Butane-2,3-dione Formula:C4H6O2 MW:86.09 CAS#:431-03-8 [MS] [ Kovats ] [ Behavioural function ] [ Occurance in plants ] Jmol._Canvas2D (Jmol) "jmolApplet0"[x] Dots surface: no dotsvanderWaals dots surfacesolvent-accessible surfaceSpacefill:spacefill offspacefill 20%spacefill 95%Wireframe:wireframe offwireframe onwireframe .15wireframe .25wireframe .5background ivorybackground whitebackground blackbackground yellowbackground salmonbackground palegreenbackground skyblueRed blue stereo on/offElement label on/off List of the plant species produce Butane-2,3-dione [diacetyl] Alismatales, Araceae Sauromatum guttatum Voodoo lily Arecales, Arecaceae Asterogyne martiana Calyptrogyne costatifrons Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana Coligallo palm Geonoma brongniartii Geonoma congesta Geonoma cuneata var. cuneata Geonoma cuneata var. procumbens Geonoma cuneata var. sodiroi Geonoma irena Geonoma longepedunculata Geonoma macrostachys var. macrostachys Geonoma maxima Geonoma orbignyana Geonoma poeppigiana Geonoma polyandra Geonoma stricta var. piscicauda Geonoma stricta var. stricta Geonoma tenuissima Geonoma triglochin Geonoma undata Red crownshaft palm Pholidostachys synanthera Welfia regia American palm Brassicales, Brassicaceae Brassica napus ssp. oleifera Winter oilseed rape Zingiberales, Zingiberaceae Hedychium coronarium White ginger lily