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Am Nat

Title:How patrollers set foraging direction in harvester ants
Author(s):Greene MJ; Gordon DM;
Address:"Department of Biology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, P.O. Box 173364, Campus Box 171, Denver, Colorado 80211, USA."
Journal Title:Am Nat
Page Number:943 - 948
DOI: 10.1086/522843
ISSN/ISBN:1537-5323 (Electronic) 0003-0147 (Linking)
Abstract:"Recruitment to food or nest sites is well known in ants; the recruiting ants lay a chemical trail that other ants follow to the target site, or they walk with other ants to the target site. Here we report that a different process determines foraging direction in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Each day, the colony chooses from among up to eight distinct foraging trails; colonies use different trails on different days. Here we show that the patrollers regulate the direction taken by foragers each day by depositing Dufour's secretions onto a sector of the nest mound about 20 cm long and leading to the beginning of a foraging trail. The patrollers do not recruit foragers all the way to food sources, which may be up to 20 m away. Fewer foragers traveled along a trail if patrollers had no access to the sector of the nest mound leading to that trail. Adding Dufour's gland extract to patroller-free sectors of the nest mound rescued foraging in that direction, while poison gland extract did not. We also found that in the absence of patrollers, most foragers used the direction they had used on the previous day. Thus, the colony's 30-50 patrollers act as gatekeepers for thousands of foragers and choose a foraging direction, but they do not recruit and lead foragers all the way to a food source"
Keywords:Animals Ants/*physiology Feeding Behavior/*physiology Pheromones *Social Behavior;
Notes:"MedlineGreene, Michael J Gordon, Deborah M eng Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't 2008/01/04 Am Nat. 2007 Dec; 170(6):943-8. doi: 10.1086/522843"

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