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« Previous CompoundZ9Z12-14Ac Next Compoundzingiberenol I » NMR - Compound Z-exo-alpha-bergamotenal (Z)-2-Methyl-5-((1R,5R,6S)-2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-6-yl)-pent-2-enal Formula:C15H22O CAS#: MW:218.33 [MS] [Behavioural function] [ Synthesis ] Jmol._Canvas2D (Jmol) "jmolApplet0"[x] Dots surface: no dotsvanderWaals dots surfacesolvent-accessible surfaceSpacefill:spacefill offspacefill 20%spacefill 95%Wireframe:wireframe offwireframe onwireframe .15wireframe .25wireframe .5background ivorybackground whitebackground blackbackground yellowbackground salmonbackground palegreenbackground skyblueRed blue stereo on/offElement label on/off Reference(s) for NMR of (Z)-2-Methyl-5-((1R,5R,6S)-2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-6-yl)-pent-2-enal [Z-exo-alpha-bergamotenal] Reference(s) Alizadeh, B.H., Kuwahara, S., Leal, W.S., and Men, H.-C. 2002. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 66:1415-1418.