Bedoukian   RussellIPM   Pherobank   Piezo-Electric-Micro-Sprayer


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Semiochemicals of Bothrops pauloensis, the Cerrado lancehead

Phylum:  Chordata
Subphylum:  Vertebrata
Class:  Reptilia
Order:  Squamata
Family:  Viperidae
Subfamily:  Crotalinae
Genus:  Bothrops
Author:  Amaral
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Bedoukain RussellIPM


  Ferreira FB  2013  Toxins  5: 2403   
    BpPLA2-TXI    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Batatais, São Paulo State, Brazil 
  Rodrigues RS  2009  Biochimie  113: 103   
    Bp-LAAO    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 
  Rodrigues RS  2007  Toxicon  50: 153   
    Bp-PLA2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Minas Gerais, Brazil 
  Borja-Oliveira CR  2007  J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.  13: 103   
    NeuTX-I    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
São Paulo State, Brazil 
    NeuTX-II    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Rodrigues VM  2004  Toxicon  44: 305   
    BnpTX-I    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil 
    BnpTX-II    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Soares AM  2000a  Arch. Biochem. Biophys.  378: 201   
    BnSP-7    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
São Paulo State, Brazil 


Ferreira, F.B., Gomes, M.S.R., de Souza, D.L.N., Gimenes, S.N.C., Castanheira, L.E., Borges, M.H., Rodrigues, R.S., Yoneyama, K.A.G., Brandeburgo, M.I.H., and Rodrigues, V.M. 2013. Molecular cloning and pharmacological properties of an acidic PLA2 from Bothrops pauloensis snake venom. Toxins. 5:2403-2419.
Rodrigues, R.S., da Silva, J.F., Boldrini, F.J., Fonseca, F.P., Otaviano, A.R., Henrique, Silva, F., Hamaguch, A., Magro, A.J., Braz, A.S., dos Santos, J.I., Homsi-Brandeburgo, M.I., Fontes, M.R., Fuly, A.L., Soares, A.M., and Rodrigues, V.M. 2009. Structural and functional properties of Bp-LAAO, a new L-amino acid oxidase isolated from Bothrops pauloensis snake venom. Biochimie. 91:490-501.
Borja-Oliveira, C.R., Kassab, B.H., Soares, A.M., Toyama, M.H., Giglio, J.R., Marangoni, S., Re, L., Rodrigues-Simioni, L. 2007. Purification and n-terminal sequencing of two presynaptic neurotoxic PLA2, neuwieditoxin-I and neuwieditoxin-II, from Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis (jararaca pintada) venom. J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. 13:103-121.
Rodrigues, R.S., Izidoro, L.F.M., Teixeira, S.S., Silveira, L.B., Hamaguchi, A., Homsi-Brandeburgo, M.I., Selistre-de-Araujo, H.S., Giglio, J.R., Fuly, A.L., Soares, A.M., and Rodrigues, V.M. 2007. Isolation and functional characterization of a new myotoxic acidic phospholipase A2 from Bothrops pauloensis snake venom. Toxicon. 50:153-165.
Rodrigues, V.M., Marcussi, S., Cambraia, R.S., De Araújo, A.L., Malta-Neto, N.R., Hamaguchi, A., Ferro, E.A.V., Homsi-Brandeburgo, M.I., Giglio, J.R., and Soares, A.M. 2004. Bactericidal and neurotoxic activities of two myotoxic phospholipases A2 from Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis snake venom. Toxicon. 44:305-314.
Soares, A. M., Guerra-Sá, R., Borja-Oliveira, C.R., Rodrigues, V.M., Rodrigues-Simioni, L., Rodrigues, V., Fontes, M.R., Lomonte, B., Gutiérrez, J.M., and Giglio, J.R. 2000a. Structural and functional characterization of BnSP-7, a Lys49 myotoxic phospholipase A2 homologue from Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 378:201-209.
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2024. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2024 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 28-July-2024