab Diagn
Page Number:4 - 15
DOI: 10.18821/0869-2084-2018-63-1-4-15
ISSN/ISBN:0869-2084 (Print) 0869-2084 (Linking)
Abstract:"According to phylogenetic theory of general pathology, when living in ocean all were carnivorous (piscivorous) fatty acids transferring to cells in form of non-polar triglycerides nitially began apoB-48 chylomicrons, continued lipoproteins of very low and low density and fnalized its apoB-100 endocytosis. The fatty acids are transferred by chylomicrons + lipoproteins of very low density + lipoproteins of low density and non-polar triglycerides are hydrolyzed by hepatic glycerolhydrogenase and co-enzyme apoC-III; according WHO classifcation, hyperlipoproteinemia corresponds to type V. On land, in herbivorous who are not yet synthesized insulin, apoB-48 and chylomicrons left process of non-polar triglycerides transferring. In lipoproteins of very low density and lipoproteins of low density, the carnivorous transfer exogenous palmitic non-polar triglycerides. The herbivorous also transfer palmitic non-polar triglycerides though synthesized by hepatocytes from glucose endogenically. In herbivorous, transferring of palmitic non-polar triglycerides prior to synthesis of insulin is forming apoB-100 in composition of lipoproteins of very low density and lipoproteins of low density. The hydrolysis of palmitic non-polar triglycerides in lipoproteins of very low density is activated by hepatic glycerol hydrogenase and apoC-III; cells absorb lipoproteins of low density by means of apoB-100 endocytosis. The content on lipoproteins in blood plasma under electrophoresis of lipoproteins corresponds to hepatic glycerol hydrogenase type IIb. In frst and second types of fatty acids transferring in form of triglycerides to lipoproteins of very low density + lipoproteins of low density predominate palmitic fatty acid, triglycerides of the same name and palmitic metabolism of fatty acids in vivo. The insulin initiated the third type of transferring of oleic fatty acid by now to insulin-depended cells only in oleic lipoproteins of very low density; hydrolysis of oleic triglycerides is activated by late in phylogenesis post-heparin hepatic glycerol hydrogenase and apoC-II cofactor. The dynamic apoE is actively bound by apoB-100 forming apoE/B-100 ligand. At later stages of phylogenesis insulin formed fatty acids transferring in form of oleic triglycerides in lipoproteins of very low density of the same name without forming of oleic lipoproteins of low density; the electrophoregram of lipoproteins re fl ects absence of hepatic glycerol hydrogenase. In phylogenesis three types of fatty acids transferring to triglycerides in composition of lipoproteins formed sequentially: 1) chylomicrons + lipoproteins of very low and density + lipoproteins of low density; 2) lipoproteins of very low density + lipoproteins of low density; 3) only in lipoproteins of very low density. The frst one is specifc to piscivorous (carnivorous) while living in ocean. The second one is implemented by herbivorous while they didn't begin to synthesize insulin and hepatocytes not yet transform all endogenous palmitic fatty acid into oleic fatty acid. Insulin initiated: a) transferring of oleic fatty acids to lipoproteins of very low density without forming oleic lipoproteins of low density; b) highly effective oleic metabolism of fatty acids in vivo: c) becoming of biological function of locomotion. The aphysiological induction by substrate, surplus of palmitic fatty acids in food initiate negative alterations in composition of lipoproteins in opposite direction than in case of phylogenesis. When homo sapiens, herbivorous in phylogenesis, begins to misuse carnivorous (meat) food then instead of normolipoproteinemia in blood plasma under electrophoresis of lipoproteins one can initially detect transitory hyperlipoproteinemia type IV and then prolonged hyperlipoproteinemia type IIb. If patient factually passes on to carnivorous diet then hyperlipoproteinemia type V is developing. If content of exogenous palmitic fatty acid in food surpasses physiological capacities of its transferring in oleic triglycerides as palmitoyl-oleyl-palmitate glycerol, palmitic triglycerides as oleyl-palmitoyl-palmitate glycerol begin to form and epigenetically aphysiological non-ligand palmitic lipoproteins of very low density --> lipoproteins of low density are formed. Their circulation in blood is a cause of hypertriglyceridemia, higher level of cholesterol-lipoproteins of low density, compensatory increasing of apoC-III. Then occurs induced by substrate formation of hyperlipoproteinemia initially of type IV, then of type IIb and fnally of type V. The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and atheromotosis is activated when homo sapiens, herbivorous in phylogenesis, begin to misuse carnivorous food affecting biological functions of trophology, reaction of exotrophy (external nutrition), function of homeostasis, endoecology and function of adaptation. The formation of palmitic metabolism if fatty acids instead of oleic one is a cause of chronic defciency of energy and ATP synthesis in vivo. Insulin activates absorption of glucose by cells with purpose to use it for synthesis of oleic fatty acids. In the frst place, insulin regulates in vivo metabolism of fatty acids and only in second place metabolism of glucose"
Keywords:Apolipoprotein C-III Humans Insulin *Lipolysis Phylogeny Triglycerides atherosclerosis carnivorous herbivorous oleic fatty acid palmitic fatty acid;
Notes:"MedlineTitov, V N Rozhkova, T A Aripovsky, A V Amelyushkina, V A Karganov, M Yu rus Russia (Federation) 2018/12/15 Klin Lab Diagn. 2018; 63(1):4-15. doi: 10.18821/0869-2084-2018-63-1-4-15"

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