1,3-Dimethyltrisulfide |
Formula: | C2H6S3 |
MW: | 126.26 |
CAS#: | 3658-80-8 |
[ NMR ]
[ Kovats ]
[ Synthesis ]
[ Behavioural function ]
[ Occurance in plants ]
List of the plant species produce 1,3-Dimethyltrisulfide [1me3me-trisulfide]
Alismatales, Araceae | |
Amorphophallus albispathus |
Amorphophallus albus |
Amorphophallus annulifer |
Amorphophallus arnautovii |
Amorphophallus brachyphyllus |
Amorphophallus bulbifer |
Amorphophallus cicatricifer |
Amorphophallus eichleri |
Amorphophallus elatus |
Amorphophallus fallax |
Amorphophallus glossophyllus |
Amorphophallus haematospadix |
Amorphophallus konjac |
Konjac |
Amorphophallus lacourii |
Amorphophallus margaritifer |
Amorphophallus maximus |
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius |
Elephant foot yam |
Amorphophallus prainii |
Thailand devil's tongue |
Amorphophallus sagittarius |
Amorphophallus titanum |
Titan arum |
Helicodiceros muscivorus |
Dead horse arum lily |
Hydrosme rivieri |
Devil's tongue |
Sauromatum guttatum |
Voodoo lily |
Arecales, Arecaceae | |
Asterogyne martiana |
Calyptrogyne costatifrons |
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana |
Coligallo palm |
Geonoma brongniartii |
Geonoma congesta |
Geonoma cuneata var. cuneata |
Geonoma cuneata var. procumbens |
Geonoma cuneata var. sodiroi |
Geonoma irena |
Geonoma longepedunculata |
Geonoma macrostachys var. macrostachys |
Geonoma maxima |
Geonoma orbignyana |
Geonoma poeppigiana |
Geonoma polyandra |
Geonoma stricta var. piscicauda |
Geonoma stricta var. stricta |
Geonoma tenuissima |
Geonoma triglochin |
Geonoma undata |
Red crownshaft palm |
Pholidostachys synanthera |
Welfia regia |
American palm |
Asparagales, Agavaceae | |
Agave americana |
American aloe |
Brassicales, Brassicaceae | |
Brassica napus ssp. oleifera |
Winter oilseed rape |
Cleome anomala |
Caryophyllales, Cactaceae | |
Discocactus cristallophilus |
Discocactus silicicola |
Dolichothele longimamma |
Echinopsis coronata |
Echinopsis mamillosa |
Espostoa blossfeldiorum |
Harrisia adscendens |
Hylocereus polyrhizus |
Pitajaya |
Hylocereus venezuelensis |
Pereskia aculeata |
Barbados shrub |
Pilosocereus arrabidae |
Pilosocereus catingicola |
Pilosocereus pachycladus |
Blue candle |
Pilosocereus tweedyanus |
Rebutia marsoneri |
Rebutia narvaecense |
Selenicereus grandiflorus |
Queen of the night |
Selenicereus hamatus |
Sulcorebutia kruegeri |
Ericales, Polemoniaceae | |
Cobaea scandens |
Cathedral bells |
Fabales, Fabaceae | |
Bauhinia ungulata |
Orchid tree |
Lamiales, Bignoniaceae | |
Crescentia cujete |
Calabash tree |
Parmentiera aculeata |
Cucumber tree |
Parmentiera alata |
Mexican calabash |
Malvales, Malvaceae | |
Ceiba pentandra |
Kapok tree |
Ceiba trischistandra |
Ceibo tree |
Ochroma pyramidalis |
Balsa tree |
Piperales, Hydnoraceae | |
Hydnora africana |
Jakkalskos |
Solanales, Solanaceae | |
Markea neurantha |