Bedoukian   RussellIPM   Pherobank   Piezo-Electric-Micro-Sprayer


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Semiochemicals of Genus Discestra

Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Uniramia
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Hadeninae
Tribe: Hadenini
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Bedoukain RussellIPM


Discestra farnhami Grote
               Steck WF  1982b  Experientia  38: 94   
    Z11-16Ald    100 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z9-14Ald    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z9-16Ald    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Steck WF  1979c  Can. Entomol.  111: 1263   
    Z11-16Ald    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Discestra trifolii Hufnagel
               Toth M  2010  J. Chem. Ecol.  36: 592   
    3me-4OH    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    acetic acid    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    isobutanol    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Landolt PJ  2007  Can. Entomol.  139: 278   
    acetic acid    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Alaska, USA 
    3me-4OH    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Lebedeva KV  2000c  Agrokhimiya  7: 78   
    Z11-16Ac    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z11-16OH    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    16Ac    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Subchev MA  1987  Folia Biol.  35: 143   
    Z11-16Ac    100 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z5-16Ac    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Van de Veire M  1986  Entomol. Exp. Appl.  41: 153   
    Z11-16Ac    8 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z11-17Ac    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    16Ac    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Ayre GL  1982a  Can. Entomol.  114: 145   
    Z11-16Ac    9 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z11-16OH    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Chisholm MD  1980b  J. Chem. Ecol.  6: 203   
    Z11E14-16Ac    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Hrdy I  1979a  Acta Entomol. Bohemoslov.  76: 65   
    Z11-14Ac    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Czech Republic 
               Boness M  1978  Anz. Schädlingskd. Pfl. Umwelt  51: 161   
    Z11-14Ac    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   A
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Underhill EW  1976  Environ. Entomol.  5: 307   
    Z11-16Ac    9 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   * ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z11-16OH    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   * ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Struble DL  1975a  Environ. Entomol.  4: 632   
    Z11-16Ac    9 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    Z11-16OH    1 ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
               Roelofs WL  1970a  J. Econ. Entomol.  63: 969   
    Z11-16Ac    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦

Tóth, M., Szarukán, I., Dorogi, B., Gulyás, A., Nagy, P., and Rozgonyi, Z. 2010. Male and female noctuid moths attracted to synthetic lures in Europe. J. Chem. Ecol. 36:592-598.
Landolt, P.J., Pantoja, A., Hagerty, A., Crabo, L., and Green, D. 2007. Moths trapped in Alaska with feeding attractant lures and the seasonal flight patterns of potential agricultural pests. Can. Entomol. 139:278-291.
Lebedeva, K.V., Vendilo, N.V., Pletnev, V.A., Ponomarev, V.L., Kurbatov, S.A., Mitroshin, D.B., Bocharova, N.I., and Shchennikov, V.A. 2000c. Identification of the pheromone of the clover cutworm Scotogramma trifolii. Agrokhimiya. 7:78-81.
Subchev, M.A., Stanimirova, L.S., and Milkova, Tz.S. 1987. The effect of compounds related to cis-11-hexadecenyl acetates on its attractiveness to the males of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and some other noctuid species. Folia Biol. 35:143-150.
Van de Veire, M., and Dirinck, P. 1986. Sex pheromone components of the cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae: isolation, identification and field experiments. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 41:153-155.
Steck, W.F., Underhill, E.W., Bailey, B.K., and Chisholm, M.D. 1982b. Trace co-attractants in synthetic sex lures for 22 noctuid moths. Experientia. 38:94-96.
Ayre, G.L., Turnock, W.J., and Struble, D.L. 1982a. Spatial and temporal variability in sex attractant trap catches of Scotogramma trifolii (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in relation to its biology in Manitoba sex pheromones. Can. Entomol. 114:145-154.
Chisholm, M.D., Steck, W., and Underhill, E.W. 1980b. Effects of additional double bonds on some olefinic moth sex attractants. J. Chem. Ecol. 6:203-212.
Steck, W.F., Chisholm, M.D., Bailey, B.K., and Underhill, E.W. 1979c. Moth sex attractants found by systematic field testing of 3-component acetate-aldehyde candidate lures. Can. Entomol. 111:1263-1269.
Hrdy, I., Marek, J., and Krampl, F. 1979a. Sexual pheromone activity of 8-dodecenyl and 11-tetradecenyl acetates for males of several lepidopteran species in field trials. Acta Entomol. Bohemoslov. 76:65-84.
Boness, M. 1978. Experiences with sex pheromone of Lepidoptera. Anz. Schädlingskd. Pfl. Umwelt. 51:161-166.
Underhill, E.W., Steck, W.F., and Chisholm, M.D. 1976. Sex pheromone of the clover cutworm moth, Scotogramma trifolii: isolation, identification and field studies. Environ. Entomol. 5:307-310.
Struble, D.L., and Swailes, G.E. 1975a. A sex attractant for the clover cutworm, Scotogramma trifolii (Rottenberg), a mixture of Z-11-hexa-decen-1-ol acetate and Z-11-hexadecen-1-ol. Environ. Entomol. 4:632-636.
Roelofs, W.L., and Comeau, A. 1970a. Lepidopterous sex attractants discovered by field screening tests. J. Econ. Entomol. 63:969-974.

Citation: El-Sayed AM 2024. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2024 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 28-July-2024